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About nazca_steve

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    Irvine, CA (ex-pat Brit)
  • Interests
    Aviation, history, drawing and painting<br /><br />Also check out www.flyingstations.com


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  1. Hi Craig, well if you're an FS user as well, get over to flyingstations.com where we're doing our navy-based stuff for FS9 and FSX. We've also got an SFP1/WoI Wyvern there too. Happy trapping, Steve
  2. Hello all, Just stumbled across this, Soulfreak, obviously we know each other! One quick point I wanted to make was that the Ecko pod is only animated in the sense that the black nose cone comes off 'for maintenance access' revealing the dish etc. inside. Ideally this is done on the ground! But it serves no other purpose as the real life thing was enclosed during flight of course. Good luck with it all, Steve
  3. Maybe too many models?

    Sounds good, Dante, just let me know if you ever need help and I'll do what I can. I have done repaints for Paul Foster's superb Vulcan as well, so am pretty familiar with that type. Trying to even out the balance is a nice idea, but in reality, let's face it, the balance was not even! I will say though, flying the Black Buck missions and refuelling with the Victors would be a challenge. Regarding the Canberras, yes, those are FS2004, models courtesy of Paul Foster as well.
  4. Maybe too many models?

    I cannot wait for this game - it looks superb and we are finally going to get what appears to be a fantastic, fully dedicated Falklands/Malvinas sim. Hats off to all those involved. Speaking of models, I have seen one screenshot of the Argentine B.62 Canberra. As a huge Canberra fan, FS repainter, sometime modeller and pretty well-read on the B.62 and T.64, I would love to help with the Jet Thunder Canberras. The screenshot looked good, but the colour of the green was the newer 'late-era' shade and post-war, rather than the original NATO colours that they were delivered in. Great attention to detail on B-105's markings though, right down to the politically questionable VLC Hercules tanker 'damage marking'! Couple of other minor model details missing, such as the UHF aerial wires and bumps and bits. Would be great to add these in. If you have time to develop the models a little more, or need skins for them, I really would love to help. You can check out my ongoing work with the Argentine Canberras by Paul Foster over at www.nazcastudios.com/grupo2 All the best and keep up the superb work. Steve

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