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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. OK people I just took my existing HUD.ini from old install that has debug info checked so I can see the polycount...anyway.. Scene is at the same altitude, a full 90deg left view from the cockpit of F-14A: Iceland over some mountains: a bit over 3 600 000 (that's three milion six hundred thousand) polygons Germany(stock) over the city and a river: a bit over 130 000 (one hundred thirty thousand) polygons So basically, bland Iceland terrain has about 3,5 milion more polygons....
  2. And this is why I don't understand the fps drop, no rivers, no forests no cities yet my fps are cut in half or more, on the other hand I can run for example Stary's Germany with 1024 tiles no problem...go figure...both in NA btw.
  3. Even at "Near" setting I can see way further away than I used to on "Normal" I think it even shows further away than old terrains did on Far and Very Far... With old terrains it still works as it used to, I just copied the GermanyCE.cat into NA to check it out, runs smooth as butter... All in all we can guess into eternity, until we get the extractor we are clueless...
  4. Tie them down. sry I have no idea...
  5. You cannot legislate common sense

    Yes, this texting and driving is a case of preemptive legislation which is common in many areas of law today and in many cases pretty mindless. Also you can be sure that many outright stupid legislations are actually there for somebodies profit, I've had a lot of example here from speed-bump in silly places, traffic signs on places and situations that are hard to connect with any kind of intelligence and many other examples in which tracing the money not once raised an eyebrow.. Not much difference between that and those fences I'm pretty sure of that...because somebody will be paid to raise those fences and somebody will pay for that, who will pay? You will! Just as I paid for the speed-bumps that are destroying my car on a road between nothing and nothing so nothing can have a safer pass across the street. We live in an age of extreme consumerism and parasitic capitalism which is driven not by progress as it was before but by generating needs on expense of personal responsibility and common sense.
  6. Reflections are semi-dynamic actually the sun and lighting reflections are fully dynamic There is still a lot of work, more than it seems at a first glance, I need to make a proper SMS MFD page and that takes some time as the game really does not support such things so we have to make up workarounds. I'll post some new pics a bit later
  7. Not for the Oil..wearing a bit thin

    Well Syrians finally broke the siege of foreign financed and supported terrorists(or as our media called them - "freedom fighters") so hopefully they can stabilize life in their country now...
  8. You have two pit shots in my gallery
  9. Name one product in the last 10 years that didn't require patches
  10. Sure, however new screenshots would be enough, product page - that's creating a hype. Although due to: "Hey that left underside below corner screw is clearly type G14895 Ultra made in Jon's screw factory east of Detroit from 1968 to 1969 right next to Pizza Hut on the corner but as we all know Tomcats used G14897 Mega type of screws that was made in Jon and Jack screw factory after the merging which moved the factory right down the street to the left of Dougs sandwiches so the pit is totally inaccurate and unusable" ...TK might be still doing some fixes...
  11. Quite honestly I fail to see the point of this product page "two weeks" in advance but ok...
  12. Well it's not even 8:00 AM in Texas so I don't expect it now...
  13. Off Subject

    They are being silly, I watched a German test of a LPG powered car(Opel) being set on fire in a way that is even impossible to get on fire and still nothing happened to the gas tank...they are very safe theese days What's silly here is the fact that if you go by bus/tram the ticket is ~2,5-3$ while liter of gas is ~2$
  14. Off Subject

    Be careful with that buddy a few years back something similar happened here, LPG was dirt cheap and many people converted often laughing to us paying double they paid for a tank, as time passed by and more and more people converted, guess what happened? Yup, suddenly there was not enough gas for our needs(that was actually BS) so we suddenly had to import more of it from where? Russia, just as it happened at the time Europe had the gas problem with Russia and LPG suddenly went up - double up. Ok it's still about one half of a price for a liter of gasoline, but if more people convert it will go up...
  15. Totally OT...My New Petfood Store

    Sounds great, I love this kind of positive news, best of luck to you man
  16. Jesus V Satan - Computer joke

    LOL this was epic
  17. Well I think ME revolutionized the way most people play the game, not sure if more people go for single missions or campaigns but that's about the tastes anyway, as for other things, mainly "obscure Euro-jets": Well the EXP2 brought new Hunters, Lightnings and F-100A/C jets I would rather call that a British-American connection, OK the Hunters had such a large service all over the world you could call that an "Euro-jet" but most certainly not obscure as we are talking about a true legend here, it's like saying Spitfire is "some obscure Euro-plane" but I'm missing my point here... On the other hand EXP1 had Meteor, Mystere and P-51, that is IMO more into "obscure Euro-jetting" than exp2. Now when you really look closely at those two titles you can see something interesting, it's recycling, because exp1 brought 3 brand new never before seen planes in SF2 series while strictly looking exp2 only had the Lightning because new Hunters and SuperSabers are just new variants of existing planes, yes the pits are new and awsome and everything is really cool - to us, the very few that really appreciate multiple variants but casual gamer just sees another plane of the same name and same basic look, he does not care that much about variants like we do and that is I think also one of the reasons exp1 sold better than exp2 Nevertheless I think you nailed the head with the intro remark, we are indeed in turbulent economy time...
  18. Not for the Oil..wearing a bit thin

    Ofcourse, if you control supply you control the price, so much about free market utopia...
  19. Off Subject

    Here it's 1,85$ for a LITER! That makes it 7.08$ for a gallon? I'm so angry at that I could severely hurt somebody. Average paycheck here is 1000$, but not many get the average one, most get around 600-700$ while the "elite" get's milions doing NOTHING just like in the States...
  20. That's why I said select all vertices and weld them with the threshold of 0,001 that always worked for me...

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