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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. IL2 Cliffs of Dover status ?

    Well I'd say if you have Pentium Megatron Centacore at 580THz, 8 bilion terabytes of DDR73 RAM and centa-SLI GeForce 58693458,22 GTX TWIN TURBO V8 6.0L, you should have a nice expirience....on medium-ish settings...
  2. Built into model, I already inspected it Very cool thingy
  3. True, they could just re-texture it with new SF2 style, the pit itself was and still is of quite a high quality...
  4. Lost the will to fly/play

    Most of my scarce play time get's spent on basketball
  5. It's quite simple really, you have one download link and then follow the logic, I sure can't speak Chinese but I managed w/o problems EDIT: cool
  6. Colombo actor passes away

    Columbo rocked watched entire seasons more than once. R.I.P. Peter Falk
  7. and Spillone104 too!

    Happy Birthday Spillone!
  8. Ahh handling the weapon stations... Will be nice to see it on the C model
  9. Happy Birthday Stary & squid!

    Happy birthday guys!

    And for the first time in team history... We are ofcourse talking about the Dallas Mavericks right? Didn't notice anybody keeping up with this years NBA playoff's on CA so I'm not sure lol...
  11. We have Predators?!? If we don't and it's a wip then - nice job
  12. Well plane performance-wise il2 has it quite good, in Fw-190A you are dead meat for allied planes above 6000m although if you ask me don't go over 3000m if you don't have to, 109's and 190D-9 can somewhat keep it up but from a position of inferiority, maybe a bit too emphasized even. Ofcourse I'm speaking all that from a stand point of an online player only, offline your mileage my vary
  13. Ak-47

    Romanian? Don't know which one you got and if it's newer maybe it's better but the old ones were pretty crappy, guys that tried them all said Romanian is the worst. Allegedly(I haven't tried it) it has too much plastic and the barrel is not of the same quality material as others so when you shoot a lot the barrel heats up(faster than with others) and you can forget about any kind of accuracy. Ofcourse AK is not a sniper but people said it's a pretty bad case with those... Hope you got a nice one though
  14. Yes indeed it was only a prototype, like many other projects it failed with the SSSR. I think they are considering AN-140 now for that role...
  15. Never noticed that, high-alt is for pussies, I liked to keep my Focke Wulf/P-51 low and super fast, results were briliant...
  16. Since they look very much like E-2, I'd say it's Yak-44
  17. It's not THAT complicated, it needs a new 3D model. Like MiG-21F from Mirage Factory that's like 10 times better than any stock mig and still one of the nicest models for the game...
  18. I don't really get this "not showing up" thing, very strange. But maaan those are some very nice 109's for CFS
  19. In that case - bring it on. P.S: Spilling some more info or even screenshots(of anything, even a picture of the icon on desktop would be cool lol) could be a good idea
  20. Many 90's games had a pretty good budget it's just that they didn't have the technology to put out the stuff we see today, so you have no reason not to believe that. As for the other things, it's his business and it worked so far It's just strange about this particular issue that he obviously had to spend time which equals money to reduce and lock out this feature and quite honestly I can't see how did he figure out this would be a good investment
  21. The thing with this is...I mean the part I have problem with is. He can set the default game to be completely safe of any kind of errors and that is very sound, but why limiting the people that use extractors to extract and edit much deeper parts of the game. Nobody can hold him responsible for that, and quite honestly many of us are expirienced enough with the game we could still make a mod that can lock the game and crash it or cause serious bugs, he would have to cut the modding part of the game completely to be apsolutely sure that wouldn't happen. It's a bit silly...as if car manufacturer welded the hood so nobody can install Nos in it and blow up the engine, some things are simply not covered by warranty and that's all... Basically what I want to say is, the in-game interface should serve the purpose of keeping the game at safe levels, if you do anything beyond that, sorry that's on your own risk. And that's why I don't understand all this locking up/hard coding stuff...
  22. LOL I had to google it, that thing came out 3 years before my birth lol

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