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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. Anyone here a Royal Marine?

    Damn, I only clicked on this topic to write such a response and you've beat me too it
  2. Well my expirienced eye tells me this is: 1.) made with Oct08 patch in mind 2.) includes some rather nice re-worked 512x512 tiles for fields 3.) includes some CA_Stary's work(tree and city textures) 4.) includes what is I believe Polak's city objects textures 5.) TOD's I can't detect(my eye is not THAT expirienced lol) Anyway I don't have EAW Euro terrain for SF so I can't test it but I suspect it looks rather nice :)
  3. Ahh sorry we will try to reply slowly for you bi-planers j/k
  4. Yeah the compatibility issues people love to talk about when trashing Vista are in 99,8% related to specialized buisness software, not common user applications. When I say specialized, I mean really specialized for example a system that tracks sales of tickets for a major bus or train company and stuff like that. Those apps are so tightly written for XP they simply refuse to work on Vista, however MS claims that Win7 should be better for it and they even have some kind of special error reporting and stuff for that But anyway nothing that should concern common home users...
  5. Well actually I never liked XP much, and used 2000 all the way until 2006 until I got my hands on Server2003 which was much better IMO As for Win7 I use x64 RC 7100 and I don't recall any WinOS working THAT smooth and stable, I was all wooooow and ohhhhh for the first week of using it, now that I got used to it there is NO WAY I'm going back to any of the previous Win versions. My completely free still downloadable from MS site Win7 are licensed untill March 2010 and that is also great, although I like this OS so much I think I'll go buy final Win7 as soon as it comes out...then again prices might be better in march next year lol but anyway...I'm sold
  6. How much sense will upgrading to Vista/7 make in regards to SF2 series...is up to TK and his will to fully support it or only UAC support it like now...
  7. Yeah the game has some clipping issues among other stuff...
  8. strange...try with the below attached data.ini I use that one but I didn't play much lately...so I might have missed it
  9. IRC back in Sep 2008 we didn't have TK's late Corsairs
  10. Very nice, I wish it was atleast 512x512 but very nice anyway :)
  11. Nothing..literaly nothing, it simply is not there LOL Ah well I guess patience is the key...
  12. Anybody tried if HUD's are working with new patch? EDIT: I mean when using "UseAdvancedShaders=1" option...
  13. There's also something I saw that sparked my intrest on the topic..I saw a video in which some fighter tried to lock on with heaters on a B-52 that was trailing them like mad...anyway he couldn't launch as the indicator on the HUD constantly went on the flares and not on the plane. Mind you it was a rather old video and they were VERY close...
  14. Yep and I would add they sometimes use it irritatingly effective lol
  15. Party for Criminal Law

    Yeah we also have 7-8 subjects a year, but too many exams are like: Super hard written test in which you practically have to quote pages from the book, only to qualify for brain melting oral exam... Thankfully some professors are humane enough to make oral exams simbolic IF you push through the written one...
  16. VH-1 Top 100 Hard Rock Songs of All Time

    RAMSTEIN is not Hard rock IMO, ok so some stuff on this list ain't hard rock either but... Anyway the list is not so bad, not enough AC/DC lol Also since AC/DC is on the list(it would be a crime against humanity if it wasn't) I expected Highway to Hell or Thunderstruck to be there but Back in Black is OK too
  17. Party for Criminal Law

    I don't think we are a part of that program to be honest, with not being in EU and stuff yet...but then again I don't spend much time at the uni so I can't be sure...
  18. Party for Criminal Law

    No I need to finish with this ASAP, I'm going for constitutional law and economic politics in september :)
  19. Party for Criminal Law

    Well I failed...I get to try again in three weeks...oh well
  20. Party for Criminal Law

    Yeah well we can form up a club I'm still waiting for results of my "family law" test, it's freakin' 19:15 here WTF are they doing with it arrrrrrrrrrrgh ....the suspense...is...KILLING MEEEEE!!!!
  21. COD6: Modern Warfare 2 Out this Year

    Well yeah but it still beats the living hell out of re-capturing the freakin Stalingrad for the 15 896th time
  22. That's not arrogance, that's a simple fact.

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