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Everything posted by themightysrc

  1. Winston's Early Birds canceled

    "I know you guys probably won't like to hear this but, in my opinion we should probably go back to our damage model that was provided to us by Matt until the new Superpatch comes out." Hi Ax, I wouldn't be particularly upset by that. I'd rather have reliable and identical setups to everyone else if that ensured clean, trouble free play. It seems to me that the problems from Sunday just gone occurred mainly because of two factors: - People turning up weren't configured correctly, had mismatches, etc, etc. If we're all on the same files and versions, that would surely be far less of an issue. I didn't mind the time spent sorting it out, but obviously it ate into the time left for flying. I still maintain that asking new players to either pretest during the week (which admittedly requires the commitment of people like SD and Vasco), or turning up maybe 30 minutes early to check these things out is the best option here. - The other issue was the bloody aircraft! I've never tried Camels before, and still haven't had a go in a Dr1, but I found the Camel to be a bugger to fly without stalling - I kept checking my mixture but eventually gave in to the urge to trade height for speed, with the inevitable consequence that I ended up crashlanding in a wood (yet another bloody stall). Please, if we're going to MP, let's go for planes that don't have razor's edge flying characteristics. Sopwith Pups versus Albatros DIIIs anyone? I'll be back for more, but we do need to tighten up on the preparation a wee bit more. Having said all of the preceding, I'd like to say how much fun I had, even if only 2 of my bullets registered as hits!
  2. Winston's Early Birds - 02 Aug 09

    I'm on TS now, and can hear the conversations, but I'm still sort of waiting for the IP address of tonight's server. Can some kind soul oblige?
  3. When's that in London time?
  4. Winston's Early Birds - 02 Aug 09

    No volunteers for Tommy Sopwith's finest? They're mad. OK, I'll finish me ironing and get the Camel fired up in QC. Hurrah and huzzah! Let's show the Bosche what for, what?
  5. Winston's Early Birds - 02 Aug 09

    Hi, Any news on who's hosting this evening? Also, what aircraft are we in - is it still Camels and Dr1s?
  6. Hitler Parody: Over Flanders Fields

    "You either arent a fan of saving private ryan and band of brothers, or you think watch such movies is disturbing, I dont know which." Best not to confuse the two. SPR was cack, BOB was excellent. Films rarely disturb me, and certainly neither of those did.
  7. Hitler Parody: Over Flanders Fields

    "I wish Tom Hanks and Spielberg would do a WW1 movie" Bloody hell, just read that and it sent shivers down my spine. Frankly, I'd rather disembowel myself with a potato masher than have to sit through such a film - wasn't WWI horrific enough? Downfall, by the way, is a splendid film. Claustrophobic, but brilliant.
  8. Winston's Early Birds - 02 Aug 09

    Hi Vasco, Simple as that eh? That's what I like to hear. Cheers, Si
  9. OK last chance

    Stapme, Very pleased that you've managed to crack the problem. Whilst this thread is getting some attention, I thought I'd just ask if people here get good FPS with Radeon cards, or whether I should think about nVidia for my next machine (whenever that is...)?
  10. Current Status - Super Patch

    I'd just like to record my ongoing appreciation for the work that all OBD peeps are doing. Quite astonishing that you can do all of that and still have other jobs and lives. I am assuming you still have lives outside of all these commitments! And on top of all that, you find the time to post here and at SimHQ, taking suggestions and comments for new features - that's simply the best customer relations I've ever encountered with any firm, not just a software company. I rarely do it, as it feels a little cheesy but..... S! (big time). Cheers, Si
  11. Flypast at Henry's Funeral

    Beautiful stuff. I would love to actually fly that there Pup. Looking at the vid, I was suddenly struck by how far there still is to go with WWI flight sims - can you imagine a game where you look down at planes flying below you with an urban or rural background and have that amount of detail and activity?
  12. Winston's Early Birds - 02 Aug 09

    "3. Both teams will setup on seperate TS channels for comms during the missions. At the end of each mission we will all revert to the main channel for debrief and the setting up on the next mission." <pedantic mode> Point of order, chair. I've got TS working quite happily on my rig, however I don't have any instructions on how to set up separate channels, or join separate channels - I go in and I just appear along with everyone else. Can you please let me (and other interested bods) know how we do either of the above? I've had a quick squint at the otherwise excellent MP tutorial and couldn't find this info. with regard to TS. Whilst I'm at it, there are a few minor instructions that might be added to the MP tutorial WRT setting sound levels and choosing your side and slot once you've accessed the host server, but they can probably wait. </pedantic mode>
  13. Winston's Early Birds - 02 Aug 09

    Quick one from me - if I download DM1.2 now (it's 9.35pm BST) are you around to ensure that I'm sorted? Cheers, Si

    Sounds reasonable. I'll be happy to upload 2.1
  15. Books, books, books

    If you're looking for an interesting read, I can strongly recommend Tom Holland's 'Rubicon', which covers the end days of the Roman Republic - absolutely fascinating stuff; quite unputdownable. For a non-depressing and highly illuminating series of reads about WWI in general, make your way over Hugh Strachan's excellent single volume history. That chap can certainly write, and is an excellent historian. Also, make room in your bookcase of Gary Sheffield's 'Forgotten Victory: 1918', which goes a long way towards explaining how and why the war ended as it did, and how it ended in victory - a fact seemingly often overlooked by some writers. Certainly, both books are quite rigorous, and actually explain why it is that the war occurred, what the stakes were for the participants, and why victory for the Entente side wasn't the calamity that it's sometimes made out to be. Read those three and you'll pick up some new and very interesting views.
  16. Hi all, Just thought I'd place on record my thanks to Vasco, who spent time yesterday evening patiently introducing me to the ins and outs of MP - success at last, and my first introduction to fiddling with me mixture! You don't have to bugger about with that on SP... Thanks Vasco - I'm sorry my flying was abruptly terminated: my dear wife accidentally pulled the plug downstairs as I couldn't hear her asking me whether I was finished on t'interweb! If I get a "quiet" moment over the next few days, perhaps you can take me under your wing again? Cheers, Si
  17. Current Status - Super Patch

    "O.K I can say its not additional craft blink.gif , cos we still hope to sell them for huge capital gains and retire :-)" Ha! A rouble millionaire eh?
  18. the need for a concensus?

    "Also I think some axis v allies (all humans) might prove to bring a bunch over to fly, I know most of you like the coop style but I think a mix might work well." I'd guess that this would probably be contingent upon having sufficient numbers - unless some sacrificial lamb would care to show a bunch of OFFers in DVIIs what he can do in an RE8!
  19. the need for a concensus?

    "This is why I suggest tuning into turtorial missions. They are there to discover and weed out problems before scheduled flights." A great idea, so long as these are well signposted to newbies and that someone is willing to give up the time to do this during the week or whenever. The reason I suggested 15-30 prior to the main session is that the host is already committing time at that point and wouldn't have to put aside time elsewhere. But, I'm agnostic about when it happens, so long as it does, and that clear instructions are included prior to sessions (as I was rambling about above).
  20. Hope we can all piggyback on this...

    "I see RoF following a similar path with the costs. At least they're keeping the planes at what $7.50 a pop? That's not too bad, but after 10 planes, you're already at $75 plus $50 for the game." This is one of the issues (and gawd knows there are numerous others) that mean that I am quite unlikely to purchase ROF in its current incarnation. I've spent enough time lurking at SimHQ to understand that there is the kernel of a superb game there (although many players don't seem to like it being called a game, but I digress), but there are numerous issues which the bravest amongst them seem to be gritting their teeth and hoping for the best, whilst exhorting people who haven't bought it to go out and join the merry band of, er, beta testers, for want of a better phrase. I hope ROF survives and prospers, even though the online thing sucks donkey dick and the restrictions on use are, at best, farcical, but I will only consider it when it has a good (ie, rivalling OFF) campaign for SP, has in excess of 20 planes as standard and offers some of the flexibility and immersion that we took for granted in RB3D, let alone what came out of OFF. Still, I'm happy to let other people prove or disprove the concept at their leisure and own cost. I'm happy to wait and see, and, perhaps, wait for OFF phase 4, finally divorced from the CFS3 engines and paraphenalia.
  21. the need for a concensus?

    "ax was the only one that gave any answer to my original question...("half hour is too much") can we agree on a format that determines when we start scheduled games..." Obviously, you must have a set start time. I think that people who have already figured out how to set themselves up and join games will have no problem with turning up at the alloted time, and off you go. I would strongly recommend that any new MPers - such as me - be requested to turn up 15-30 minutes earlier to ensure that their setup is correct and that everything is in place. If any issues can't be resolved in time for the start time, then they will have to sit out the session. Of course, if they're interested and on TS, they can always listen in! And to soothe themselves there's always the option of bobbing off and playing SP - which is what I ended up doing on Sunday night. Another dead pilot, dammit...
  22. the need for a concensus?

    Hi Vasco, "Sorry we couldn't help you identify the problem at the time SRC, but it had taken us nearly an hour to sort out other people and we really wanted to fly." No apology needed - I actually assumed that I'd cocked it up somewhere down the line, and then my t'interweb connection went phut, so I couldn't get back to anyone anyway. I'll try to get onto TS this or tomorrow evening to check everything out. AFAIK, I'm on the latest patch and the 1.1 DM required for last Sunday's bash, otherwise I'm vanilla in terms of setup, so with any luck it should be a doddle. To me honest, I'm more concerned with my missus wandering in to find out why I'm talking to myself and then giggling at me for wearing a silly hat with antennae and a set of headphones. Thank God I decided against the Biggles scarf.
  23. the need for a concensus?

    Having tried to join in on MP on Sunday (but with the wrong IP address for the MP server), and having previously fallen foul of having the correct files in place - my fault, as I'll readily concede - I would fully support a section that states clearly and unambiguously what files/patches are needed for MP, although this info could be made explicit for each session prior to it happening. That would remove some of the problems surely, meaning that the only remaining issues would be familiarity in logging in and actually sodding well flying. I've never done any MP for any game AT ALL, and so I appreciate that my learning curve may well be steeper than people who've been MPing for ages, but I would have thought that it would be in the interests of all of us interested in MP to be guided through as painlessly as possible (for all concerned), and thus I have to strongly disagree with Ax about there being enough information - you really can't have too much information when you're stepping into the unknown. I know it may be a little tiresome to old hands, eager to get stuck into the awaiting Bosche/Tommies, but for those of us unsure as to protocols, settings et al, there can't be enough handholding in the early stages, and I'm very thankful that there are enough generous people around to enable me to make the baby steps necessary to get into and enjoy MP. My 2d.
  24. 26 July, Sunday's Early Birds session

    Hi Vasco, I'm a bit busy this evening, but will get on to TS if I can, otherwise I'll PM you for another time/date. Cheers, Si

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