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Posts posted by erik_l

  1. K dude, it's not actually 2 weeks... it's just a standard reply. Rest assured, they're hard at work at this baby... ...Or watching Python, I mean, either way, they're keeping out of trouble.


    Sorry, but I don't understand. I'm sure they're hard at work, I was just wondering if we could have some info on what's happening right now.

    "Standard reply"?

    Some kind of expression that does not actually mean 2 weeks?

  2. *suddenly appears*


    I'm trying to finish this now, at least visually, and release a 'beta' that maybe someone else can fix and improve. It's mostly config stuff like weapon values and flight model that's probably incorrect.



    I'm very impressed by your work with the Gripen and I really hope to be able to fly it in Wings Over Europe.

    Gux, will you post a message here when the beta is available for download?


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