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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. Sure, no problem...I had my share of epic battles with the Terrain Editor lol Won all of them though ;-)
  2. You need to load the pallete for it when you convert it to Index and ofcourse save it as 8-bit... I'm attaching the pallete, however you can save it once you open the original image before you start working on it but this shoud be easier for now
  3. They are just blurred and lightened a bit nothing else, but when you throw a nice shader effect over it to sharpen it up a bit via bump mapping, it gives an overall better image. Nothing very special really but it's nice to see terrain is on TK's mind, bit by bit and one day we might see something more :)
  4. Column5 made a fix for it on his subforum :)
  5. Yes but it can be made to work with a simple ini edit, so far I managed to make everything work with new shaders, except the HUD's. In all cases the solution was to assign a shader effect(*.FX files) to the material and it worked flawlessly... I hope TK will support this as performance gains for those with good DX10 cards like me are gigantic!!! Using "UseAdvancedShaders=1" I came from for me unplayable below 25fps to rock solid and super-smooth 50fps+, now if he would just fix the HUD issue, when asked for arguments for buying the new series he could add "a 100%+ performance improvement for those with good DX10 cards." Now that is one hell of a rock solid argument if you ask me, I consider that alone enough to completely abandon the old series and go full throtthle on SF2 series :)
  6. HR 45

    Apsolutely true! Like I said I can't own a gun legally here, but just two days ago a bank was robbed and the robber had a freakin AK-47!!!!!
  7. Well I don't see anything so flammable here lol Anyway, what you said is true plus I'm quite certain the S and MS had the mig-21 like cockpit, now the only thing I'm not so sure about is the 23M cockpit, I could swear I saw a picture of it without the "radar-on-hud" but...it wouldn't be the first time I'm wrong lol... Anyway for major MiG-23 variants: S - basically preproduction model(S stands for Sapphir radar from MiG-21 btw.) M - first mass produced MF - significantly crippled "M" exported to Warsav Pact countries ONLY MS - insanely crippled "M" intended for export to non-WP countries(Arabs,Africa etc..., notice the "S") P - interceptor version ML - massive avionics updates, engine updates, reduced weight and improved airframe MLD - further improved avionics, airframe and engine, a true killer Flogger even wired for R-73 and R-27 I have little to no knowledge of B/BN/BM or MiG-27's
  8. HR 45

    Yeah actually they(Springfield Armory) are only distributors for US market, that pistol is actually called HS2000 here and I believe it was called like that even in US before Springfield Armory bought the distribution license... Either way, the only ones legally using it here are Military and Police forces...
  9. Hey Dave I have a fix for that, most..actually all 3rd party Afterburners are not made for SF2 ofcourse and therefore do not contain new entires for afterburners that are obviously required for new advanced shaders... Here's how I "fixed" MF's MiG-29 afterburner effects: I still have two problems with advanced shader use..one smaller and one huge...first one is the chaff and flares not appearing, flares produce the light but can not be seen. The second super-huge issue is that HUD's are not showing up, all of it seems to be alpha channel related issues, hope I can find a fix for it, if not I'll have to report that to TK as major issue...
  10. Well earlier cockpits of M and export MF are much closer(actually very similar) to what we have for MiG-21MF, later versions had updated avionics and radar projected onto the hud... There was no CCIP on 23's BTW, try later MiG-27 for that ;)
  11. Well aside from me rushing to install it and carelessly flying over the readme - so far no :)
  12. Cool this will be a nice ML/MLD cockpit :)
  13. File Name: DBS Hi res replacement tileset File Submitter: Brain32 File Submitted: 30 December 2008 File Category: Tilesets ****Hi res replacement tiles for DBS terrain v0.99b**** This is a simple repaint of tiles for DBS terrain, the reasons this is not v1.00 are following - I am not happy with the transition from "SeaIce" to "Sea" area and need to make transition tiles to smooth it up, for that I will need original texturelist of the first DBS terrain... - As you will notice theese tiles are done in 1024x1024, I have been making such tiles on all my recent work anyway then downsizing them to 512, after a few days if there will be enough intrest in this I will post a poll on CA to see if anybody actually notices significant enough visual improvement for me to continue with 1024 tiles, yes I need test bunnies lol INSTALLATION: Simply unzip into DBS terrain folder and overwrite when asked, I recommend backing it up in case you want to revert to the old ones. NOTES ON PERFORMANCE: I didn't expirience any performance loss even with higher resolution tiles(2048) however, mission loading times will probably increase! Click here to download this file
  14. Hey that's very cool, yeah it should be called something like that or (DBS_)texturelist.ini anything you have might help me a lot...
  15. HR 45

    Yeah that's why I asked how it used to be...because here I can't legally posess a gun...at all...
  16. OK this is the super-huge FPS tweak: Requirements: 1. DX10 capable card 2. DX10 capable system(Vista,Server2008,Win7) *-tested on Win7 only so far In options.ini set UseAdvanced shaders=1 like this: Ignore other settings as those are my personal and will vary, all of them are set via the in-game graphics options screen anyway.... This little tweak brought my FPS from 23 to 50 on my testing sample and brought overall huge improvement in performance, however as TK noted this is still experimental so some other bugs may emerge. Original thread at TW forum: http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=6293 End of page 2 and page 3 are of intrest for this particular tweak...
  17. HR 45

    I'm sorry but I don't see the point here I don't know how did the previous law look like but this says that you can have a gun IF: 1. It is registered 2. You are fingerprinted 3. You have DriverLicense 4. You supply your Social Security 5. You pass phisical and mental evaluation 6. Change of ownership must be reported Now like I said I don't know what was the law before this one but this is like super-reasonable. I mean what were the requirements before? Did you have to be insane? Who is not fingerprinted BTW? Don't you guys have to fingerprint your trigger finger when getting your ID?
  18. B-25's Over 500

    Heh it would be uber-cool to see a formation of all surviving B-25's like it was relatively recently with Mustang gathering, but this will be quite a sight too :)
  19. Swine Flu

    Well AFAIK Tamiflu goes like mad so as soon as Roche figures they earned enough zilions of euros, the campaign might calm down a bit... However I will keep up with the news about it, no signs of that s**t here yet but I do like precaution we still don't know what might evolve from this and I prefer to be "the one that laughs last" in cases such as this...
  20. Wrench do you have this texturelist? Attach... I have a working eaw terrain, no weird stuff happening :)

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