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Posts posted by ONETINSOLDIER

  1. That bracelet scares the crap outta me, but then everyone that has a cell phone already has a GPS tracking device pinned to their shirt,and you cant get a cell phone that DOESNT have it anymore, and cell phones that are older that dont have it will not be activated anymore, trust me, I've been turned downed by all the major carriers when I tried to get a 3 year old sony/erricson activated.

    Pffft, your Social security number is another example, it cant be used for valid identifacation, BUT YOU HAVE TO GET ONE. I meen no disrespect to anyone here of the jewish faith, but I've seriously considered getting mine tattooed to my forearm.

    Dont get me wrong, folks, I love my country, but I fear my government more than any terrorist group. Sometimes I have to laugh when I think of the fact that at least the communists are honest to their people, they make it clear that they are in charge, when my government has B.S.'d us all into believing that "we the people" make the rules,,,,,

  2. I don't think the AI do that in any sim. The "cobra" is a "post-stall" maneuver and pretty much all AI routines say "avoid the stall". Only LOMAC has it, but it's a scripted event that only the player does.



    But I watched it do it, or something VERY similar, :dntknw:

  3. Has anyone else decided to watch the A.I. planes battle it out after being blown up? Well. I did the other day and it turned out to be quite interesting. I read somewhere about a manuver performed in the mig's that I think was called the cobra, where the pilot pulls back on the stick and the airspeed almost drops to zero, resulting in a fly-by, by you the hapless victim.

    Has anyone else seen one of the A.I. planes do this yet?

  4. Sad that weve lost more men, but did anyone else catch the key phrase? "We called in an airstrike to stabilise the situation." (hee hee)

    Like one of my former signatures said,"when all else fails, call in an airstrike"





  5. Sad fact is, it all goes to the lowest bidder, be it bullets, hand grenades or barracks, and haliburton and KBR are big enough to lowball everybody else out of the picture, cos its all about the money, and I dont meen just this "war". Its ALL about the money.

  6. well, i lived in Battle Mountain, Nevada which is on the very top of the military flight corridor and I remember seeing the f-117 turning to head back south just about the time it was made public, and altho it was very strangely shaped, I KNEW it was an airplane,and had a very distinct howl to it, similar to the f-4.

  7. Ok, here goes. Im probly gonna take some flak for this and most likely be considered a nut, but Im putting this up the flagpole to see if anyone salutes. From my short stay here at combatace ive seen there are a lot of actual pilots in the military and commercial sectors, and would like to hear any experiences theyve had.

    First off, Im not, repeat NOT a ufo nut, but have seen a couple things that I just cannot explain. Ive seen satellites pass over and Ive watched the space shuttle pass over , so I know what those look like, and being a fan of aviation, I can pretty much say I can tell when its a helicopter or a piper cub, etc.

    My last "sighting" was about 6 years ago in Santa Rosa as myself and two friends were standing in his driveway at about dusk. A two-seater, wing over fuselage plane was just climbing out of Sonoma county airport and my friend had this new flashlight and was waving it around and jokingly said,"look, a ufo!" At that exact moment, a VERY bright light came from behind the small plane, and sort of followed it, bobbing around, then quickly moved off until we couldnt see it any longer.

    We all looked at each other in amazement all asking each other, "Did you just see that?" Most people say it was a baloon, but baloons dont just zoom off like that, at least no baloons Ive seen do.

    Have any of you pilots seen things you cant explain? If you have and do not wish to say so, I understand why.

  8. I have helped a couple people in regards to this, records can be obtained BUT you have to have his written permission and as far as the medals go, you can get "copies" fairly easy, oh ,they charge you for the records too. I cant recall the exact website, but it only took ME a couple mouse clicks, so its gotta be easy, lol


    P.S. like streak said, "unless they lost everything", there was a fire that destroyed alot of records, i think it was records bfore 1950-something, it says which years at the .gov website.

  9. Very cool! Reminds me of the time I was riding my bicycle around this small lake in a park in Santa Rosa, I had stopped for a "rest brake" and headed down to the bushes near the edge of the water. As I was standing there, "resting",a world war 2 aircraft carrier slowly cruised by about 2 yards from the shore. I was amazed by the little teeny men and airplanes on the deck.

  10. hijackthis is a VERY usefull tool, but only if you know what you are doing. hijackthis will let you delete anything, good or bad, so take care when using it. It sounds like he's got a bad BHO in there and possibly some redirecting goin on.

    Not tryin to sound snotty, but my best advice is to refrain from going to those "certain" sites, and be carefull of what you P2P.

    If you do run hijackthis, please post the log, its kinda become a hobby, figuring out browser hijacks for people.


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