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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. With an exclamation mark? Really? Damn man I thought this is a release thread ...never clicked this fast in my life...
  2. Black select all vertices dial in lowest possible value, I think it's 0,001 and it will smooth without making any changes to the mesh...
  3. And today is.........

    Happy brithday Julhelm! P.S. I'm still doing the homework
  4. Not for the Oil..wearing a bit thin

    I understand you buddy, unfortunately the world is far from idealistic right now...that's why I keep my skepticism about such actions...
  5. Not for the Oil..wearing a bit thin

    Rly? Sure like thousands of imported rebels do now in Syria... BTW Syria will have elections in April IIRC but some people on international scene don't want Assad in the race, how is that democratic? You got me totally lost on this, you think it's ok to spend billions of dollars, risk thousands of lives and cause major international tensions just to enable people who might actually be a violent minority come to power in a country and hate your guts and scream "Death to America" while burning your flag together with the people that previously weren't anywhere close to that? It's like saying "hey let's totally stretch to enable a gang of extremists make a million peaceful people just as extreme as them... Makes no sense to me at all, and quite honestly I find the whole Arab "Spring"...a potentially very dangerous prospect, I noticed that during Libya mess although I'm glad that Gaddafi MF'er is done with because of all the sh** he did before...
  6. Not for the Oil..wearing a bit thin

    What's wrong with that motto?
  7. The Give Up Smoking Revolution Thread

    The only thing that could eventually drive me off the cigs is probably their constantly increasing price. It's silly and interesting how when I was starting they were 8,5-10, now that I'm addicted they are 19-25, funny eh?
  8. Not for the Oil..wearing a bit thin

    The whole Syria thing is strange to say the least. The delegation of Arab alliance(or what's-it's-name) that went there and wrote a report according to which they had full access to everything and found Syria is under attack by outside source which was hidden and ignored and the delegation was at such pressure they resigned pulls for more suspicion. Not to mention numerous reports that the so called rebels are foreign groups which includes Al Quaida and other regimes. So I don't support "Hey let's stick-rape the current secular government and install extremists" thing one bit.
  9. Finally caught time to try it out, wonderful work Stary
  10. BugA

    From the album Brain32 Album

  11. Corporate b*stards

    You are right atleast concerning me, I'm furious at the way economy "works" today, at it's inefficiency, unreasonable hostility towards the people, liberal stances that brought us here overall and yada yada yada.... So yes, I can't wait to spit and pi** on corporations whenever I can while it's still legal to say anything against them and NOT end up in privatized jails for blasphemy... Although like I also said I see no problem here, legally seizing the opportunity couldn't be more old school capitalism and that is something I actually like...
  12. STL check is a modifier you can select it from the modify drop down list, as much as I understanded it's for checking if the model is ok for exporting to STL format which some program uses that requires meshes to be complete and closed(no open edges, double surface, etc.) so you can quickly find mesh errors with it. reset xform you have under utilities, the tab that has a hammer icon.
  13. I saw your post in the screenshot thread, if you need ini help for the cockpit I can help you(doing some for my own project right now) but other than that, not much I can do, I'm not FM competent enough to fiddle with that...
  14. One way to keep the Prison population down

    ...or decriminalize certain herbal supstances
  15. Horneting around

    From the album Brain32 Album

  16. Corporate b*stards

    Strange capitalism rings. Usually it rings with: "Hey give us your money because we caused you loose your job to slave labor, collapsed the market and got insanely rich by pyramidal fraud with no legal consequences so we can do it all over again, yeah baby yeah" That's how "capitalism" rings for the past few years on the Wall Street which I officially call the "Western Red Square" as they are the largest socialist on this planet right now. As for the original topic that actually is what can be called capitalism, they are legally offering what they got through perfectly legal business contracts, if somebody else can make a better offer it is free to do so, vote for or against that decision with your money, just pay proper taxed and that's it - that's the point of our economy(or atleast it used to be before...)
  17. Like I said, when we see the first cockpit shots...be prepared...
  18. Gunther Rall passed away

    On October4 at the age of 91! one of the greates aces of all time(275 aerial victories!!!) passed away in his home... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Günther_Rall P.S: Unfortunetly I found out about it over various forums, not in news or on news portals, I guess it was not as "important" as some Hollywood chick showing of 1/5th of her B-sized titty
  19. Flight Sim Rant...

    I said it ended like an arcade shooter, meaning the series as it aged went more and more into arcade. Jetfighter II was like what? 80's? Back then if the game had a plane in it, it was a "flight sim"... Sf series is still way more a flight sim than an arcade flying shooter, way, way more I mean did you play Hawx?
  20. Flight Sim Rant...

    Jetfighter is not a sim, let's get real a bit here Jetfighter ended up in a total arcade shooter genre. Strike Commander is not far from that either although to be fair considering it's time it probably was close to the flight sim in that day. And yet we have today, HawX, AceCombat, some prop games, all offer Jetfighter arcade style but are not or should not be a competition for flight simulator games...
  21. kim jung un

    Well this is a spooky coincidence if true: http://www.nowpublic.com/tech-biz/kim-jong-un-death-rumor-north-korean-leader-killed-china-2890241.html

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