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      Upcoming changes to our Downloads   12/27/2024

      In preparation for the upcoming changes to our download section, access to free downloads will be removed tonight 27 December 2024 at midnight server time. All paid subscription accounts will not be affected and full access to your downloads will be available.


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Everything posted by erik_l

  1. I fly Wings Over Europe. Which flightstick / joystick would you recommend? Quality, handling and function is important, as well as price level. It would be great to find one that costs no more than $100 £40 600 SEK 60 Euro
  2. Thanks again, also for the weapons included which I hadn't expected. BUT I have also run into problems since adding the JAS39C. My game crashes too, usually when clicking "Fly!". Too bad. It never happened before adding this. And I run win XP. Not Vista.
  3. Perfect timing! Friday afternoon! THANKS!!!
  4. This is what it felt like some 30 years ago a few days before christmas eve.
  5. Dammit I wanna fly that Griffon NOW! While waiting, I even installed Jane's Fighters Anthology but it ran at about 10 times the normal speed so it was impossible to fly ;-)
  6. Let's not turn this thread into a "my plane is better than yours" discussion. In this thread we discuss, and wait for, the 39C addon.
  7. Sorry, but I don't understand. I'm sure they're hard at work, I was just wondering if we could have some info on what's happening right now. "Standard reply"? Some kind of expression that does not actually mean 2 weeks?
  8. Two weeks today! Perhaps you can give us some information about this exciting WIP...!!
  9. I can't remember the last time I waited this much for a little piece of software! It all looks very promising. Still on schedule?
  10. Can't wait!!! I actually began flying Wings Over Europe yesterday so I'm probably one of the newest WoE simmers here.
  11. I'm very impressed by your work with the Gripen and I really hope to be able to fly it in Wings Over Europe. Gux, will you post a message here when the beta is available for download?

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