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Everything posted by PureBlue

  1. Messing around with this method using JSF_Aggies SF2 update for LHA Tarawa. There are 6 cats defined. Last 2 with launch time 9999. First, the ingame Mission Editor won't let me have more than 4 aircraft in my flight. So I manually edit the MSN file to fly with 6 aircraft. So far so good, 2 Harriers are nicely parked at the back of the ship. But interestingly after the first 4 of us launch, these 2 parked guys take off too.. This is EXP2 May11 patch. Will keep on investigating this.. Edit: Ok, these two variables were blank in the LHA_DATA.INI. Now the parked aircraft will stay in their place. ReadyAnimationID=X ReadyAnimationTime=999.0
  2. The problem with that Stary is, the zbuffer issue with flat objects... Any ground/terrain object you place on top of that planar mesh will sink as you the camera gets higher. One of the worse bugs of the game (though TK had it fixed in a patch and then broke it again!) Anyway, that's why I've started to place hangars and buildings right on the terrain, not on top of a flat concrete mesh. Can't do it for everything of course but at least these hangars won't be invisible from 5000 feet like the parked aircraft (stock game feature!)
  3. Lack of Zoom? Features I'd love to see implemented: Ability to edit StartTime of various objects. Display of estimated Waypoint arrival times. (Calculated from Startime and speed) Display other target areas. (optional switch) Formation templates. Would be very usefull to place ship convoys or ground attacks. Display of the object/waypoints coordinates (optional switch)
  4. Nice! What kind of missiles do they carry?
  5. Hey it works though.. SF2 version should be in the Downloads section. I like the in game ME but it's got it's own limitations,. Good for customization to a certain degree but to set up a complex mission, I further edit it with KMD.
  6. Glad you guys are enjoying. I know the load times are pretty long and a highend machine is needed, but I try to make the airfields as close to real-life as possible.. Here's a new one I just got done with: Kaklic Airfield. (Especially for Kreelin)
  7. No, routes are picked in random. Vehicles should be picked in random too, from groundobjects (Type=transport) I say should, because lately I've seen a few flawed randomizations in this game...
  8. A Bear overflight of US Navy Monterey and Anzio cruisers in the Black Sea.
  9. I was over the target, a few miles range and F8 didn't work. does this every once a while..
  10. Do you guys also get the same ship as target in ANTI_SHIP missions? It used to be the first 4 ships that were classified as CARGO_SHIP, now the randomizer doesn't seem to work for me.
  11. Same here with EXP2.exe May11 patch. No change in months for single missions, only days..
  12. Great model Florian (Just a note, one of the folders is misspelled: groundobjects) This will be a good stand-in for the Greek Elli Class frigates.
  13. Since the mod is for SF1, i would guess it either uses edited/older shaders or doesn't use any shaders. Check the terrain_data.ini for: [AlphaObjectTextureMaterial] EffectShaderName=terAlphaObject.fx ??? You can disable the fading effect but the max. drawing distance is hardcoded. And this limit is lower than the previous patches `Ultimate setting` drawing distances...
  14. I know it's an issue with the TOD of that tile not matching with the AlphaObjectTexture callout in the terrain_data.ini So I'm going to take a guess: Change in Formosa_DATA.INI [Texture079] Filename=germanyS-RG.TGA HasWater=1 Color=0.268970,0.338523,0.296477 SolidObjectTexture=TEROBJECT_HOUSES1.Tga AlphaObjectTexture=TEROBJECT_RURAL2.TGA to AlphaObjectTexture=TER_NEWTREES1.TGA
  15. If you're talking about Anti-Ship missions, they still are generated from CARGO_SHIP types. Though my experiences show they are not randomized like in the old days. (Alphabetically looking in the groundobjects folder, first 4 CARGO_SHIP would be randomized) Now only the first CARGO_SHIP type, that has an ANSI coded INI file is picked. (Not one that has sf2 standard Unicode type INI file!) Somebody else should confirm this but I think there's a bug here..
  16. The map was released a while ago. Check SF2 Terrains download. part of Egypt and Israel are on the map but not populated and currently there is no plan to do so.
  17. Glad things are getting better for you mate
  18. Lexx, you're putting the modified ini files in your mod folder right? (eg: C:\users\lexx\saved games\....\flight) i'm pretty sure the DetailMeshSize won't go above (3 or 4) don't know about the horizondistance.. other than that, the flightengine.ini in your ModFolder is interpreted correctly, just some of the values are locked down now.
  19. Is Tomcat a separate game, or is TK intending to merge it to SF2 series? My guess is, with the announced changes to the terrain engine, released 3rd party terrains would stay in SF2 and it would be tough (or even impossible) to convert to Tomcat format.
  20. If you have them as separate lods, is there a possibility the rig foundation would collapse and the tanks would stay in the air?
  21. I think the ship-ship engagements (and between groundobjects) is something that came with 2nd gen.

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