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Everything posted by Twizard

  1. Thanks Dave. When i have time I will check it out. Too bad these newest updates are not on cnet.org
  2. I got malware or a virus from a high level bombing chart file in M4T.
  3. I Am very frustrated. I can't find a 1946 4.10 patch site that I can trust. Mission for today sends you to mirror sites that have known virus/malware issues according to Norton. The Italian site I don't know about. Any suggestions. I have had too many close calls to justify going on a dirty site.
  4. File Name: SBD-5 Atlantic 1944 Scheme File Submitter: Twizard File Submitted: 25 July 2011 File Category: SBD Skins In 1944 the SBD-5s used in Marine Scout units in the Caribbean. This is my first skin, originally done in Gimp. 2.6.8. If you want to make any enhancements let me know and I could send you the original .xcf file Click here to download this file
  5. Using the same map, I have a pair of SBDs patrolling near a French controlled island (the Colonial Administrators have Vichy French sympathies). They spot another raider (trawler selected blue Axis, if you can ignore the Russian flag) as nestled in a lagoon with two U boats. Its actually a much more difficult mission than the first. Its hard not to get shot down!
  6. Yep, I have a mission using the Pacific Islands Map, where a flight responds to a call from a PBY. There is a Nazi "raider" (cargo ship, or even better a trawler because they have guns) that is a disguised U-boat tender. Its caught imn the act of tending 3 U-boats. The SBDs come to the aid of the PBY and later a PB4Y (B-24) joins the party. I'm working on 1941 and 42 skins for the A-24 (USAAF version of SBD) for use in New Guinea and defense of Java "Malaysia Singapore Map".
  7. File Name: CAC Boomerang Skin for Re-2000 File Submitter: Twizard File Submitted: 25 July 2011 File Category: Other Fighters Pacific This is the closest I could come to providing a Boomerang for Il-2 1946. In the 4.09 version that i use it is A.I. only. In 4.10 it should be flyable. Choose the Re-2000 as an Allied plain. This is ment to be flown with markings off. The Boomerang was a homegrown fighter based in part on the US NA-33. It first flew in May 1942. It was a highly agile fighter, with a maximum speed of 305 mph.. Actual armament was 2 20mm cannon and 4 30 cal. machine guns and 500 lb bomb load. For the game of course you are limited to the Re-2000's load out. Another approximation of the Boomerang is to choose the plain green Italian skin under the RAAF. If you want to make any enhancements let me know and I can provide the Gimp xcf. file. Click here to download this file
  8. Version 1.0


    This is the closest I could come to providing a Boomerang for Il-2 1946. In the 4.09 version that i use it is A.I. only. In 4.10 it should be flyable. Choose the Re-2000 as an Allied plain. This is ment to be flown with markings off. The Boomerang was a homegrown fighter based in part on the US NA-33. It first flew in May 1942. It was a highly agile fighter, with a maximum speed of 305 mph.. Actual armament was 2 20mm cannon and 4 30 cal. machine guns and 500 lb bomb load. For the game of course you are limited to the Re-2000's load out. Another approximation of the Boomerang is to choose the plain green Italian skin under the RAAF. If you want to make any enhancements let me know and I can provide the Gimp xcf. file.
  9. SBD-5 Atlantic 1944 Scheme

    Version 1.0


    In 1944 the SBD-5s used in Marine Scout units in the Caribbean. This is my first skin, originally done in Gimp. 2.6.8. If you want to make any enhancements let me know and I could send you the original .xcf file
  10. I am a Lock-On FC user who is interested in purchasing a low cost copy of either Il2 FB in combination with Pacific fighters or Il2 1946 (through EBay Half com etc.). I have a Dell XPS 410 with a Intelcore 4300 with 1.8 Ghz and 2.00 GB of RAM. and a Nvidia 8300 -8600 Vidio card. Will 1946 run on this without modification. Also have they upped the graphic violence on this version. If I choose the FB route, do I need the ACE Expansion Pack to interface with Pacific Fighters and other mods.
  11. I evetually will download these but I have had some "dirty" downloads from "missionfortoday.com".
  12. A good video on skip bombing was created by DART: Actually, all of his training sessions are highly entertaining : )
  13. Thanks guys, I have since purchased 1946 and I truly have to say its one of the best flight sims I have seen. It runs beautifully on my Dell. I'm up to 4.09 on the patches. The way trees and other background graphics are handled to save on frame rates is pure genius!!!
  14. Hit by trojan virus

    I know your pain!!!! Have had a similar malware attack and had to reformat. What i do now. Have a separate General account that allows no executables. Only open the internet through that account. With downloads, before I extract, I scan them individually with Norton, Spysweeper and Malwarebytes. My main pretection is the new Norton but I have Spysweeper monitoring my system as well. Have them running in both administrative and general but do major sweeps in administrative. You may also need to run your games in administrative as well as older programs. This, I know is not foolproof but I have already stopped at least two viruses this year by this method. Good luck!!!
  15. Thanks Jedi. Is the level of violence i.e. :blood or shooting infantry , increased in 1946. Sorry for being a gaming prude but shooting down planes and blowing up tanks in my virtual world is different than mowing down people. Its a psychological Rubicon that I don't want to cross!!
  16. Tanzanian F-6

    This is a mod of the J-6 skin from fallout3. This is for only personal use. Any advice on permission and legal matters in uploading this shin would be appreciated.
  17. Lancer C Flight

    See Romanian Lancer C for description
  18. Lancer C Overhead View

    See Romanian Lancer C for description
  19. Romanian Lancer C WOE

    This is a skin based on the Lancer C upgrade in service with the Romanian airforce. Unless there are issues with deriving this from the stock Mig 21MF Soviet Silver skin, I would like to upload this. Contact me and tell me what you think.
  20. Someone Get Em Off Me!!

    This is a Guinea Bissau Mig 17 being persued by Sabers over Ethiopia
  21. Nigerian Jaguar

    This is a Nigerian Air Force Skin that I made based on column5's Jaguar.

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