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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. Popular AVIATION movies you've watched and liked!

    Yes Les Chevaliers du ciel is an apsolutely awsome movie Also of the top of my head I liked Battle of Britain ofcourse, Flight of the Intruder and The Right Stuff.. Oh yes and "By Dawns Early Light" - B-52 in a maybe a bit more catastrophe movie rather than aviation but still...a lot of B-52's in all that...
  2. Yeah I was messing with the high res normals too but I didn't manage to make it so nice as yours so I gave up... This is one of my old try-outs:
  3. This is seriously awsome, didn't manage to try all of them yet...but...wow man, that's really cool
  4. Sure there is buddy Marcfighters DL page: http://marcfighters.combatace.com/Aircrafts.htm And also check the SF1 download section I think there was some stuff there too. However keep in mind theese are made for older SF1 games, you will need to either convert them to sf2 by yourself or simply check out large packs like NATO Fighters mod pack where IIRC you already have the Flanker converted and ready to go for SF2 games
  5. I still think it's silly as Abe Lincoln riding a green unicorn in a pink suit but hey, if that helps TK to pull out and finish the Atlantic...I'm all for it...
  6. Yup I thought so, I know TK wouldn't do it without a VERY good reason...
  7. By popular demand?!?!? Is TW facebook page so influental? Because I see no other place where this was popular and I couldn't care less about facebook so I guess that's it because knowing TK plays on safe bets only it sure had to be popular somewhere and not by a little... I don't want to sound harsh or anything but this has to be one of the...I mean what's next? F-15A for those who have only SF2:V but want to have F-15A but don't want the SF2E or I....sorry I'll be right back after I brake the nearest brick wall with my head... I knew nothing good could come out of facebook except fired up ladies with a dislike on wearing too much stuff on them but seriously? S-eriously? Wait, this is a dream right, I'm just dreaming like that one time I was playing pickup game of basketball and shared a joint with Kennedy and Hruschov to end the chocohlate crisis in Ivory Coast back in 3025 AD pheeeeeeew so soon alarm clock will engage and I will end this sillyness and go to work, pheeeeeeew you got me going there for a while, pranked the prankster, not ba...wait, what? Not a joke? Moooooommmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  8. Beautiful, excellent, don't know what else to say but I just started flying over that terrain again after quite a few years
  9. Is this the first... Apache Air Kill X-Ray....that is sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
  10. Apache AirKill

    From the album Brain32 Album

    like it says
  11. Its started!

    That's just one part of the problem, this all started with brakethrough of neoliberalism whose point is actually less government not more... Ahhh now we'retalking - derivatives, they are the cause of problems but when certain institutions wanted to induce regulation on them it was almost violently fought away. As for valuing them, that's why the Wall St. guys had(and still have) rating agencies, so they paid them to rate those derivatives as "AAA" while they were infact "junk". Bad loans were a product of the fact that loaners didn't even care if the loan can and will be payed back, they would give a loan and sell that debt away. So infact instead of checking credibility, risks and all the usual stuff the only thing that was in their intrest was to give as much loans as possible, sell them as derivatives to investment banks(Wall st.) which would then with help of rating agencies rate them as top of the line and sell them away (but also insure them first together with bunch of other people which will later lead to ensurance companies brakedown) but also bet against them in the market while in the same time selling them as top of the line - that's just insane and even fraudulent. Also besides that and again with help of lobbying banks managed to achieve increase of base to debt ratio to over 30:1 which is totally insane from economical standpoint as that would mean that even very small percentage drop would most certainly make them insolvent which who would know is exactly what happened. So if the State kept it's regulative purpose and imposed it on derivatives, there's no way in the world those junk derivatives would be marked as AAA, so in turn they could not sell them at the price they did and with the flow of causality there would be no intrest for the loaners to issue bad loans as then they couldn't sell them as derivatives and would simply have to make sure those loans are good because everything else would not bring them money. I still say lack of previous (good)interventions was the cause of 2007 recession. Well solution to buissness cycle drops was always government intervention, at no time in history of economics did the market managed to pull itself out without the help of government intervention. The only time when we had about 30 years without recessions(which normally occur about every 10 years) was during the time of keynesianism which was bascially a period of goverment intervention based economic policy...however we diched that after OPEC crisis in the 70's... Howevery I can agree with you on the fact that if they keep insisting on current means of intervention - we are screwed....
  12. Its started!

    Actually that's a yes and no issue, the recession was caused by lack of intervention and then rescue attempt was made with a bad choice of intervention.
  13. Same thing happens here Eric, also Win7, so far I discovered being extremely pi$$ed and starting the game all over again like 10 freakin times in a row usually "cures it"
  14. Well I had some clipping issues and can't get enviroment system to work but then again I never was much into sky modding so maybe I'm just bad at it lol
  15. Ummmm this looks beyond epic. I'll try to force it in SF2 somehow...
  16. Good question he could had saved it for the hard mode, what's the point of hard mode if it too get's dumbed down?
  17. Hmm there was a singled update but it was just attached to the post not uploaded in the downloads section with much better and re-newed FM for the Draken
  18. I could swear Lindr made 2k-114 dual pods but can't confirm it right now...
  19. Its started!

    I don't know I agree with both Jug and Widowmaker here. To clarify... I don't blame all corporations(if I was an american I would probably blame those that shift jobs out of USA but I'm not although I think you guys should do something about it but tehnically that's none of my buissness), I blame financial institutions that caused the crisis and got awarded for that(although by all characteristics what they did can be qualified as a fraud in criminal law). And I do think I have the right to blame those because financial market is so globalised it impacts every part of the planet. The 2007-2008 recession was not what is known in economy as a science as natural "buissness cycle", it was caused. And it was caused in a way that brought those CEO's that caused it huge bonuses even though they destroyed their own companies. And on top of that becase their role is so important they got rewarded by your money(bail out, quantitative easing, etc.) promising not to do it again(WTF? should we forgive bank robbers, thiefs and con masters too?) . I see it as a sort of blackmail or extortion...anyway, those are not the ideals of capitalism I like an aspire to...it's financial fascism, financial terorism...something like that anyway...
  20. Its started!

    If idiots they are protesting against are the future I wonder if we need 2012...
  21. Well this is the deal: 1. Export HFD to bmp via terrain editor 2. Open the exported bmp in the Photoshop 3. load the colour pallete(Image---->Mode----->color table) which I just attached 4. first convert it to RGB(Image---->Mode---->RGB) 5 then convert it back to index (Image---->Mode---->Index) and save it like that DONE! I really don't know why is that conversion switching neccessary but that's the only way I got it to save in System(Windows) mode required for it to work..
  22. Hey Wrench and everybody interested for that matter, you guys do know about the "trick" when it comes to water maps right?
  23. This is insane, had you not said it and gave a link I would think it's like several 4096 textures lol It looks incredibly hi-res
  24. Yeah same here, I was really hard core il2 online player...
  25. Water map? No problemo, I thought you guys have it...

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