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Everything posted by PureBlue

  1. Updated to 1.1. Includes better documentation, fixes, etc.
  2. Off to read it One note, those tile demarcation lines are still there, edit these to get rid of them: range_data.ini [HeightOffset] LowDetailMesh=-100 WaterMesh=0.8
  3. First stage released: Airfield Development Kit v1 http://combatace.com...lopment-kit-v1/
  4. Airfield Development Kit v1.1

    Version 1.1


    Airfield Development Kit version 1.1 07/31/2011 by Pureblue Changelog: --------------- v1.1 More proper Documentation, reference pictures and credits TAB_VEE w/ floor A few FSSC Entries fixed v1.0 initial release INTRODUCTION ----------------------------------------------------------- This DevKit is intended for terrain modders, aka terraformers. Or people with experience in modding targets.ini entries. Warning: Absolutely not for novice users. It includes the objects, ini files, STT entries and FSSC Macros. Collection of objects are from Sundowner, Amokfloo, Hurc, Stary, Wrench, Ravenclaw, pureblue, (Gepard, Polak) WHAT's INCLUDED? ---------------- ADD_TO_TYPES.INI: These are the entries that must be copied to the end of your intended terrain_types.ini. TerrainObjects folder: Here are all the terrain objects included, which are defined in terrain TYPES.INI. ADD_TO_SS BETA 1.5 Tgt Object Library.txt: This file is for users of Swambast's STT Tool. FSSC_Macros folder: If you use FSSC tool for developing your target areas. Here are all the api files. Included is my main.lst. Groundobjects folder: This has the few ground objects that are included in the pack. Must be copied to your MOD Groundobjects folder. NOTES: ---------------- At this time, not all the included objects are represented in the ReferencePics. Most FSSC/STT object size entries should be quite close, please report any irregularites you find. FULL CREDITS: --------------------------- Sundowner: B_Trailer_Mk82, M_trailer, B_TrailerLGB, Y_Tractor, RAF_Cart, B_Duel_Y_Trac, C_Type, RAF_Bunker, TAB_Vee, HAS_M, HAS_E, c_store, Earth Walls, mounds, blast walls and all desert variants of these objects Amokfloo: ControlTower, ForkLift, FireExtinguisher, ShelterZu Ravenclaw: Fire Trucks Stary: str_hangars 1 thru 8 Pureblue: FloodLight, SmallGenerator, ConcreteBlock, SunShelter, HeliPad1N Polak: tools Thank you and enjoy! Pureblue
  5. Extinguisher by Florian and the floodlight from one of my first attempts
  6. So here's the question. Apart from the seperate package of the objects that anyone can implement to their terrain of liking, Which one the following mods should this be ready to copied on top? 1- Stock SF2 GermanyCE terrain 2- SF2 Nato Fighters Plus (with all updates) 3- Piecemeal's airfield mod add-on for 'four seasons' terrain
  7. So here's the latest objects from Sundowner and hangars from Florian (I think!)
  8. That's going to be a hard record to beat Dave
  9. I use an X52 Pro. The software is very powerful, easily customizable to any key combination and scripting is available too I think. Plenty of keys.. my only complaint would be the placement of the mode switch. I have a setup for AA, AG, NAV. Still have some overlap between functions.. Thus switching between them with the MODE ROTARY.. Not easy, switch back and forth. I had bought it from a friend and the Rudder is out of calibration now. It needs a good cleaning inside, so that's possible to fix.. Overall I can recommend this product with confidence.
  10. No rush mate, as long as you're having fun modelling it, i'm good
  11. HAF birds are looking mean and dirty is the bump/spec map feature something that needs to be implemented on the model. Or the game engine will use one if it exists? Perhaps these maps would enhance the visuals even more.
  12. You're too humble, these are perfect for the job mate I got the files and will be making headway soon hopefully. And thanks for the links Carlo, i think we can get a few different trucks and tractors converted easily. All this stuff begs for an Airfields SDK pack too, ini files & documented with screens.. Yes that's the second target for this project.
  13. And even more Turkish Block 40's. (yeah the serials font is not the proper one yet)
  14. Instead of backing up your MOD folder before applying a patch. Just rename it. Then patch the original game and run the game (your modded exe if you have it). Then rename back your MOD folder. And since the game has run once before, it will not try to overwrite your MODded files or Modded stock inis.
  15. 151.Filo Tunc, SEAD & 152.Filo Akinci 141.Filo Kurt 142.Filo Ceylan & 143.Filo Oncel (OCU)
  16. Nice details Hurc So here's the ever changing plan: I'll be doing Ramstein, Spangdahlem, Hopsten (finished) Ant has kindly shared his work on Bitburg, Bruggen, Laarbrugh, Gutersloh, Wildenrath. Perhaps one or two Red Side bases. Package this up for adding into NF4 or stock Germany terrains. With instructions to implement into other terrains too. I will also be sharing the STT and FSSC entries to make life easier for fellow terraformers.
  17. Well if you eventually can't find the Max file, how about covering those with the fakepilot method?
  18. Very nice work I'm using one for the initialization screen: (resize to 1024x768 BMP and put in your Menu folder in Game Folder (not mod folder!) And one for the main menu. (Copy as MAINSCREEN.JPG to Menu in Mod folder)
  19. Truly a masterpiece. Very immersive as Storm mentions. And guys, don't miss the ending!! Saluting Capt. Ward
  20. Great collection this and the Mig-23 pack. Thanks mate :good:

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