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Everything posted by avi8tor

  1. After asking around a bit I finally found out how to merge thirdwire sims, thanks to FastCargo. Here is the a quote from his post: Good questions. Let me tell you my stepthrough (I used WOI as my 'base' sim): 1) Backed up my WOI Objectdata.cat and renamed it (Objectdata.cat.bak...any name will do so long as you know what it is). 2) Copyed all the Objectdata.cat files from each sim (SFP1/WOV/WOE/WOI), renaming them as I copied them (ObjectdataSFP1.cat, ObjectdataWOV.cat, etc). I would recommend coping all 4 files into one directory (an empty one). 3) Used the old extractor to extract ALL files. Here's the trick. I used the old extractor to extract each one in order of release (SFP1, then WOV, etc). The extractor does not have a 'prevent overwrite' function...and so will happily overwrite previous versions of the files. I extracted in this order so any overwrites would be newer files. 4) Remove the old CAT files out of the directory. All that should remain is the files that you want in the new, custom Objectdata.cat. 5) Copy the cat compiler (I'm not sure the actual file name) into that directory and run it. It will generate the new cat file (I forgot what the name of the new file is). 6) Copy the new cat file into your Objects directory and rename it Objectdata.cat. 7) Run the sim! So far, I have not noticed any errors or crashes. Now, TK I think mentioned that some aircraft (specifically some of the advesaries) may have region specific tweaks, so if there are duplicates, they will prioritize on the WOI standard. However, any stock aircraft from other sims you 'tweaked' with custom data.ini will be unaffected. The sim still works the same way, only looking in the Objectdata.cat file if it doesn't find the specific file outside of the CAT. I only did this with stock objects...I mainly just wanted a common reference Objectdata.cat file. However, there is nothing preventing a totally custom .CAT file. Theoretically, it is possible, though the undertaking would be massive. FastCargo In post: Migrating old maps, to FC and wrench --------------------- So there you go! Extra Notes: As FastCargo mentions WOI stock AI planes will take precedence over others. As a fix I added the skins from the WOE and WOV versions and updated the config files. -This will allow the proper skins to be used in campaign mode but not in single missions I don't know the fix any suggestions? The old CAT extractor is in the downloads section here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...mp;showfile=343 And the CATPack utility can be found here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...4&hl=gerwin Thanks to FastCargo and gerwin
  2. Simulator Promotion

    For those of you like slightly older flight sims Good old Games is having a 30% off sale (they are a download service for older games). This includes Il-2 1946 for less than $8. plus FA-18 hornet and some heli sims. Here is the link http://www.gog.com/en/page/flightsim_promo/ They also have a bunch of other games as well worth a look. PS-I'm not affliated with Good Old Games in anyway.
  3. I thinks its in the knowledge base under beginner modding.
  4. Your family rig

    Well I drive a Honda Accord, not fancy but gets good gas mileage. My family is just me and the wife so I have no family car yet. But my Dad still commutes in his 1988 Caprice Classic Station wagon. I wish they still made em, I guess when the kids start coming I'll have to get a stinky SUV or mini van. Oh well.
  5. This is really awesome http://www.pcgameshardware.com/aid,687415/...ble-today/News/
  6. I'm pretty sure it doesn't. WOE and WOV have a lot of planes and other things in common so it makes more sense to merge those. If you are running out of hard drive space it will save you a significant amount of space. You can merge them manually however in single missions you will have planes flying that don't match the area or country such as soviet migs over Vietnam etc. There is a fix around this more info can be found here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=32311&hl=
  7. http://www.blender.org/ Blender is a free open source 3d program I believe you could use this, it does seem very capable. I don't really know much about 3d modeling for thirdwire games maybe someone here can let you know if this program would work.
  8. Wow the detail is stunning. I'm thoroughly impressed. Great job.
  9. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...pecific+install This will walk you through how to make an era specific install. I just made one for the first time the other day, great fun!
  10. Nice idea! Funny, I was just thinking about a modernized f-16 yesterday. Have you seen photos of the diverterless intake? http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/comm..._Inlet_F-16.jpg Also the horizontal stabilizer of the F-2 is pretty neat http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/comm...67/F2andF16.png I wish I knew how to mod so I could help out. Anyway great idea!
  11. If I had no budget limitations I might try a CH flight stick, however I do own a Cyborg evo force and I do like it although I find it a bit too complicated for me to adjust all the gain settings and the force feedback, the manual doesn't explain all the different adjustments. But still a fun stick when you can get everything working nice. If you decide to go Saitek they usually sell refurbished stuff (I bought mine refurbished for 50% the retail price). Heres the website http://store.gameshark.com/listCategoriesA...?idCategory=178
  12. Hijack in my city

    “Sequestro mais longo com arma de videogame dos anos 90″ é do Brasil-il-il! That was my favorite part. Somente no Brasil!
  13. Well thanks to the newest desert storm mod and Yankee air pirate I am running out of hard drive space on my laptop. I wanted to ask what would be the best solution. Most of the space on my hard drive is taken up by flight sims etc. Could I play games from an external usb hard drive or flash drive?
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLkfx6QxLfg...re=channel_page True point to point interface more information can be found here: http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=35202 This is really awesome.
  15. Hard drive space running out!

    Thanks that's good to hear. Looks like I will buy an external hard drive then. Do you have any recommendations?
  16. Why do they never have the models you want?

    If you are willing to jump mediums from plastic to card there is this one here: http://paperjerry.googlepages.com/mustang16 Can buy it here: http://www.papermodels.co.il/ although it may a tad too difficult for a beginner. Either way good luck!
  17. Woohoo It's great I've been waiting for this one.
  18. F-8 Crusader what if?

    What about a two engine vertical configuration like the English Electric lightning
  19. I feel the same way, since the patch I have decided not to add any props for now, although TK's next installment will have props (P-51) and hopefully FM supporting props. I'm keeping my fingers crossed
  20. Thanks FastCargo this is what I was looking for merged install here I come!
  21. FastCargo! I also would like to merge my WOV/WOE and WOI installs, can you point me to anymore info on how to merge them all?
  22. Hello all, I got WOI back when it first came out and decided to wait for TK to release the WOI standard patch for WOE/WOV in hopes that merging my WOE/WOV would be less complicated. Can anybody tell me what files need to be moved etc? ( I searched the forum and didn't find anything specific for WOI merge.) (Also I'm starting with WOI fresh install and WOE/WOV merged install). Thanks

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