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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. You better do if you can check this out guys:
  2. Did you use the pit in other titles before EXP2?
  3. Leslie Nielsen Dies

    RIP never knew he had 84 years...
  4. War in Korea closer than we thought

    Using the term shot first like this sounds rather sketchy. If my neighbor would shoot to clean the barrel of his rifle on his one property, should I fire 80 RPG-7 rockets on his house? I don't think so.
  5. Hmmm I never tired that however I have an idea, I always have an idea lol Anyway maybe it would work if you put: DeploymentMethod=AUTOMATIC_SPEED (or MACH) on the airbrake it would work...
  6. true, there's even dxredist folder in the game root folder...
  7. But sinister black would fit it nicely, or stealth dark-grey...
  8. Happy Birthday hgbn!

    Happy birthday buddy
  9. War in Korea closer than we thought

    China is also interested in trading, much more so than in some stupid war that totally kills economy and since we have globalization now it will affect global economy - nobody likes that. The N. Korea however still holds on to the old stalinist ways sanctions are killing them and China is affected by that in turn by a bunch of refugees and a potentional humanitarian crisis should N.Korea's isolation continue. Make no mistake totalitaristic regime in N.Korea is a pain in the butt for China. Actually for a complete situation where everything is different yet everything stays the same, China should resolve the N.Korean problem by itself, by whatever means...ofcourse reactions to such action are quite unpredictable...
  10. Hehe this thread exchanges with the screenshot thread on the top of the stickies
  11. An Interesting COD Black Ops Observation...

    Yeah but they don't if you play them from DVD right?
  12. An Interesting COD Black Ops Observation...

    Movie? Hardly, movies don't stutter and suffer from bad fps on supercomputers... MOH singleplayer was freakin' awsome, best SP in a while for me...
  13. How Long is Two Weeks?

    Two weeks? I guess somewhere between average NIKE commercial duration and Duke Nuke'em Forever
  14. Happy Birthday Sundowner!

    Happy birthday Sundowner
  15. Battle: Los Angeles

    Unlike preparing for 2hrs to beat them with F-15 and AH-64 because although technically indestructable they are weak to pure awsomeness? What's next? We will beat them by showing them WoW on which they will hook up into insane addiction and trade their invading fleet for WoW gold?
  16. Battle: Los Angeles

    You know what's wrong about the alien attack movies? This: How come it came to nobody's mind to make the movie that starts on the Alien planet, they have a High command meeting or something about lack of resources. One especially ugly little one then reminds them there's a planet they could harvest resources from and of course it's Earth. So they pack their offensive army in a huge attack fleet and start their journey, as the movie passes along we witness their enormous technological military power as they slash through the galaxy easily defeating some poor alien race that had the same plan. In the final 10-15 min of the movie(duration depending on special effects budget lol) they enter our solar system, start drooling on the carnage they will impose on us, when all of a sudden OUR huge F'in fleet appears and totally owns them, I'm talking like zero causalities on our side complete and utter owning and at the end on the Earth Solar System Defense High Command headquaters the active commander completely calmly like nothing unusual just happend says: "Tell Patrol 00586 that their shift is over." And with the credits just about to roll WE go to harvest THEIR planet muahahahahahah...
  17. Also "ControlMachTable" function on control surfaces can work very good, so one can't pull 800 G's at Mach 2 lol, I think that came in with TK's F-16..
  18. They better kill it, good riddance. Oh wait, they already did...
  19. Yup it has, "can" and "does" are different thing though. As a carrier based plane it passes through a lot of stress during it's operational life so I guess they've put a lower limitation to extend it's operational life... I think Spanish Hornets have 9g limitation and also of course I'm guessing the Blue Angels display team's Hornets lol
  20. I still can: Visual Targeting = Easy in the options screen and it works...
  21. Ahhh F-19 always loved it. I even had a plastic model of it.
  22. Wish Her Luck

    I'm not military of from the states but I recall I saw somewhere that E-X are ranks, or pay grades or both lol So basically it's a promotion
  23. Wish Her Luck

    Fingers crossed

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