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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. Wow, many posts since yesterday First of all, any kind of critique and comments are very welcomed, as the topic title says, this is what I wanted Anyway: I know what you mean, this is what bothered me a bit too, but the thing is, when you really zoom in(theese are taken from 1200m) some areas are simply way to low res to look good and I wanted them too look as good as possible when flying on lower alts. Also, some areas are taken in Autmn, some in Spring, you get the picture... I thought about it too, they do look a bit dull and un-diversed now, I'll try to do something. I backed up the *.TOD's with (too)many trees This sounds good, I didn' even know one can mix those, at 600+ X-types I had like 20fps just flying around with no contacts lol I know for that bug, you mentioned it in your guide, which BTW helped me a lot I have a problem with river tiles, on one I have a few trees that are just levitating 3m above the ground and many of them are underground, they look like bushes and not trees
  2. Thx for the comments guys, the whole terrain is already painted, maybe just some finishing touch on some tiles. I already "planted" trees on all tiles but I overdone it and it was a bit to much for my system(some had 600+ trees) so I'm cutting them down at the moment to get more reasonable FPS. BTW, does anbody know how to fix floating/submerged trees? Yes, they are 512x512
  3. Beautiful work, thank you
  4. Miss South Carolina

    She was talking? OK but one thing you have to admit - she's HOT
  5. You have for example F-18 folder with F-18.ini, make a new folder named "F-18Agressor" and rename F-18.ini to F-18Agressor.ini. Then to show different name in the aircraft list, in that "main", now F-18Agressor.ini, under "Aircraft Data" change line "AircraftFullName=" from F-18 to F-18Agressor. Hope this helped.
  6. With your new sig, it will be hard to read your posts until we get used to it :nyam:
  7. Well the answer is very simple, the il2 was not built that way from the beginning so it would require a major code re-write, remember guys, il2 came out in 2001, it's about 7 years old engine that in the beginning didn't suppose to do anything else but be a dedicated il2 sturmovik simulation, and in it's earlier stages it had a great base of third party stuff, many planes, maps and objects were done by third party moddelers, but the had to go through dev. team's quality control You also have to keep in mind that il2 developers are a very small team, it's not a huge company with hundreds of people involved on one project, why would they spend so much time for no cash return at all. They are too busy with SoW:BoB and they have deadlines that they must respect and I perfectly understand that. IL2 is over people this is it, the 4.09 will bring some extra content that has been WiP for a very long time(if it wasn't like that, 409 wouldn't exist). I think the game is great as it is now, sure it has some flaws, sure we would like even more content, but IL2 is what it is and I consider it to be the best WW2 air combat simulation.
  8. Wow, I thought A-Team's site is completely closed for public, I'll try to mail capun too :)
  9. I've been messing with some stuff, thought I understand TE by now, but heeeey, not so fast apparently. Ok enough ranting, here's the deal. I placed trees on wanted tiles in position that I wanted. However when I went to game to see what is going on, it turned out that trees are misplaced...sort off...anyway they are placed correctly but over much smaller area, I would say it looks insanely close to 256x256, but my tiles are 512x512. As you know TE is having trouble with 512x512 tiles(can't see half of the image) so you have to work with 256x256 while in TE. Is this connected in some way and is actually a Catch22 of our "beloved" TE, or there is a simple fix for that and I don't actually have to point a gun towards TE shortcut on my desktop?
  10. Well guess what happened? I FIXED IT! All those trees were not placed in vain, I messed around TE and tried something I considered a loooooooooooooong shot. I took one tile, selected the first tree in the list, and manually typed in coordinates, but I decided to try to go off 256x256 and I put in x=511; y=511, saved it all and when I loaded the game, everything was perfect Was it a bug, human error or I discovered a method, I don't know and it's too late here now for me to trial and error it a bit and see. I'm just happy that I don't have to go through placing all the trees again lol.
  11. TAGERT? Oh he is alive and kickin' He wasn't banned because of testing but because he was calling everybody a nancy boy Was just temporary... Anyway, don't get me wrong I am perfectly aware of all the benefits modding can bring ;) Also if you look at how are things now then we can agree il2 is still VERY hard to mod for "mortals", not to mention going around server checks, however this is only the begining. Look at some other games, they get hacked in and for you and me it's like reading ancient Klingon language, but some guy understands it and doesn't use the knowledge to make something constructive but makes an App with which a trained monkey can work to cheat like mad. This all in the end might turn out rather well for end users, those who want to mod will have v408, and those who want it clean for online play will use v409 with new protection, end of story, everybody happy
  12. Thx for response :) I know it's not really TE's fault, I would just like it to be a bit more flexible... In my usual "do now think later" manner I populated almost all tiles with trees, only then to realize they are not showing properly in game so I went a bit - I'll try to contact Polak, I would really like to keep higher res tiles and throw some trees on it...
  13. And who would that be? Please name that guy, I'm in il2 for nearly 4 years now and I can say that I definitely belong in the very top of those who complain, the chart monkeys are what they call us. Nobody was ever banned for that, actually many changes grew out of those complaints if they were legit. And how is that? Hey let me ask you something, if LinuX is free then Windows must be free too, say that to 'ol Bill ;) I agree, and the "Joe" next to you agree and a 1000people more maybe, but not all will. Yes cheating is bad and immature but it happens, not only that it happens but it's wide spreaded among ALL popular online games, il2 was clean(and still is). You could log on to the server knowing that all the people fly same planes under same laws of physics. Competition is possible in such conditions and online play has a meaning, a reason to be used. Once cheats kick in, online play dies, ofcourse we are not thrilled with that. This is not entirely true, more than once did Maddox share our "psychosis" ;) Yes 4.09 was on the way, if it wasn't for this breach, we would maybe already play around with it. It's suppose to bring 3 new maps, a wagonload of new objects and new default skins for a number of "old" planes, maybe even more but "only" this was mentioned :)
  14. Because it's NOT possible, if you had ever played il2 online you would know that many people jump at every and any possibility to cheat or simply exploit bugs in game to gain advantage in virtual combat. Cracking of the il2 code would mean the end of il2 multiplayer. You are in this case very wrong, TK encourages modding of his game, Maddox resents it big time. SFS exctractor is actually in violation because it violates(reverse engeneering) intelectual property of 1C without their consent. On official forums as is on all major il2 forums including the Russian one where SFS Extractor first showed up, topics such as this are a bannable offense, I think that says everything about Maddox position on modding his game. Other than that for next(and most probably last) il2 patch, a complete protection re-write is planned to once again prevent messing with SFS files. This did not only delay the last il2 update v409, but also Maddox next generation simulation, SoW:BoB. My personal opinion on il2 modding: If it could be done for offline only with no possibility to use the mods online, I would love it.
  15. As somebody who uses SF series for jet combat only, I'm sorry to interfere but I simply have to correct some things and it might help you guys. With all due respect to the writer of that book, this is a fairy tale. Me109 had very strong wings it could put up with very high dive speeds and G-loads. The machineguns in the wings comment is very amuzing, as early ME109's(the "E" model that fought in BoB) could not only mount machineguns but also 20mm MG/FF cannons! Me109 ofcourse had it's downsides as all planes did, however wing weakness was not one of them.
  16. Great work Gux, looking forward to flying the Swedish beast
  17. I remember one of the many mods I downloaded did not have a classic ReadMe.txt, it said something like: "DO NOT READ!!!!.txt". I sure did
  18. So, Super Sabres

    Well I usually make sure I have alt advantage on them, and then I BnZ the living sh1t out of them. Since they turn like a freakin' Spitfire, I tend to try to predict their brake off direction and approach a bit from left or right side so I can get a nice deflection shot
  19. Well I have WinRAR v3.51 and it opens it. However it's a 7-Zip archive and you can find a free utility here: http://www.7-zip.org/
  20. Sounds great, thx for you hard work
  21. Well that would really be I hope so too, I messed around terrain editor a bit, but wasn't sure. I've also searched a lot on the forums and sites, found some great links but most of them refer to SimHQ and as they had a forum upgrade those threads are nearly impossible to hunt down now
  22. How does one add trees, I hope I don't have to type in co-ordinates for every single tree I wish to add

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