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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. Interesting guests

    Nope, it's a Gustav I'd say close to G10, don't know which DB605 is in there but it has streamlined bulges on the nose judging by the pics, it also seems to have wing bulges indicating a G airframe but I can't really say without the detailed look this might also be closest you can see to G-2, I forgot what airframe was Buchon based on 109F had DB601 btw
  2. A Right to die?

    There should be exceptions for situations like this. It can all be quantified in detail by legislation under what circumstances such actions can become legal. I don't care if that article would contain 100 pages solely on detailed descriptions of circumstances that allow such actions I still think it should be done. This man is actually being tortured by humanistic intentions and regulations that were made to benefit individuals and mankind as a whole, doesn't that defeat the purpose?
  3. Interesting guests

    Just had aviationgasm, thx
  4. Is Stary Getting old?

    Happy Birthday buddy
  5. EURO 2012

    Referee was not bad, he was GODDAMNAWFUL and not just the main referee, the goal Spain scored was from a clear offside of not one but two players...freakin ridiculous not to mention the MMA move on Ćorluka 5m from the goal. Spain does not need that sh** they are one of the best teams on the tournament and it's really silly to see such "divine" interventions...but hey under Platini in football federation - impossible is nothing...
  6. Been Out

    Good to hear your Dad is ok
  7. EURO 2012

    Yup it was unwatchable. I generally don't like the direction where football this days is going, you either have teams with 6 mid-fielders making gazillion of passes in the middle and dribbling 5m from goal or a team with 6 defenders and a plan to win in the penalty shoot-out... Ofcourse I'm generalizing and exaggerating a bit but those who watch football now and watched it before in the 90's and 80's I think can understand somewhat what I'm talking about...
  8. IMO pit should be built from scratch, it was my learning project, it's based on the old MF Mirage3 cockpit and the techniques I used on it were really beginner level as at the time I only had very basic understanding of pit making for SF2. The pit however was made according to the manual and has pretty much every switch, gauge, instrument as the real thing has... For the 3d files I don't know, I have to check this out with my MF connection as right now I don't really know what happens with the project and the current team seems to me even had no clue they have my pit lol
  9. I made this cockpit btw out of old MF source files...
  10. Not sure what kind of problem are you facing but did you try the align tool? It's Tools---->Align
  11. EURO 2012

    Yup, Mandžo for president BTW It's almost hard to watch what Spain does to Ireland... Wondering where all that flash was against Italy
  12. EURO 2012

    Germany plays great!
  13. EURO 2012

    Hm, hm, he who is without sins... What did the Russians think to provoke with that huge "This is Russia" transparent? Peace, love and understanding? Anyway both games f'ed me over, we play a little game on one CRO forum it's like betting without money, just prognosis but we made it sort of competition for fun...anyway...I missed the groupA again completely and got no points...again lol
  14. Didn't do much action on the bombers but fighter-sized planes get killed as usual
  15. Heh...I wish we had the kind of graphics from that screenshot, Il-2 looks so much better...
  16. Nothingness terrain woul be perfect for that, it has only one tile texture so color it green and you are ready to go
  17. EURO 2012

    English goalkeeper is...drunk? I don't get the regular season part, you mean qualification rounds?
  18. EURO 2012

    Ummmm what?
  19. EURO 2012

    Yup! It went really well
  20. EURO 2012

    If by penalty you guys mean that "hand play" I disagree, I have just seen it and that can't be for penalty as there is clearly no intention, the ball was kicked very hard from a very short distance, Jacobsen couldn't possibly lower his arm in time to avoid being hit... Btw did anybody watch the Russians yesterday? Beastly play, they really played it nicely...
  21. EURO 2012

    Yup I was shocked too, I even chose not to watch it and went out to play basketball thinking there's nothing to watch... Watching Germany now, Portugal is playing ultra-defense, still hoping Germany will get into their usual attack mode and do something...
  22. Syria massacre: UN team reaches Qubair village

    This is completely incorrect. Actually Iran is one of the leading countries in regards to woman involvement and enrollment in society in the world. Majority of university students in Iran are actually woman, they are also in government as ministers and in parliament, they are also in the police, culture and fu** it, pretty much everywhere. The only thing they have that is different is the dress code which I really don't see as some oppressing method as that is pretty much their culture and should be none of our or anybody elses concern. Also I think they have a separate Persian womans day along with the international one...yeah what fascists lol I wouldn't say treating woman like animals is fun...but I get your point... And this is again incorrect, there is little places on this planet that are as oppressing as Saudi Arabia, in that country women really are treated like animals, completely segregated they can be forced to marriage at the age of 9(!!!), are not allowed to drive, must constantly be under supervision of a male guardian(like dogs). Rape victims are often sentenced not only to jail but also to whipping(lashing?) for not obeying segregation laws, funny eh? Not only they don't participate in politics, they can't even fu*** vote, dress code is not a simple covering of the hair as in Iran but complete and brutally enforced. But hey as long as our politicians and thus media consider Saudi F**** Arabia our biggest friends since God himself they can even be the largest financial supporters of international terrorism, treat women like dogs, oppress their population...it's ok...as long as we get to blame Iran for all horrors of the world...
  23. EURO 2012

    I still think Germans are one of the favorites to win the tournament...
  24. Syria massacre: UN team reaches Qubair village

    Why do you consider this being a joke?

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