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Everything posted by yamit

  1. What Do You Want More??

    Hi Yeah cloud effects if applicable would just be a bonus :) Seems most people agree on realism, that´s good. Graphic beauty is expected too. I would like to see damage affecting the way the aircraft flies, nicely done in IL-2-PF. Uneven weapons loadout/aircraft beahaviour after dropping of ordnance. How about being able to enter/leave cockpit ? That could be, like, scripted, short animation, or a free walk around the pad/hangar/airfield ? Being able to walk around aircraft after mission end and/or before ? Well there are so many things that one would like, lucky for you I am not a pilot so I don´t know all procedures around combat aircraft, else this list could get very long. As someone pointed out above; weather effects. Ground detail, city/traffic lights at night ! I personally would piss my pants if I could see cars driving at night on a highway below, while looking outside the cockpit. Ok. I better stop now :) Good Luck with Jet Thunder and don´t rush it. I know you will do it right. I remember the Falklands war vaguely, I was 11-12 years old and the news almost made it seem like the end of the world. Those were scary times before the end of the cold war ! yamit Iceland
  2. What Do You Want More??

    Hi all I would like to add one thing to these great ideas. Animated clouds. Has anyone thought of that, you know where the plane ahead of you makes swirls when flying through clouds. If this was possible it would add to realism of athmosphere. I think clouds are generally too static in Flightsims currently, they need more life. This is probably hard to implement.
  3. Wow, the place is lookin' good!

    Hi all Seeing the discussions on simhq I decided to check this place out. I like it :yes: I like your idea of trying to gather as much of mods and utilities in one place. Would also be nice if there was a linkpace to the various sfp1 dedicated pages, maybe there is such a link somewhere on combatace. While trying to register here I found out that I had already registered early last december. Had forgotten all about that, must have had a few beers im me belly at that time Any way nice to be here and see all many of the names I have gotten to know and respect over at simhq. I will continue reading on shq, thats where I have laid my hat... These two forums should be able to coexist, no problem. Congrats with this Great effort.

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