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pato poli

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Everything posted by pato poli

  1. excelent work!!! Im not good with those ".ini" and that, but im impress with your dedication. in some forums is "forbiten" speak about that conflict, i dont know why (maybe if i play c&c generals with GLA im a terrorist?) i got some data: FAA airplanes in malvinas/falklands airport at puerto argentino/stanley: Pucara, aermacchi mb-339, mentor, uh-1h, chinook, puma there was others 2 "airport", but there use was very dificult. there was some kind of "here you can land...if God help you" A pucara pilot sai: "normaly we take off with 105knots and clean configuration (no weapons), in the war, when i reach the end of the runway i just pull up, controling the engines working at full power, with rockets and bomb fully loaded....i watch the speed...was only 85 knots" i dont know if is useful put that "airports" in the game...only pucara and mentors could use it. the name of argentine base in continent was: BAM (militari air base) Rio Gallegos BAM Rio Grande BAM San Julian those was the 3 main used, there was others, but the travel to the islands was too long. Generally the squadrons used the solit base, but some times they move to others for tactical reasons (for example the attack at the carrier invincible by a-4C and SUE) some fonts said argentine pucara used napalm, but i dont found any pilot that told that is thrue, i dont know, the "puca" can load it but i think never used by FAA. The mission with the canberra should be at night, i dont know how to fly it in that conditions without any "electronic" help... Remember the wheaters conditions...almost cover from 200 feet to up, rain or light snow, a lot of wind...and a few days with sun to contrast the clasic "sad and grey" how a pilot call it. i got also some position of the ships if someones need it. Thanks to everyone, keep up the good work, and keep your fingers up!!!
  2. hello, maybe i can help... i found some "diferences" betwen strike fighters and realty i dont know how much realy do you wanna do it. here is what i know the dagger model dont have rwr at the 82. the only airplane with rwr was the sue (superetendart) at that time. the problem with the bomb is that they explode at impact, and if you wanna do like "argentine pilot" you will blow up with the ship (if you hit it) other kind of atack is imposible against a modern ship (using bombs i mean) there was a diference betwen air force and navy. the cana dont was under the comand of air force, was like "side by side". There was no dogfight, only 1 or 2 derived of the sea harriers interception. the dagger used the shafrir 2 missile, only rear aspect and very diferent respect at the aim-9l. in the biginig of the war 1 or 2 incounters betwen m-3 with r-550 and sea harrier finished in tie. the sea harrier never go up to fight at high level, and at sea level the mirage 3 dont have a chance. the paint in yellow and blue in some argentines airplanes was canceled after a few days becose it was inefective. the a-4 used always the drop tank under the wings, only bombs under the fuselage. the a-4C have 5 hardpoints, and no 3 like the B and Q (Q was for the upgrade in naval equipment, but those airplanes was always B model) i dont know how help you but i wanna do it, contact me at elpatoestaloco@hotmail.com

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