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Everything posted by Silverbolt

  1. W.I.P. MB 326

    Nice! >< i want see Machi Mb 339 and Frecce Tricolori(Damn! my favourite squad after Esquadrilha da Fumaça!)
  2. UAHAHUAHHAUHAAHAH Tosko.....Amadores....\o/

    ah.... o pior é esse exército sul americano que o Chavez quer! com os franceses aki , isso não vai ser possivel!(graças a deus!)
  4. F-15 is a Terrible Dogfighter!-what i can remember the German's MiG-29s put the Tomcats to run in a exercice! F-14 is too(but i love the big cat!) the sucess if Eagle is never join in a Dogfight beware 300knts! the Fulcrums and Flankers can easy eat the Eagles in Dogfights!(and may the floggers...) the syrians revogue one Eagle Kill in beeka valey. what we have to understand is: both were concepted as interceptors at high altitude,both were concepted to intercept soviet bombers at high altitude! never join in a Dogfight.... So...F-14 and F-15 Aren't super maneuverable.
  5. BTW.... Super Hornets are gays too
  6. Hey Laddies.......................................................................................... xD im not in Home now...but im will take the plane in few hours.... probably tomorrow i will be fully operational.
  7. lol let's try online 1x1! lol, offcourse this is just a simulator(and doesnt simulate all variants in a air combat, but it could be funny. if im not mistaken, the USAF and USN simulate a combat between F-14 and F-15....but i could not found the results.
  8. hey those shots are against the Retard AI! doesnt count!

    uehauehaue eu vi isso! seria legal se eles dessem uns rafales de graça....
  10. lol, i trought i post something in this trhead....
  11. i think it will be a great idea if you call Wingwinner for this project. he made some awesome models with very nice skins!
  12. should be nice....but i yhink the people are not interested:( i remember one time i play BF2 in lan with my brother in single mission at home... we play via hamachi in single mission, but i dont know if this is possible in WOV .
  13. On This Day

  14. nice that you make with "Wings Over Israel" hehe
  15. My Useless Post for 6000

    LOL, Lomac never run in my old PC .....and that pc was pre-historical! those days was my Novalogic's sims day! haha and Novaworld still active!
  16. Cicare Ch-14

    Eles querem transferência de tecnologia com um fabricante estrangeiro! acho meio impossivel! a não ser que a Argentina compre uma porrada de Heli americano ou sei lá... "gringo". e acho que essa não é a intenção da Argentina. Transferencia de tecnologia pra américa do sul.....é ruim hein!
  17. Cicare Ch-14

    eu acho que não vai pra ffrente não.... vc viu a proposta deles?
  18. VF-1

    http://br.youtube.com/watch?v=bxF8O56g5do muito da hora! bem que poderiam ser uns MiG-29K ou Rafale F1 na melhor das hipoteses um A-1M
  19. Xavantão!

    bem, prometo que agora vou parar de entulhar o fórum de posts xDD queria ver os Alpha da FAP fazerem isso! babem, nós temos ele e vcs não ! LoL pena que esse vai deixar saudades! http://br.youtube.com/watch?v=OqciTB1pfR8

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