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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. Fighter Sweep, Intercept, Combat Air Patrol, if those buttons were real they would be completely worn on my main screen lol Favourite moments are when after 18 reloads I survive the missile fight and then close in on the last bastard with the good old Vulcan, nothing says "up yours!" like a nice Vulcan burst lol I do have a weak spot for the good old A-10, the "T-72 decimator". BTW the GAU-8 sound in DS mod is really sweeeeet *thumbs up*
  2. Could today be any more boring?

    Well...not here, good tip for the cieling I was stuck at the wall for far too long...
  3. No not CEP setting, but Fuze distance setting
  4. Female Drivers....

    You would need to see the place I was refering to, to know why nobody sane would do over 60kmh in that part of the city lol BTW It's not like I'm super responsible driver either, though my only fault is complete disregard for the speed limits but even then I do pay attention and choose to pedal the living sh*t out of my engine only on empty roads or those occupied by other nuts like me lol
  5. Female Drivers....

    I would actually say that on average here female drivers I'd rather meet on the street. But overall it's about being an idiot or not. The stuff in traffic I just don't understand: 1. People that can't decide what to do, for example - bad visibility intersection and the driver is reluctant to start, that's OK but then either go or don't f..in go, don't go and then stop right at the middle of the intersection waiting to see what will I do, WTF can one think I will do? So I slow down hoping he will notice that and pass. But nooooooo I have to f..in come to the full stop for him to move his ass 2. Raining - did anybody notice how people slow down dramatically when it's raining, I mean that's OK but I'm talking center of the city where nobody would drive faster than 60kmh anyway, However that does not stop idiots to change lanes cutting in 5 cm in front of your nose mostly without blinker usage!!! But hey they are responsible drivers, they are f'''in doing 30kmh because it's raining. 3. Traffic jams - So the green light turns on, but it's a rush hour and you have no chance to pass in time and are very likely to end up in the middle of the intersection, blocking everybody on that road. Do you just go and do it thinking "I am the one and only in a hurry to get home, I'm the King, may the peasants wait for my royal ass to pass!" - well ofcourse you do ARRRRGHRRGHRGH 4. Highway - I usually drive in a slow lane with other "100MPH or less people" which is pretty funny since limitation is 80MPH, but ofcourse occasinally you have to pass into faster lane to overtake a truck for example. And...don't you f...in hate those daddy's boy a..holes that come behind you in a quite expensive car at like 105MPH(lol) and then blinking lights and pushing the horn for you to move? Where to F am I suppose to move, should I kill myself into a truck I'm overtaking for the royal idiocy to pass? What do you think would 20mm Vulcan fit on Opel Astra?
  6. Hmm it sure is one of the sea-jungle-something tiles, I would say it's most probably sea-jungle-farm, as AFAIK there are no paddies on the shoreline tiles, so this would be something like "VIETNAMJ-GS.bmp" one of the tiles named similary to that is most certainly what you are looking for...
  7. ...and I wonder if anybody else has that problem. I tested it to hell and back, it will joyfully warn about SAHM but does not give a damn for AHM all I get is track warning. I have no idea why is that happening but it's quite irritating and I would like to fix it. Now you guys know I'm not new to this series but still - all ini files are triple checked for correct RWR entries although I did not mess around with them in the first place and left them the way the planes creator made them. Also this is not about specific plane, all of them suffer from that... So basically I have two questions: 1. Did anybody else notice this? 2. Does anybody know what might be causing it? EDIT: Should anybody come up to this and find this topic via search here is the answer: http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.p...;p=37725#p37725
  8. Hmm now I start to wonder how things are about that IRL. Anybody ever got shot at with AHM? lol j/k but some comments from real pilots would be welcome...
  9. Well Fubar already suggested that to me but first I wanted to test everything out, at that time I didn't yet realize it was AHM only issue. Also there are no extra RWR entries in TK's default planes, and on top of that my biggest concern now is that since none of TK's games features AHM's I'm afraid this might be fixable by developer only...
  10. Darn designation mess, yeah SA-8 is "Osa" So adjusting RWR bands is the only way out...think it's time to bring this to TW forum...
  11. SA-8 or as we here call it "Strela" is small IR missile like Stinger so that explains no RWR warning. I get wasted by AIM-120 and R-77 series, and yes I did get warnings for those, could it be in the weapon settings, I did make my own wep pack...hmmm...
  12. Actually yes the were THAT bad, AFAIK the only airforce that used MiG-29's that were as good as Soviet were Germans, I don't know what state were Iraqis Fulcrums in, but Yugoslavian were on top of being dumbed down eksport versions also in downright horrible condition, as bad as for example radar not working at all Anyway about the DS Fulcrum I noticed just one strange thing, they are quite durable, one needed 55x20mm shells to finally go down...
  13. MustangOverKorea

  14. Battle of the Bulge!

    No weight, shape or size problems but I want to finally STOP smoking those goddamn cigarettes!!! ARRGRRGRH!
  15. About films and productions

    Just watching it now, paused to drink something and calm down the tension lol Thx for mentioning it, I watched it on VHS like 15 years ago so I can't remember a thing, like watching a new movie and it's great...
  16. For Cat lovers

    Yeah little kitlers lol I have a LOLcat myself BTW
  17. brits**ts courts rule again..W**kers

    This is really upseting and I see that "trend" going everywhere. When I was their age(not so long ago mind you!) the "rules" were different. It was considered weak and lame, even shamefull to seriously hurt somebody weaker than you not to mention girls. Those guys wouldn't survive a day in the school or neighbourhood after that, I mean maybe they would survive physically, MAYBE! but we would probably have a nice game of kickball with them between clases. The Court's decision is another, even more upseting "trend" with many decisions you hear throughout the world, people might just as well take justice in their hands - this can not be good. As somebody that studies law I can tell you that in this ruling there are no elements of punishment one can found in very theory of law! To punish the offender and show it as an example for what may happen to others if they brake the law, is one of the principle of punishment, ofcourse there is also rehabilitation in attempt the offender can once return to society(community) as a normal citizen. There are nearly no such things in this ruling whatsoever. Somebody said they would come out even worse after prison, well what kind of message will they get with: "Hey you just won this nice GPS device, but on a downside you can't go out for few weeks!" Wow that's some bone chilling punishment that will most certainly convince them not to do it again... Also what kind of message does legal system sends to other potential offenders with this ruling? The side rulling is also insane, all together that judge might as well had said: "Hey you can rape, torture, beat and mollest all you want, but don't you dare raise your voice in the courtroom!" Words can hardly express how frustrated I feel every time I hear something like this...
  18. No, as making underground air base is waaay over my league and it's probably waaaaaaaaaaay over this game's league too. Terrain is progressing though ;-)
  19. How about J-10? Still on I hope :)
  20. CIACHO maybe you are reffering to Streakeagles AIDE? That's sure a very handy tool when it comes to FM's
  21. How did YOU end up here at combatace?

    I was Biohazard central member, one day after awhile I went to Biohazard and I saw it became CombatAce, I guess that's how I got to CA. Anyway I see it as legacy, one great Simulation related site turned into another, lossless transfer :)
  22. Nahh JDAM is too impersonal, we Snakeyed him Oh and DS rocks, I had a few suprizes so far: 1. I totally utterly stink at landing the F-18 on a carrier, I guess I should had practiced carrier landings BEFORE I started NAVY campaign lol 2. Patrol boats are sneaky little bastards, that Jag I used for them is a write off Anyway this MOD got me so much into it that I actually twitched when my A-10 got hit by shilkas in the middle of the night, I'd say this speaks A LOT ;-)
  23. Yup I'm a Snakeye man too, I use to like Rockeyes but when I saw theese opening like flowers....awww too cute LOL

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