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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. pancake low-poly vaguely resembling the aircraft...that's how they are in-game...
  2. NP, also the maps should show up in the out file when properly exported that's a good clue on what's happening...
  3. I didn't try them for the Hornet, had too many versions so I decided to skip it, atleast for initial release Do they show in the scene? Because I do know they are doable, Julhelm did it for his Raptor cockpit and I had a small experiment that worked too
  4. Cool, I'll start crackin at my stuff this weekend...
  5. Yes that's true but there's something about dropping a wagonload of bombs accurately on target not to mention going Dave on the target from 10000m and for this purposes I use Crusaders bombsight mod, works great and fireworks type of mission accomplished is guaranteed
  6. I service my stuff myself, never had any issues, I like me.... Ofcourse servicing a home PC is a different world comparing with the CA problem or workstations I have at work...
  7. Serious case of dumb

    On a different note he does have quite a view on the dashboard
  8. You know in the southern states...

    #3 is like Clint Eastwood movies described in one sentence...
  9. Hey CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, and Fox News!

    ...HRT, RTL, NOVATV, Croatian news portals etc..
  10. AFAIK no as turning the screen off removes the screen mesh from the scene...
  11. Russ is it possible to round the nose a bit without re-modelling? I tried some techniques but it didn't work...I know you are more experienced... I fooled around with it a bit too, bump and specs but nothing major like this, great work buddy... EDIT: I see you answered it now, we were writing in the same time...
  12. Yeah today they are really easy to make...if the hierarchy is good and node names are known it might still be doable...
  13. You have one in the source file I sent you for mf1 and in the draken, that's one way, you can also animate them...
  14. It's just the F-14 which was probably a mistake, other planes(even AI) have the entries right where they were
  15. Umm no it wasnt, the plane(in game ofcourse) makes a 90 deg turn in one second or less at about 68 km/h and the torque has nothing to do with it, raise flaps and you can firewall it w/o problems The whole thing is an obvious bug guys... This should work, I forgot about that one
  16. YRC however the game spawns you with flaps in takeoff position...I don't know how to fix that. Although either way the plane shouldn't violently pull to one side due to flaps unless perhaps if one is dropped and the other one is jammed...
  17. Spitfire fixes!!!! For bouncing/missing tail wheel: [TailGear] SystemType=LANDING_GEAR Retractable=TRUE DeployTime=5.0 AnimationID=1 DragArea=0.08 HideGearNode=TRUE ModelNodeName=tail_gear_strut InsideNodeName=tail_gear_bay_inside ShockAnimationID=4 ShockStroke=0.12 SpringFactor=2.0 DampingFactor=1.8 WheelNodeName=tail_wheel RotationAxis=X-AXIS ReverseModelOrientation=FALSE RollingRadius=0.13 CastoringWheel=TRUE CastoringNodeName=tail_gear_frame Steerable=TRUE MaxSteeringSpeed=30.88 Locking=FALSE MaxSteeringAngle=45.0 InputName=YAW_CONTROL ControlRate=1.0 HasBrakes=FALSE RollingCoefficient=0.05 MaxLoadFactor=4.0 MaxDeploySpeed=71.53 <-------------------------------This line, just add it For super crazy take-off Just retract the flaps and the plane takes off easily, I haven't figured out why is that or how to fix it, if you try to take-off with the flaps somewhere at 65-70km/h the plane insanely violently turns to the right, it's completely speed related, happens at any throttle setting...
  18. Yeah they came from superb dogfight machines in mkV and IX to modern super fast fighters, I have a love-hate relationship with Spits, I do love them RL wise but I hated them when I was playing il2 online as they would cause major frustrations lol Anyway if you don't have it already I recommend "The Spitfire Story" by Alfred Price, extraordinary book...
  19. Theoretically it should work, however that will help only for external view performance, the question remains how if would effect the performance while in the cockpit view...
  20. Actually that was the case with the Griffon engined Spitfires, the powerful Griffon not only increased the power so bad that one couldn't take off at full power because even full rudder kick wouldn't compensate for torque it also changed the direction in which the nose was moved by it. It was attempted to fix that with contra-rotating props although mostly experimental, the numbers of those are really low, I think just some mk19's and 21's were tried out operationally. I didn't manage time to fly the spits much so I don't know how they act exactly but this should get some insight into the real thing's problems...
  21. I can't imagine how would shadow calculations for cockpit objects impact the performance if done on the external, technically it can work in a way to put all objects that are not controlled by cockpit.ini with the external mesh and the just make gauges, lights, joystick, mirrors, hud etc in the separate cockpit lod, so yes it's definitely doable however you couldn't switch it off for cockpit only, it would be either having shadows at a very likely huge performance impact or not having shadows at all. Sophocles if you really do decide to go that route I too hope you will make two versions or atleast test it on variety of systems before release so you can see true performance impact...
  22. I didn't notice any weirdness in my heavily moded install *Runs away before angry mob picks up the stones "
  23. Air Conflicts Vietnam

    Mi-8's? I say what's with the ww2 style ADI in place of radar in the Phantom cockpit... :D

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