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Everything posted by PureBlue

  1. The CAT file format has changed with later patches. TW site has an official cat utility for download.
  2. True.. The mod would've got more exposure if it weren't simhq exclusive. (Don't have 100posts so I can't comment on the actual work..)
  3. Yes the stock A-6 model has built-in tanks now, and the mods data.ini/loadout.ini had to be modified. I'm away from my PC too.. Just check the original aircraft_data.ini from CAT files and edit accordingly.
  4. Good thing you digged that up Jonathan It would surely deserve its own forum, like SimHQ has, if only we had more of these AARs. Planning on posting a few myself, got the missions designed.. Just need somekind of backstory to go with. Anyway Sokal, see if you can some screens next time. yes I know pretty hard during the heat of battle!
  5. German Sabre's in a Weapons Meet circa 1960s, Nellis AFB.
  6. Where you're gonna fit him? Ah you mean change the pilot model.. You should have the model in the Pilots folder, than you go into the aircraft_data.ini [Pilot] section. Change or add in a new line for PilotModelName=
  7. Is it the Uong Bi thermal plant? Yeah, I cheated!
  8. Normally I use it like this: [F104S] PilotModelName=FakePilot SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT Position=0.0,0.0,0.0 SeatModelName=F-104S SeatPosition=0.0,2.0,-0.370 MinExtentPosition= MaxExtentPosition= CanopyNodeName= The FakePilot is just an invisible model. And the SeatModelName is actually the part you want to add.
  9. I think I found the problem with the tanks: (Checked with CB variant) in aircraft_data.ini: AMI FuelTankName callouts are missing an underscore. 195gal tanks should be: FuelTankName=Tank195F-104_AMI_camo 170 gal tank callout is also missing an "L" FuelTankName=Tank170F-104L_AMI_camo Of course the corresponding entries in loadout.ini should be corrected too.
  10. Thanks Aleks! Same here, trying to find what's up. Also the CB version seem to have standard G loadouts, instead of increased fuselage pylons. I think the F-104S Fake Pilot models aren't working for me. Will report any findings via PM, Aleks.
  11. Just tried it on the stock Essex SCB-125, and went up to 3.0 Haven't tried landing yet..
  12. Well of course... I meant a graphic anomaly, when the pitching happens the gears will look like moving in the air above the deck. Anyway it's pretty much a non-issue for me..
  13. Thanks for the info. It's the SuspensionConstant under [Movement] I just tried 0.5 and 1 for the value, and the only anomaly was the aircraft landing gears compress as the deck pitches. They were stable on the catapult though, while a nice little pitching effect could be felt.
  14. We don't have pitching decks now, right?
  15. I bet it would be very tough for the programmer to design a mission recorder, if it wasn't included in the design phase. I would've enjoyed using it too. But since TK has already said this won't happen, its best to drop it. I also hope people don't crowd TK too quickly after SF2NA is released. The screenshots show a lot of promise for cosmetic improvements. It's likely to include som improvements for naval battles and avionics too. Which could introduce bugs/feature limitations. I will prefer not to pressure him. (at least right away
  16. Sorry for the double post, I added info to the description, for people experiencing crashes: I'm using higher setings in my FLIGHTENGINE.INI, and almost never get CTD using the tip I give in the README. (Which is start a single mission in any other stock terrain, quit and load the next mission using Anatolia) Edits for Flightengine.ini [GraphicsSettings] ZBufferDepth=24 MaxVertexCount=16384 MaxIndexCount=32768 MaxTextureCount=16384 MaxModelType=4096 MaxMeshPerScene=4096 MaxModelPerScene=2048 MaxLightPerScene=512
  17. I should have posted this before, it might help people having CTD w/ Anatolian Terrain: I'm using higher setings in my FLIGHTENGINE.INI, and almost never get CTD using the tip I give in the README. (Which is start a single mission in any other stock terrain, quit and load the next mission using Anatolia) Edits for Flightengine.ini [GraphicsSettings] ZBufferDepth=24 MaxVertexCount=16384 MaxIndexCount=32768 MaxTextureCount=16384 MaxModelType=4096 MaxMeshPerScene=4096 MaxModelPerScene=2048 MaxLightPerScene=512 AspectRatio=1.333333 MinPixelSize=0.0
  18. Great Helo and Ship design Florian The Berlin is fantastic too, I was pretty surprised when the hangar door started opening! Here are some shots from a training mission (includes Florians F122 Bremen frigate)

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