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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. Well I got stuck with exactly the same map/terrain so I can share some thoughts... Yes the coast of my country is made of 1185 islands and as you describe often very steep elevation transition, my plan was to edit the hfd after tiling... Some say before tiling some after tiling, this feature will cut out the coast and clearly define it. It basically removes "sea mountains"... This is exactly why I prefer to do it after tiling as if you do it that way you preserve the original coast shapes but you still nicely avoid "sea mountains" :) Well if it's really F'ed up then there's no cure but manual :( Anyway man I have loads of materials for that terrain, finished city/airfields list, and a buttload of new custom high res(even 1024 available) photorealistic tiles. The reason I gave up on it was me making it too ambitious, I have separate tiles for mainland, mainland forrest,mountains, another mainland for variety, then greece, greece mountains, Italy, Italy forrest/mountains etc... I realized I can never finish that monster alone even without the targets and trees/objects... All in all, if you need anything or want to use something just say ;-)
  2. Yes they are, WEP editor creates that data.ini by itself You just have to make sure there's a main .ini(LOD+SHADOW only) in each pre-SF2 weapons folder, then delete that old .DAT but leave the weapondata.ini intact and open it with the WEP editor(this is where the WEP editor makes data.inis from) then just save and that's it, each weapon will now have it's own data.ini in it's folder...
  3. If you have one of the newer weapon packs(MirageFactory or the large one) you can actually just run the entire thing through the new wep editor and it will work... BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT (there's always one of those BUT SOB's spoiling the fun is there? lol) You need to have the basic *.ini (the one that describes LOD's and shadows) in each and every one of the folders, now most of the guys didn't make those ini's for previous packs if the weapon in question did not have multiple lod's. However they are obligatory for the new WEP editor to be able to properly read them and make them new series compatible. I think it might be easier to add those simple ini's where they are missing and then run the whole thing through the new WEP editor than to add all of the stuff one by one as required by the new way of installing weapons...
  4. Hmm that would be cool, especially the vapours resulting the braking!!! Oh and IMO, the external/internal thing is not quite valid as pilot can't check out how cool his plane looks like when flying but we do it regulary, 149 pages in screenshot threads pretty much prove that lol
  5. When you get illuminated by them check your RWR to see where is it coming from. When you determine the direction pull down(not too low so they can't lock you up, but low enough you can quickyl get into that zone) move(burners on) in at 90deg angle in relation to the source of illumination. Now just pop up a bit so they launch, then pull down again so they loose the lock, the will spend their Alamos VERY quickly. Using this tehnique in WoI I regulary managed "mission acomplished" against F-15's in a measly MiG-21bis!!!
  6. Well I usually go to the library with the F-15C but they removed my parking privileges so nothing bigger than Fulcrum fits my new parking place :D
  7. Lindr2 would know such things best...haven't seen him in a while though...
  8. IRWR

    Hihihihi that's about all I'll say about that..............................
  9. Don't know how will DCS A-10 be, but LOMAC's A-10 in comparision to TW's A-10 are like Spitfire and FW190 in il2 lol
  10. Thx, however this terrain is not finished yet, too bad as it is in this state for more than a year! Anyway as soon as one of the most valuable terrain modders here get's the will to re-do the work on it(and trust me the part of work on this terrain left to do does require a lot of motivation to say the least) it will be released for all :)
  11. Cool can't wait to try to evade this one :)
  12. It's not by looks EAW terrain was so low res it was really flying over "green goo land" lol The problem is our terrain is technologically still on that level just streched to the max...
  13. Yeah I did make something(not complete test), but I could use another eye for it. The thing is it looks MUCH better than my old work on the same thing..I'm just not sure if that's because of the overall better texture I made it from or does higher resolution play a role there too... Sorry for slight OT everyone...
  14. I haven't posted here in ages so I'll spam you just a bit now :) Thunderjets over Korea Calm afternoon Cannons are never obsolete Victory Returning home Well yeah I like my Korea install :)
  15. img00016.JPG

  16. img00012.JPG

  17. img00007.JPG

  18. img00001.JPG

  19. Yeah that's all OK but one can make just as much as limitations allow him. The current tile system simply does not allow highly detailed terrain, it simply won't let me. I've spent nearly 6 last months trying to figure out how to improve the overall terrain detail - it's simply not possible. The best thing I can do is make nice sharp 1024x1024 textures and even then I don't know how would that effect people that don't have as much memory as I do(4GB system+512MB gfx). And even like that it's not exactly what I had in mind. What I really dream about for SF is IL-2 terrain system, what can be done there and especially how much easier can it be done is going in the science fiction zone comparing to SF series... On a brighter note there might be raining new tiles when I come around finishing all the things I experimented with lol ;)
  20. IRWR

    Hmm that's pretty strange, considering that here even non-military personell like me knows quite accurately what happened, so if this info is protected in USA I can't help not to wonder who is it protected from? Note, not that I'm complaining about it and I find CA policy on this HIGHLY understandable especially considering the employers of many member here! It's just a bit funny, that's all ;-) BTW if you find this post inappropriate(although I checked it 3 times to avoid that) feel free to remove it without explanation, I will understand :) EDIT: 4 times lol
  21. Actually what would be really cool for WoE is inclusion of F-16, the model is already there with a nice cockpit, only some USAF skin(s) would be needed and - viola one very nice extra flyable for re-release. That can't hurt the sales can it ;-)
  22. You play with radar set to easy setting, otherwise you wouldn't be able to lock on F-22 at all ;-)
  23. Don't know what terrain is that but you have some water issues... If you want to fix that put this: in your terrain data.ini :)

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