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Posts posted by ONETINSOLDIER

  1. ok, as I use my powers for good now, and not evil, your deadbolt just basically fell apart, or maybe wasnt put together correctly when you re keyed. Its almost impossible to damage a deadbolt with a set of lock picks, or even a bump key, which I doubt your ex even knows about. Now, a big crow bar is another story,,,,

    If you havent already, make sure the deadbolt you get is the newer type which bump keys dont work on, and yes, its true , locks only keep honest people honest.

    Another trueism,,IT TAKES A THIEF TO CATCH A THIEF.

  2. a friend of mine has a mastiff that was just wieghed at the vets, tips the scales at 163 pounds, he thinks hes a lap dog, litteraly. when he decides to sit in (or on) your lap, theres not a whole lot you can do about it. Its like the old joke, "where does a 800 pound gorilla sleep? anywhere he damn well pleases!"

  3. Several years back a bunch of us from school flew to London for spring break. With 90% of us being pilots, we figured that if one of those unfortunate events happened, the a/c would crash due to the massive CG shift caused by all of us running foward.



    LMAO, I can just picture that,,

  4. Im a member on an audio forums and a debate has started on wether the military had used any tube-type electronic equipment in jets, submarines, etc, and wether they would be subseptable to vibration with concerns to loss in audio quality. Im aware of the fact that "hi-fidelity" really isnt a concern when chasing down the bad guy in the mig, but I guess it might be a concern regarding radar and ECM.

    I guess reading the thread might help explain too, heres a link if interested, http://www.audiokarma.org/forums/showthread.php?t=266190 (focus on post #6)

    Thank you for any input,

  5. Mind you, these are just the units I have in rotation, I probably have enough gear to make 3 systems, lol.


    and stick, if you ever feel the need to get rid of that "shoddy" altec/lansing, you just let me know,


    and Dave, im still not sure about you,, lol


    P.s. I was listening to "one tin soldier" , of course

  6. Yeah, but what are you listening to it WITH?


    Amplifiers; Hafler DH500 transendence

    QUAD 405

    Crown CL-1


    Preamp; Dynaco PAT-4


    Source; Phillips 500 Series CDP


    Other; DBX Model 3BX


    Speakers; HED H-15 Studio Monitors

    EPI TE-360 Series

    JBL Control 28


    Cables; Vampire wire interconnects

    Monstercable speaker wire

  7. Yeah, I was jokin with ya, eraser, but sadly its kinda true, all the good ones have been done, all thats left are pale comparisons, and anyways, who'd be brave enough to attempt AIRPLANE!! The mind boggles at the thought,,,


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