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Everything posted by JesterV2

  1. i have now 6 months experience with 3d studio max 09. if i can help anyone with projects just add a comment
  2. yes i know i already awnsered that
  3. i made a c-17 globemaster its made with 3d studio max 2009,i cant make it fly so if you want to do it just PM me at:nfsu2_jester@hotmail.com i'l send you the model and skins.(BTW give me you email plz) and if youre done plz send the model back with INI files
  4. i created this nice bombardier learjet 25(not finished yet). i would like to fly this plane in WoE(sounds weird but i dont have any normal flight sims) but i dont know how,i only know i have to do zomething with ini.files,(dont worry about skinning,i know how that works)but thats it. can someone help me? thanks
  5. right.....................can someone tell me what i did wrong and what i need to change?(by the way...its a helikopter )
  6. canopy wich can be opend and maybe a VTOL(vertical takeoff and landing)
  7. how do i actually make an engine for my heli??
  8. well i used the data of an mi-24 so thats right i did link the parts together......but they are editable POLYs i think they need to be an editable mesh right?
  9. [LeftWing] ParentComponentName=Fuselage ModelNodeName=leftwing ShowFromCockpit=FALSE DetachWhenDAMAGED=TRUE DamageRating=DAMAGED MassFraction=0.1 HasAeroCoefficients=TRUE LiftSurface=TRUE CL0=0.1839 CLa=2.6339 CD0=0.0032 CDL=0.0250 Cmq=-0.3431 Cmad=1.4554 Cyb=-0.0268 Clb=-0.0272 Clp=-0.1031 Clr=0.5206 Cnb=-0.0108 Cnp=0.0331 Cnr=-0.1513 CLaMachTableNumData=4 CLaMachTableDeltaX=0.40 CLaMachTableStartX=0.00 CLaMachTableData=0.985,1.000,1.049,1.187 CD0MachTableNumData=4 CD0MachTableDeltaX=0.40 CD0MachTableStartX=0.00 CD0MachTableData=1.810,1.000,1.051,12.614 CDLAlphaTableNumData=15 CDLAlphaTableDeltaX=4.00 CDLAlphaTableStartX=-28.00 CDLAlphaTableData=49.000,36.000,25.000,16.000,9.000,4.000,1.000,0.000,1.000,4.000,9.000,16.000,25.000,36.000,49.000 CmqMachTableNumData=4 CmqMachTableDeltaX=0.40 CmqMachTableStartX=0.00 CmqMachTableData=0.886,1.000,1.734,-3.798 ClbAlphaTableNumData=15 ClbAlphaTableDeltaX=4.00 ClbAlphaTableStartX=-28.00 ClbAlphaTableData=-10.785,-9.312,-7.839,-6.366,-4.893,-3.420,-1.946,-0.473,1.000,2.473,3.946,5.420,6.893,8.366,9.839 ClpAlphaTableNumData=15 ClpAlphaTableDeltaX=4.00 ClpAlphaTableStartX=-28.00 ClpAlphaTableData=4.076,3.243,2.538,1.961,1.513,1.192,1.000,0.936,1.000,1.192,1.513,1.961,2.538,3.243,4.076 ClrAlphaTableNumData=15 ClrAlphaTableDeltaX=4.00 ClrAlphaTableStartX=-28.00 ClrAlphaTableData=-7.467,-6.409,-5.350,-4.292,-3.234,-2.175,-1.117,-0.058,1.000,2.058,3.117,4.175,5.234,6.292,7.350 CnpAlphaTableNumData=15 CnpAlphaTableDeltaX=4.00 CnpAlphaTableStartX=-28.00 CnpAlphaTableData=-40.079,-26.195,-16.320,-9.573,-5.203,-2.546,-1.000,0.000,1.000,2.546,5.203,9.573,16.320,26.195,40.079 CnrAlphaTableNumData=15 CnrAlphaTableDeltaX=4.00 CnrAlphaTableStartX=-28.00 CnrAlphaTableData=45.443,33.407,23.222,14.889,8.407,3.778,1.000,0.074,1.000,3.778,8.407,14.889,23.222,33.407,45.443 XacMachTableNumData=4 XacMachTableDeltaX=0.40 XacMachTableStartX=0.00 XacMachTableData=0.608,0.612,0.635,0.336 CheckStall=FALSE CLmax=0.2665 AlphaStall=17.25 AlphaMax=24.08 AlphaDepart=30.96 Ymac=-1.37 SystemName[001]=LeftFlap i dont get this....can some one explane?
  10. could anyone tell me what to do with data inis(and offcourse the rest of the inis)and tell me what everything means(couse im dutch i dont understand everything) i didnt find info about data inis in knowledge base
  11. Yuupiiiii! Quarter Finals here we go!

    holland vs russia tomorrow(holland wins offcourse)
  12. thanks....looks quite funny with weapons :yes: back to the point.........does any one have some tutorials
  13. i hope that you get why im asking the firts(im just 13 years ) does anyone has some tutorials?
  14. but for example.....how do i know what the animation number is??
  15. so if i export my learjet....i dont have to do the data ini myself?
  16. i downloaded a carrier for WoE,i tried to find the carrier in ALL the maps i have,but i wasn't able to find it. i even changed from very rare to very common but even that didnt work. icant find the carrier could anyone help me out? thanks
  17. ....thats actually a very good idea.im gonna try,thanks(bad english.im dutch)
  18. the f/a-22 VTOL,ah-64 apache,cobra,sikorsky vh-60,northrop grumman global hawk(not flyable but whatever)and rafale dassault.
  19. well i tried to find some carrier based missions and campaigns,but they all need carriers wich arent available anymore.could anyone send some links like the cv59(carrier,i need that one)
  20. File Name: dutch shark mouth File Submitter: lol90 File Submitted: 13 Jun 2008 File Category: Heavies mv-22 osprey skin for WoE finaly done,took 3 hours,2 for mouth(that was very hard cause the bump at the side,but i did it! )and 1 hour for the rest enjoy Click here to download this file
  21. File Name: a-10a smudged out File Submitter: lol90 File Submitted: 12 Jun 2008 File Category: A-10 skin for wings over europe. enjoy and feel free to modify Click here to download this file

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