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Everything posted by ONETINSOLDIER

  1. Paul Harvey is "off the air"

    bummer, he was a regular part of many a lunch break as I sat in my car and listened to the radio,,,, a true story teller.
  2. not sure what has happened, it all worked fine the other day, and sound still works on everything else, directsound checks out ok, just i get nothing with any of the 3rdwire sims except the first thing you click on, no matter what, you hear the menu click, but after that, maybe a little scratch while clicking menu items, but nothing else, any ideas?
  3. Legalizing Pot for Money?!? What Has Happened to America?!?

    There is no dark side of the moon, as a matter of fact, its all dark, I think Ill go burn a hooter now,,
  4. Legalizing Pot for Money?!? What Has Happened to America?!?

    hi from the emerald triangle here in sunny california,where Ive had the police tell me many a time that,"We dont care about wed, we would rather see you sitting at home all stoned than out drunk driving or tweaking all night." Then they gave me my smoke back and sent me on my way. (3 times) P.S. If you get the chance watch the series called , "Illegal drugs, and how they got that way." on the history channel. very informative, and some quite surprising little known facts , at least for me,
  5. Heros of our Time..

    BOOYAH!! Adversity builds character, this man has proved it again.
  6. WoI server?

    Who is hosting the WoI server in hyperlobby in the WoV section?
  7. WoI server?

  8. Any GI Joe Fans out there?

    Those were the days, my friend, We thought they'd never end, We'd sing and dance forever and a day, We lived the life we choose, We'd fight AND NEVER LOSE! Those were the days, Oh yes, those were the days,,,,
  9. 11 year old murderer

    yeah, I remember my introduction to weapons and what they can and will do. Grampa and me sat on the porch, he waited for a ground squirrel to pop up outta his hole, he then proceeded to vaporize the little bugger and calmly explained to me that it would do that to me, or him, or anyone else, and that firearms are by no means a toy. Admittedly a bit harsh for an eight year old, but I tell you what, its a lesson I took to heart that very day,,,
  10. 11 year old murderer

    Actually, a 20 guage doesnt have much of a recoil at all,,,,
  11. Or anyone else who might know,,lol ODS is great!, but,,,the ingame map, is there any way to change the color of the flight path? The yellow line against the sand colored background is way too hard for these worn out eyeballs to see. After I figure out where I am on the map, then I can deal with the overly hostile bots, lmao
  12. HEY DAVE !

    Yep, it be white alright!, lol almost worse than yellow, lol BTW, I didnt know that while in cockpit view, if you hit the delete key on the numberpad, the cockpit disapears! cool! all you see is the missles and such flyin thru the air,
  13. HEY DAVE !

    Errr, thanx for the numbers, but,,,SWAG? (Im terrible with acronyms)
  14. 11 year old murderer

    Whats even dumber is that it is exempt from being registered just because its designed for "children". Not that it would make any difference to the weapon or the person holding it during the commision of a crime, it just seems to neutralise the whole idea of the governments attempt to keep track of all the weapons. Yep, thats our tax dollars at work, once again,
  15. HEY DAVE !

    i THINK ITS THIS ONE,, WaypointLineColor=234,199,59 BUT WHAT NUMBERS EQUAL BLACK?
  16. Scal

    calm down, fellow flight simmer, im sure the creator or someone will be along with some help,, :)
  17. Fat fighters, Australian troops being called obese

    Nows our chance, guys! we must invade asap! bwahahaha
  18. im waiting

    welcome to CA, frester!
  19. is there any way to cut down some of theradio traffic, its almost constant chatter at times,
  20. very interesting news

    hope I dont get in trouble for posting this, but here goes,, http://sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/showthread.php?t=10805 the screenshots look awesome,
  21. Just a thought on playing online

    with this series? dream on. ITs kinda like my dad used to say, "crap in one hand and wish in the other, see which fills up first."
  22. Best things since Track IR

    i agree with pcpilot, it stops being fun if that complicated
  23. very interesting news

    my goodness, silverbolt, general patton is rolling in his grave,,,you butchered that quote but good!

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