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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. 2010 FIFA World Cup

    Worry not, that's perfectly normal lol I remember when Croatia played against Australia on the last WC, one of our players got 3 yellow cards
  2. 2010 FIFA World Cup

    Don't be so quick on that, one thing I've learned about Italy national team is - they can always win the championship. I am not one bit concerned about Italy dropping out until I see it happening. I know you look at it with more heart so to say, but for "3rd party" watchers Italy is always a favorite...
  3. Some more obvious differences: G-2 - basic Gustav G-6 - MG131 cowl bulges, main wheel bulges on wings, non-retractable tail wheel G-6(late) - same as G-6, but with "Galland hood" canopy G-6AS/ASM,G-10,G14 - MG-131 bulges are more streamlined, other things are pretty much same, mosty different antenna mast is in question K-4 - retractable tail wheel again, different antenna mast(not sure but AFAIK it is) Those are just some main visual differences without checking my WW2 airplane library, performance differences are mostly engine related although streamlined MG131 cowl bulges and retractable tail wheel on the K-4 gave for a less draggy aircraft making K-4 one of the fastest WW2 propeller driven planes...
  4. 2010 FIFA World Cup

    Brutal. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xdnwm0_1-0-matchhighlight-com_sport#from=embed?start=3
  5. 2010 FIFA World Cup

    I would say Brasil first but they don't look as convincing this year, so I think Argentina might go through. Other American teams I don't think have that level of quality to compete for the 1st place. From Europe my No1 favorite is Spain. They played seriously good on the last Euro and they are...well...really, really good. Germany's team seems to be a bit too young for mayor achievements although Germany could probably win with 11 schoolgirls thanks to their supreme tournament mentality, anyway in upcoming years I expect Germany to kick some major butt once the young players gain expirience. England is insanely strong however they have a nasty habit of scre*ing things up when they are least expected so this time I don't expect big things from them although they always have a team that is perfectly capable for final game. Italy is always good but you never know what to expect, they could in the same time be world champions or fail to pass the first group, nobody knows lol Other European teams IMO can't compete for the highest level at this moment. African, Asian and other teams still have a long way to come to be able to seriosly compete with European and South American teams. Europe and South America is where football (soccer) is other parts of Earth yet have to catch up, closest being Africa... Actually I think the first World Champions that are not from Europe or S.America will probably be from Africa but not this year..
  6. I still think it will be about Lybia...
  7. GO CELTS!

    They really kick ass this year. I hear Wallace is schooling Howard lol I can't watch it here
  8. Quite strange I must say since roll rate and aileron stifness was one of the biggest issue for the spits since the begining of the design, they did make a change and put all metal ailerons on MkV that did improve things but after that the wings barely changed at all... Anyway I only have a chart from RAAF testing:
  9. RAF roll testCLR.jpg

    From the album Brain32 Album

  10. Everything is cool, just a small correction here, Spit quite certainly didn't have an edge in roll rate as she was one of the worst in that department among all ww2 planes while P-51's were among the best... Other than that, Spitfire should completely eat a P-51(and pretty much any other ww2 plane of the ETO) in sustained turning, huge eliptical wings and a good P/W - one just can't miss with that. Also it had quite a large (sustained)climb rate advantage over the P-51. I think you guys are right, AI simply can't or rarely does use BnZ tactics properly and that's why they get slaughtered. I even tried to lead them through the whole fight, attack/rejoin/attack etc. but no use, they would just stick to the spit, slow down and goodbye..
  11. File Name: AV-8B+ HarrierII SF2 File Submitter: Brain32 File Submitted: 1 Jul 2009 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Aircraft **********AV8B/BA+ SF2 VERSION ReadME******************** ##################### #ORIGINAL CREDITS!!! # ##################### Main contractor: bobrock FM and loadout advisors: triplethr3at, X-Ray Santa’s little beta testers and supporters: Canadair, Erikgen, Nghengo, Silverbolt, Souk A special thanks goes to the people on CombatAce, Column5 and Thirdwire message boards who shared their knowledge and passion over these years and to Thirdwire Productions for creating such an enjoyable series of games. If you encounter any problem installing or using this mod you can get in touch with me on CombatAce forum or send me an email. mail & msn: file404@tiscali.it May 2008 INSTALL: Simply extract contents of AV-8Bplus_SF2 folder into your MOD folder. NOTES: Original readme, and detailed PDF included in the archive. SF2 conversion done by USAFMTL/Dave with small additions by me. 01/07/2009 Click here to download this file
  12. Maybe even worse, G6 airframe, oversized Jumo engine with unsuitable prop blades, and on top of that cannon gondolas...ouch that will be sweet lol
  13. 1. AH-64 Apache 2. Updated MiG models from TW (new MiG-15 looks awsome, much better than ol' 17) 3. I actually don't know, maybe new MF Vipers quality level F-16I Sufa
  14. Actually they had some British Mustang MkIV which is basically a P-51D...
  15. Yes and that's a defensive move, it will give a great advantage to the Stang pilot. Clipped wing versions are very slightly faster at low alt, and roll a bit better(full winged Spits had a poor roll rate), everything else remains the same. EDIT: Ofcourse they also can't turn as good as full winged versions(but still better than most ww2 planes).
  16. No not tighter, it's wings wouldn't handle it. The thing is it could make a sustained turn at speeds Spitfire couldn't. An extreme example would be that if P-51D would initiate a turn at Spitfires top speed, there's nothing the Spit could do about it, since they are both at speed where Spitfire needs all it's power just to fly strait, he has no power "reserve" to sustain a turn at that speed.
  17. Well first, I have a wagnload of virtual air combat expirience im multiplayer online with IL2 and I was damn hot at it against humans. In IL-2 you couldn't turn with the Spitfire no matter what(which was wrong, Spit was uber turner at low speed but not at high), not an inch, zip, nada, here it's quite possible. BnZ is basically entering the fight at higher speed and/or altitude or higher energy, but you know that already. Against Spits(first flight with the expansion), I just entered the fight at very high speed, broke their formation and zoomed up, after that to my dissapontment they had apsolutely no chance at all. Even simple loops worked, and yo-yo's were like magic insta-kill solution. Ofcourse they killed my whole AI flight so I had to fight them alone grrr. Like I said that was boring so I tried fighting them, magic formula was, lag pursuit in a turn, when he stops turning hard G snap turn(real Stang would stall here) into him, trrrr goodbye - repeat. Actually according to my present expirience with the game I would say MiG-17 is a better turnfighter than a Spit...either that or default FM Stang turns too good.
  18. Yeah same engine, but Spitfire is(a lot) more draggy with bigger wings and different airfoil so it has a much better turn rate and climb rate. In game however I so easily owned Spits with a P-51D it was almost sad lol. At first I just BnZed them to death, but that felt simply too easy so next flight I went close-in, again AI proved to be apsolutely no match whatsoever. The difference in manouverbility and style of fight between P-51D and the Spitfire should be pretty similar to the F-4 vs MiG-17 however it was not, I easily turned into spits and blasted them away...
  19. What do you mean even in a dive? P-51D had a maximum speed of 380knots and that was at 8km. Maybe you are comparing it to the "H"? That was the only version that fast(also at alt). I got 580kmh on the deck which is pretty much in line with historic data, didn't try to run it at altituded but in a dive I went well over 800kmh. It's just a bit too hard to stall and has a VERY generous turning ability. So far the best FM for P-51D I saw was AVHistory FM...
  20. Well visually(for a rough look I mean lol) MkI,II,III,IV, and V are pretty similar. The MkVIII and later do have very different cockpit framing and that stucks an eye first, but I guess MkV is a very good stand-in.
  21. Well I don't know for later Meteors but first ones had pretty awfull roll rate(and an awfull turning ability), it's ailerons got really stiff and heavy, however I'm talking about MeteorIII here, although if later versions didn't get boosted ailerons I would expect the same. P.S: Did Kess make SpitMkIX pit or only MkV?

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