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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. Good call I didn't think of that, btw if I got thing correctly Iceland is a 1000km map yes?
  2. New weapon type: CruiseMissile
  3. Water map is different It seems we can now have friendly and enemy waters...
  4. OMG just checked the terrain data.ini....that stuff is all new...
  5. We don't really need the LOD so much, check out: ICELAND_DETAIL_MAP.BMP That's the new "TFD" for example
  6. Mine is cheap but effective: AMDx2 @3GHz 4GB DDR2 ATI 4850(512DDR3) Key to my good fps numbers - 17" Samsung Monitor
  7. 1225906043098

    From the album Brain32 Album

  8. And next, world politics! We really need that goddamnedevilcatextractor
  9. Dude just because your rig costs more than my car does not mean that people should refrain from making comments about game performance which are really scarce to begin with anyway. Yes we all want TK to get "good grades" and continue working on this game series but that does not mean people don't have a right to a valid opinion. BTW I get 20-30fps if I max out and 30-50 if I adjust it a bit, not what many people would consider bad but I don't see the justification for such performance drop, that's all, I can't imagine what would happen if that terrain wouldn't essentially be a deserted desert...
  10. True but also I've seen SimHQ doing exactly that and even more with "2nd opinion" reviews which is quite fair IMO
  11. Hi I'm Brain and I'm catextractorholic
  12. Looks like something for FPS games, not sims...
  13. Yes but they are separate trees, not really forrests which need to have a different approach because let's face it, making renders for 3D art is one thing, making objects for a game another. I understand TK's approach to Iceland because it's most prominent geographic features are cliffs and mountains and hills he went for high poly on them cutting on everything else, still I think he(his team) overdone it a bit because you just can't slap millions of polys all around and hope people will not complain on performance, sure those few with uber machines probably will not but...
  14. Terrain mesh simply has too many polys no other reasons here for such performance drop...
  15. Gerwins cat extractor does not work either, yup I tried that too
  16. Yes we need the allmighty CAT extractor ASAP, it's starting to drive me nuts, I even tried to open a few cat's with the old extractor just in case TK forgot to code some of them
  17. Terrain is more or less the same let's get clear on that, I have FC2 and yes it's nice polished LockOn but that's it, however the terrain and overall graphics are unreasonably demanding, my terrain benchmark to this day is il2 with amazing details, solid complexity and runs smooth as butter even on ancient machines. LOMAC never had that you always needed top notch state of the art computer to run that game. So basically it's the same old flyables on a same old terrain, sure nice, polished and updated but content-wise it offers nothing new unless you are an on-line type of player and on top of that modding is almost discouraged instead encouraged. Mind you I'm not saying LOMAC is a bad product, quite the contrary but I find all this praise waay to much Maybe they are but like I said they are also much more demanding, I would even say unreasonably demanding so they ask for way more $$$ than what's on the pricetag... As for Nevada it's a training terrain, for 20$ I think that's too much but I understand the fan-base wanting it no matter what...
  18. As much as I understood it's pretty much the same terrain and same aircrafts as FC2 and FC1, you only get online compatibility with DCS players. If you ask me that's free patch material. LOL I've just read they will charge 20$ for a Nevada terrain, now that's silly...
  19. btw since I fixed the inhumane fps cut I started playing it and...make no mistake....the game really rocks...
  20. Yup not just flatter but even hilly ones if go for less complexity, for example if we retain the complexity of the old SF2 terrains it will be as if nothing happened performance wise. That is if there are no other hidden stuff in new terrains. Also there's a horizon distance option we can play with...
  21. OK people everybody that has performance issues gather up! I just tried it at low, it still has 1 300 000 polys but ofcourse runs much, much smoother, you can set it to low without concerning about how will it look as with 10x the detail of old SF2 terrains it still looks great... I got 10 fps more btw...
  22. Yup that's what I'm wondering too and that's why I'm itchy for the cat extractor because, and I might be too confident and not at all modest for a hobby max user but I think I can do better than this...I mean really 3,6 million polys and that's just the part that renders at "near" horizon setting? The whole terrain mesh probably has a billion or even several billions of polys... In the mean time people try adjusting Terrain Detail setting because as per the ReadME: Terrain Detail - Controls how detailed the terrain appears at various distances. Low: Terrain is represented as a simple mesh. Medium: Terrain shows more hills and valleys. High: Terrain is at highest detail. Considering the ultra-high detail of the iceland I don't see you guys loosing much in visuals while you may get major performance improvement, I'm off to test that now, will report on it.

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