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Posts posted by zabreen

  1. thanx guyz,

    I removed the Lead persuit folder and re-installed and it worked fine.

    As for the rez, the 1.0.13 patch seems to have high enoug rez ,however, whenever I'm in 2D cockpit I end up with 1.5 inch black border on each side and the viewable portion of the screen is diminshed,maybe its the aspect ratio that I picked !!

    Anybody had a similar pbm ??!

    Please advise

    once again ,thanx for the help guyz.

  2. Hi folks

    1-My F4 allied force is crashing non-stop since I tried to install patch 1.0.13, and now I can not start the gamae anymore. I uninstalled and re-installed 20 times already with no luck.Can anyone tell me what is happening?

    2-If i ever get this thing to work again, how would i be able to increase the reasolution of the game, (in the setup , the highest available rez is 1280x980) !!




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