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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. Nobody noticed it's MontyCZ birthday?!

    Happy Birthday
  2. Syria, Spain, UK, Greece... But what about Israel?

    But hey if people that spent their whole life on education can count on having enough income to have a place to live and something to eat then those few sweaty fat old bastards can not earn their gazilionth bilion and that will make them sad. How dare those filthy people to ask to get properly paid for work and upset those poor old men so badly? It's a blasphemy...
  3. Vietnam FPSs

    Darn I totally forgot about LOS, but that one never really got to me...
  4. Well, well ... look at all the birthdays today!

    Happy birthday guys
  5. Vietnam FPSs

    VC2 had huge memory leaks, it would either crash or run poorly on very high end and then crash etc...
  6. Void Skins?

    No buddy unfortunetly not..., every template has to be made in PS...
  7. Punching your own balls is a minor inconviniance in relation to working in TE. I would rather cut my penis with a rusty razor and then paint all the lines and rivets on a MiG-15 including the weathering with the small drops of blood coming from it... P.S. Hope this is not too much for our rating lol
  8. Bubba Smith passes away at 66

    R.I.P. Hightower
  9. Ooooooooook things are gettin' a bit weird here
  10. Can we have this gun for traffic days...

    My next familiy car:
  11. Yeah this is somewhat true too, but also TK's games are in somewhat of a limbo... They are not hard core enough for the hard core(Falcon, LockOn) and not flashy and arcady enough for the arcade(AceCombat, HawX etc.). So in the end it simply does not turn enough heads from either camp. Me for example I was a hard core WW2-style online combat nutcase, that surely does not fit anywhere in TK concept but quite honestly back at the time I was just looking a game that would be able to display me going mach 1+ at like 50m from the ground with more than 30fps and that was what I found in the first SF release but it only lasted for some limited time(not much mods back then or any idea of what will it become). Oh and I found out about SF on SimHQ I'm pretty sure about that... But anyway I think TK should focus on one aspect of the game as it's major selling point, since making it flashy like HawX would require too much money and considering the focus of his game to still-love-the-guns-cause-missiles-still-miss I think best way would be to go somewhere(not everywhere as that also costs a lot) in realism realm. For example why not focusing on high fidelity flight models? Streakeagle showed even back in the day just how VERY realistic they can be, why not working on that? On hard flight models in the game are already quite well made but HC people still say they are arcadish mostly because they have never read that they are very realistic 'cause quite honestly how would our average Joe know if it's realistic or not? I can tell you if drive simulator of a 15-years old Opel Astra is well made but I have 0 idea about how anything other than paper planes flew So basically looking at Il-2 and lockon you need two things: - insert some fancy features(engine flameout, advanced spins and stalls, recent addition of WEP damage by TK was exactly in that direction, engine off/on, maybe more oil, temperature,rpm features but nothing too complicated, like I said just for the show not to kill the game too much) - number two is optional but also good, get a real former(or present) pilot to say something like ("I had the chills, it feels like the real thing!") because those games do that to further emphesize just how great of a job they did even if they did not lol And in the end stop being shy about having something more advanced in your game WTF is up with that? We don't want to chase away casual players(whatever that means, I play 15-30mins a day if I'm lucky lol)? To sum it up(anybody still reading this? ) he should maybe try to focus on one thing he might be able to do that will enable him to enter the "forbbiden zone" of either camp(arcade or HC). So you don't have the $$$ for flashy graphics, campaigns with lot's of animations and movie style story-telling? No $$$ for complicated switchology everybody will hate after their 18th crash? Then go with the BOOOM - "Strike Fighters 2 - most advanced F-4 Phantom flight simulator ever(probably already is so but you can't read that anywhere)". flashy sign, some pilot quote like I said maybe etc.... This way he only collects "Innocent wanderers" which is not bad, but if you want to expand, you have to make a step in one direction, standing in place...never changed anything.
  12. Must be the effect on the skin then, very nice either way
  13. Hey Dave is it me or are those new Vipers bumped?
  14. US National debt (in graphic form)

    USA could be a superpower for the next bilion years if needed, but a few insanely demented greedy people decided they couldn't care less about that. True value is not the money, not the gold, not the paper and most certainly not the ones and zeros on computers. USA has great land, know-how, population composition, infrastructure, resources, technology and none of this changed, infact it only got better and better over the years. There was no great destruction, disease or some other catastrophe hitting the country that would justify sudden financial problems. It's obvious it's all not just in USA but all over the world in highly developed countries simply made up by the system that had no basis in the first place. Well they will most probably simply pump up this unsustainable system until we get to "Great Depression vol.2" which will probably be 100 times greater this time due to the negative effect of globalization just to have another J.M.Keynes that will teach some fool those same things we knew all this time, oh and we might get to fight another Hitler, hey why not, I hear there's youth on this planet that did not have the opportunity to expirence the "joys" of brutal total war...
  15. Yeah it's normal, you can however set up your TrackIR like a mouse and then you get the all-around although I personally prefer it that way, looking with trackIR in external views is somehow un-natural for me...
  16. Norway capital Oslo bombed

    f***itty f*** you've f***in read too much into it and made some stuff up along the way, but hey feel free to hate...for nothing, it's not my fault Norway does not have the death penalty...
  17. Norway capital Oslo bombed

    Interestingly though that nobody even mentions the bomb anymore, I guess "white" crimes are always more severe than others, we can't doubt in multicultualism can we? I'm not approving this demented maniacs act and also consider it utterly senseless but I can't say I'm too suprised far-right extremists started to act violently...
  18. Hehe I didn't plan for tiles to be so high res, just the templates to give me more space to work on... Good to hear you'll go 1024 btw
  19. Really cool Stary I started something similar some time ago, found really nice area in GE, even finished 4096 templates for basic tiles...looking forward to it and the Britain too
  20. My favorite terrain, old version is a constant in my WoE install I say option 1 too
  21. 20 Years and Some Change.....

    Congrats Dave I should read the Pub forum more often as I just saw this today...

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