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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. You think THAT might cause this? :lol:
  2. Yes SF1 for some reason works much better with nVidia, however if you are going to run SF2 I can't say there's a difference according to what people report. So basically the choice is yours. I exchange cards guided solely by price/performance ratio and I never had problems with any of them and I often did nasty stuff with them, OC, volt mods, custom cooling(I mean custom, custom not aftermarket ) I'd look more into manufacturer brands than into chip makers, so far I had personal expirience with: Gainward and Leadtek for GeForce cards Gecube and Sapphire for ATI cards They are not usually the cheapest ones but those I can really recommend.
  3. Yes like this: [GearUp] Type=LANDING_GEAR_INDICATOR NodeName=gearLightR MovementType=LIGHT Set[01].Position=1.0 Set[01].Value=0 Set[02].Position=0.0 Set[02].Value=1 [GearDown] Type=LANDING_GEAR_INDICATOR NodeName=gearLightG MovementType=LIGHT Uh I don't know Simple, same as every other this is my entry: [HSI_RangeCounter] Type=RANGE_INDICATOR CounterNodeFormat=HSI_rangedig%d MovementType=ANALOG_COUNTER ValueUnit=NM Here's my entry: [FlapsUp] Type=FLAPS_CONTROL_HANDLE NodeName=FlapsUp MovementType=LIGHT Set[01].Position=1.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=0.0 Set[02].Value=1.0 Set[03].Position=0.0 Set[03].Value=2.0 [FlapsTakeOff] Type=FLAPS_CONTROL_HANDLE NodeName=TakeOff MovementType=LIGHT Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=1.0 Set[02].Value=1.0 Set[03].Position=0.0 Set[03].Value=2.0 [FlapsLanding] Type=FLAPS_CONTROL_HANDLE NodeName=Landing MovementType=LIGHT Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=0.0 Set[02].Value=1.0 Set[03].Position=1.0 Set[03].Value=2.0 Sorry buddy, I have no idea on that one either
  4. Well I hope you use Photoshop.... Anyway you can get nicest effects with "replace color" tool.
  5. Unguided? Haha, so far the only valid tactics I found was - Dave tacticsTM aka BrightFlashes
  6. Well I think it's cool to go up to 20k, especially if you have lower lods, but even if you don't I think 20k's shouldn't hurt anybody...
  7. Forget TrackIR, I'll need USB Droolage Collector for this
  8. Heh I probably can't fly without TIR anymore lol
  9. Hmm AFAIK the ball is not moving you have two bars for indication. Atleast that's the way it is on Su-27's HSI which looks pretty similar to this one..
  10. Happy Birthday to Dels

    Happy Birthday
  11. 'Red Slime' - toxic mud flood in Hungary.

    They are building a dam to stop it when it brakes...it's a race with time right now...
  12. 'Red Slime' - toxic mud flood in Hungary.

    It seems we're in for another even worse breach...wonderfull...
  13. 'Red Slime' - toxic mud flood in Hungary.

    Well according to the news we get from media here and we do have quite a coverage as Hungary is our neighbor state, the owner was warned several times about leaking pipes, malfunctions etc. However it seems he didn't care about that, buying new BMW was probably higher on his priority list...
  14. 'Red Slime' - toxic mud flood in Hungary.

    Factory owner should be SHOT, then shot again, then once more just in case, although I'd like to rip his head and piss down his throat asking: How do you feel about pollution now?
  15. OK it took us two pages to fish out an answer, those guys aren't joking.
  16. Actually a pit(making that another flyable) might help the sales of EXP1, a skin and a campain...I doubt it would...
  17. Exactly, if the bonus requires EXP1 then it has to be in some way related to stuff from EXP1. Thus it can only be: -skins & campaigns -cockpit Considering how TK avoids releasing any templates since WOI it might as well be skins and a campain...who knows...
  18. Using Cheat Codes

    I cheated the same way in Fallout3 too. Normally I can't remember when was the last time I used cheats but in Fallout3 it's freakin harder to get some cash than in RL. I was constantly freakin broke roaming around with nothing more than a dead radioactive rat with a rusty nail attached to it's head that gave more damage to me than to enemy...frustrations rose after I died about 28 057 136th time so I decided to get rich same way politicians do - cheat codes baby(or was it save game editor?)
  19. Is it just me or is it a fact that whatever you do to the Mirage even when just using a saw and a hammer and that thing STILL looks F'in awsome?
  20. Backwards? If you mean vertically than I did it, and actually that's the first thing I try with nearly every new plane. Horizontally though....is another story..
  21. I never saw them stall, and they would only spun if one of the controls would be shot off. Thus they can pretty much hold max alpha ad infinitum.
  22. They fly at normal, no stalls, spins, no nothing. I already got used to fighting every plane like I would fight a Spitfire in IL2...
  23. Happy Birthday Brain32

    Thx guys

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