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Everything posted by PureBlue

  1. Thanks WBS! (The sheffield is missing the names callout)
  2. Since the Mission Editor has been fixed to a usable level, we can start cranking some missions. I use both the ME and Notepad to edit mission files(MSN) To easily create naval groups this is the way to go. First, FLY a few Single Missions generated by the game, and save the one that you like and includes some useful elements you have in mind. Then open the saved MSN file using Notepad for further modification. (I usually save a backup first) Note that if you edit the MSN and go back and Open it in ME, the parameters will change and you'll get a different version when you FLY or SAVE. I just use the ME for reference after the first template creation phase. And go back and forth editing in stuff in Notepad. This way you can start with a naval group already created. (Also easy to do from scratch once you figure out the syntax) Remember, the carriers, friendly or enemy, will turn into the wind before launching aircraft, and before recovery. Here's the trick, the StartWindDirection=XXX in the MSN file and the value you'll see for it in the in-game ME are opposite to each other. (It's just that way, don't report it to TK unless you want more bugs to creep here The value listed in the MSN file is the correct value. So if you put in 270 (west) in the MSN file, the wind will be blowing from east to west, and the carrier will start turning to 90 degrees East, when aircraft will be launched/recovered. At the BEGINNING of a mission, since you will be on the CAT, the whole naval group will be already turned into the wind, regardless of the Heading value you defined for them in the MSN. Now, the part you need watch is, the rest of the ships in a [GroundMissionXXX] naval group will NOT turn into the wind while the carrier does. So if the Wind Direction and the first waypoint for the fleet are not set properly, the escorts will manuever as per the next coordinate when the carrier will steam on UP WIND until the launch ops are done. So you need to plan and design accordingly. A note here: If you take too long to get of the CATAPULT the carrier won't return to original course and will continue on...) I normally pick a straight course for all naval groups and manually edit starting position and waypoint coordinates in Notepad. Then pick the wind direction so that the carrier will not have to turn at the beginning of a mission. Of course for more intricate missions we'll have to plan/design/test rinse and wash couple of times... Just wanted to pass all the painful test results...
  3. TK is aware and says the utils will be updated.
  4. Thanks Brain, found the ini. BTW, I'm continuing to compare patched files to original: * Viewlist fixed, view next weapon works. (Though I still recommend my mod :) * Lot's of fixes in IcelandNA campaign. End date pulled back, mission rate from 0.3 to 0.1 (that's an increase if I'm not wrong) No more ARMED_RECON for most flights. Ground War coordinates added. New variables for stuff (could be intersting to explore) * InstantAction mission is totally new. * Newly populated target areas (had reported this in a previous post) EDIT2: If you had modded stock Aircraft.ini files, here's two changes I noticed: (The rest don't seem to be changed) MIG-23MF.INI Additions DecalNumberRandomize=TRUE to various stock skins. Tu-16K-26_73.ini is fixed, This is a must update fpr a correct game play. All in all, looks like a good first patch IMHO.
  5. Can anybody access the Guns/Weapons in April 2012 patch? My Mar2012 (latest) utilities show 0 weps.
  6. I suspect it was a fat finger case when using the CAT Censoring Utility ™ these files are just text! EDIT: Actually, although the NETZ AVIONICS.INI lists the LST file under [RWR], (and the file is no extracted with CAT Util) The A-7E avionics does not, and we still get the icons don't we? Maybe now it's kind of automatic??...
  7. From IcelandNA.CAT, there seems to be quite a few target areas that are populated with targets, these were just empty areas before.. *_MAP.JPG files are used for every grid space to draw the in-game map. Changes in icelandna_data.ini. April patch on the left, original release on the right.
  8. Well the RWR*.TGA files for the icons are there but not the LST file for specific aircraft. (Haven't tried the new cat extractor yet)
  9. I looked for them before and interestingly they were not extracted from any of the CATs. I just take the files from old archieves as an example. (or a mod that contains them)
  10. What was the issue Paul?
  11. Lights for airfields don't work in the IcelandNA terrain, anybody notice? Still works on other terrains I think.
  12. Similar to what I do Brain, to the point of adding XXX But you don't even have to copy the mod folder. Once you rename it, the game won't touch it. Everytime a patch/DLC/new game is installed, rename Mod folder, run game exe, rename back. takes only a minute.
  13. Thank you Jonathan :good: Just started an exclusive install for TSF. I know it's not necessary but I think I will be installing all packages starting from OPIsbjörn 1.4, other campaigns and on top of them all the Midvinter pack. Plus Stary's sweet update! Let's see how it goes..
  14. Still, some of the TW stock models have this problem too. C-47, A-7E to name a few..
  15. I was thinking how we could add lights to these ships. Tried a few things: A SystemName entry and Light section just like in an Aircraft, does not work. LightSet sections copied from airfields don't work. (Lights for airfields doesn't work in SF2NA at all, but that's another story..) How about adding lighted (?) 3d models, using a technique similar to fakepilot or weapons/guns ? Anybody try that at all?
  16. yes flightengine goes in Flight folder.
  17. Dang! No multiplayer?!! Love the SDK tho
  18. Look inside flightengine.ini
  19. I love these bad boys! Paolo Here's a great video to get into the mood: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kr_0byX2PM
  20. Thanks for another refit WBS
  21. So I've been adding various merchants to my SF2NA install.. The MV Atlantic Causeway and Conveyor models from the Falklands Mod are very nicely modeled but they have a problem. The ships must have been exported sideways from 3DS Max, so they sail perpendicularly/sideways... I don't think it can be fixed with data.ini modifications, anybody have corrected models or access to the Max files?

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