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Posts posted by Tiwaz

  1. I haven't been around here in a long time. I'll be honest I had kinda forgotten about it. Until I received a PM about a skin that I made a long time ago.

    Its amazing to see how much this community has grown and how many names I still recognize in the forums.

    Anyways I think its pretty cool that the SF Sims are still going strong.


    Take care

  2. F-104 Canadian Tactical Camo v2.0

    View File

    This is an updated version of the canadian tactical skin. It was brought to my attention that there was an error on one of the decals and this file fixes that.


    The skin is a generic Starfighter as flown by Canadian Forces in Europe during the cold war.


  3. Ok the scenery is actually from the Fraser valley in British Columbia, But I figured with the Euro 1 scheme camo it worked just as well, since I was trying for more of a european feel to it.


    I'll try another with the properly painted AC if I can find a decent background shot.

  4. Well in annticipation of getting Lomac I've decided that I need to upgrade My video card so which one should I get?I've narrowed it down to two but I need some help. The two are the MSI GFX5600-VTD 256MB DDR AGP8X Video Card w/VIVO and the ATI Radeon 9600Pro 128MB DDR AGP8X Video Card w/VO/DVI . It came down to these two because of the money I know that there are better cards out there but this is my budget so that being said which one do you think is better or maybe suggest another of comparable price.


    Thanks, Tiwaz

  5. I just don't see this happening, Adding of my name to the file name. Or for that matter searching around to see if someone else has used that name. To try and avoid conflicts though I try to keep the name as short as possible, as such VMFA-451 becomes just 451.The reason to keep the file names as short as possible is that there is a 32 character limit in th efilenameformat line in the decals.ini. This is the line that lets us include a deacls folder inside the skin folder instaed of you having to keep all the decals in the aircraft folder. So So you see there are going to be conflicts with some of this stuff unfortunatley we'll just have to find a way to deal with it.


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