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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. Hi Erwin, did you see my PM? :)
  2. I had the same message appearing and didnt solve it, but I can open the file with WinRAR and extract without problems :)
  3. Yeah but that's because my CPU is calculating stuff like shadows and reflections while my 1 TeraFLOPS capable gfx card is jacking off lol
  4. AI's missiles do not obey same rules as players, keep that in mind, I experimented A LOT with it. My Russian missiles are not dead weight, vanilla R-27 is about as good as 7F while later versions(mainly 27ER) I've set up on par with 7M as they really were upgraded a lot. Also no Russian Alamo was ever fired in anger IIRC, downgraded export versions were so comments about that are dubious at best same as about the planes as that is the Russian export policy. However all that is futile anyway when AI can fly more or less strait poping decoys I call "Burning B-52's Mk1" and easily fool the same missile I can't avoid doing 12-14G manouver trailing a wall of decoys. All in all Blackbirds advice is the best and in my install valid for all planes, as soon as you get tracking sound from your RWR, dive to the deck wait for it, pop out, fire your stuff and run like there's no tommorow ;)
  5. I voted AI, but actually I think very few if any would be happier with better/more terrain building options... However I don't believe that will happen anytime soon if at all :(
  6. Very interesting, thx for posting this :)
  7. Try this: Dates are reasearched as is everything that's researchable, however do note that this is for Wingwinner's AIM-120C model...change type and model name if you plan to use it on other models...
  8. If you are patched to latest patch old weapons will not work! You have two options: 1.) Download new weapon editor and run all weapons through it. 2.) Find one of the newer packs in the DL section that will work out of the box.
  9. H.A.W.X.

    I tried the demo too... Now, I hope I missed something somewhere but first, there's no cockpit, it switches on when I'm below certain altitude but the creen goes mad and there's nothing too see outside except insanely vibrant RGB colours... Furthermore, with assistance off mode, the camera switches to 3rd person view?!?!?!? I hope that demo release was some kind of mistake because what I saw is not even a good arcade...
  10. Well let's just say I could probably make a WEP pack, and I don't even have SF2 lol
  11. Now I'm not sure how stuff works with prop planes in the game, mainly thrust/HP relation. But anyway SLPower dry is your best bet, currently you have 2700HP for let's say 3000HP you would need to dial in: SLPowerDry=2237099.00 IRL that would be a VERY nice boost but if you really want to go wild on it enter:SLPowerDry=2982800 now that will give you 4000HP, if that does not help then retract the airbrakes lol Anyway, just for the record, default entry is 2700HP and is apsolutley correct...however that does not mean plane performance will be correct either things change with patches so...it's really hard to tell
  12. Your dedication is praise worthy, but I must tell you that I for one don't go over my head accuracy, I place cities and rivers with accuracy ofcourse, but roads and rivers are very few and are mostly about those that are either very typical for the part of Earth I'm doing or have a real and important aerial combat story behind them... IMO the terrain making tools are simply not good enough for accuracy me and obviously you too would like to see in-game...
  13. I forced the ol' F-16C pit into a perfectly functioning avionics70 pit - not that hard people ;-)
  14. Yeah most modern IRM's have that kind of seeker. Interestingly enough in game, it seems my flares look like flares while AI's flares look like huge formations of B52's set on fire lol P.S: I know we can't have IIR seekers for IRM missiles in-game but we solve that with generous CM rejection value, too bad I can't explain that to AI planes lol
  15. Man I don't want to be the bringer of bad news, but this does not look good. I have seen a handfull of graphics glitches related to malfunctioning hardware and theese pretty much look like it. Now since I can't be apsolutely certain make sure to check the drivers, if it does not go away check the cooling of your gfx card... How are other games going?
  16. Sorry I really don't know how that utility works, I always install mods manually. You can find "DetailMeshSize" in "Flightengine.ini" however you may need to extract it first from "Flightdata.cat" which you can find in "Flight" folder "NormalSceneClip" is a function I don't think exists in WoX, however if you actually mean: "NearClipDistance" then you can find that in Flightengine.ini too.
  17. I set my limit at about 10m lower than that and I get a bit too nervous inspite of all this being just a game lol
  18. Yes you still need vietnam_sea repaint but install that first then install GH2 and overwrite when asked, otherwise you will loose the excellent work Stary did on the rice paddies. Also I think GH2 will work on default tiles too as this was my first set and I blindly followed the original tiles when creating it. As for JSGME..well I don't even know what that is lol Some kind of ModManager?
  19. Actually I've read somewhere that on some semi-incident interception pilot saw MiG-29 with bigger spine indicating "C" or maybe even as you say "S" As for F-7, only F-7A is mentioned...
  20. No they are in pretty poor state, actually so poor that their threats to South Korea sound pretty ridiculous. Looking at aircraft power alone I think South Koreans alone could cause a total defeat of NK airforce without much effort. Assuming involvment of USA, the term overkill would be insufficient to describe the situation. They even still have MiG-17/19 in their inventory, also MiG-21PFM, some 21bis, Su-25K,F-7, MiG-23, H-5(il-28), Mi-24Hind's, bunch of logistics planes and most notably MiG-29's allegedly even some "C" models. They do have huge numbers of theese planes but as you can see it's a flying museum, I've heard nothing about condition of those machines, but I don't think one can do wonders with 50-60years old airframes... Nevertheless it could be an interesting scenario and can always be spiced up with some "what if's" :)

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