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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. Can you tell me what are the diferences between Su27's and Su33's cockpit? Because as far as I know there either is no difference at all, or you have to be one of those guys that notices that the Philips screws were not made in the same factory just by looking at 128x128 cockpit picture in *.jpg lol
  2. Bah if anybody thinks there is a sim based on military planes made after 1980 that does not have an entertaining amount of WAG's, that person is delusional.
  3. Yeah there are some nice people over there but if it was all about one person(hint,hint) he would see what "UBI-Zoo top of the class trolling and internet retardation graduate" title I wear really means LOL
  4. Stiglr I know you very well from IL-2 and some other places you might NOT be aware of, including your "home place" with that in mind and knowing your work better than you think I have to say you are being quite silly here. I also have some opinions about your "pet" sim, but don't want to put other guys down just because of your amazing talent to piss people off for no reason whatsoever so I'll stay out of mud slinging.
  5. We finally made it!

    Well he is 16 so his comments are quite normal :) As for the Challanger2, it's a really nice tank, I just couldn't believe how could they be so sloppy or stubborn not to put a smoothbore cannon on it. Did they think all other designers are stupid? lol Anyway with Lethality Improvement Program they are undergoing with Ch2 now it should be a more rounded up product as they will put Rheinmetal's smoothbore cannon and use excellent German Tungsten rounds...atleast they said so lol
  6. Well I just shot MiG-31BM at 50km for a test(F-15C FTW :))) ) that's 31miles or 26 nautical miles away. And it wasn't even a headon shot so I think that's pretty good :)
  7. This is my entry: Note that I'm using Wingwinner's beautifull AIM120C4 model so change TypeName and ModelName to what you use if you want to try "my" settings
  8. not even a Tu95!?!? :O I have default settings and it sure hits stuff around quite often... What distance are you engaging them at? AIM120 is more medium ranged missile 50km max for something more than launching a prayer, if you want to engage bombers at really long ranges I suggest AIM-54©
  9. I suspect AI is not affected by the same rules weapon wise either, they fly with normal FM, but I suspect they also fly with normal weapons setting, as per manual, missile launch parameters exist but are not strict, thus since Oct08 you will get the feeling like they can kick your @ss while your missiles will not even come to them. Also for some reason they have a much easier job evading missiles, I made an uber AIM-120C it was all 100%(reliability,accuracy,CM/noise rejection, turn rate - EVERYTHING) and booster acceleration was several hundred G's and somehow they still managed to evade atleast 25% of shots, how? - I don't know. Anyway, and strictly in my expirience while Oct08 greatly improved gunfighting/early missile fighting aspect of the game, modern scenarios went out of the window with it. However, before b1chin' keep in mind all TW games are based around earlier ColdWar scenarios and are NOT intended to have other side playable. I'll try a few things but I think that since I have enough HDD space I'll make two installs of the same game: Red WoE and Blue WoE, in each installs other side will be the target. Listen to the wise words of guys that keep saying: "nice new target" - best approach to the game IMO
  10. We finally made it!

    Definitely, I do it on daily basis, 6 Mavs right in the face, few Rockeyes for tighter groups and then: Avenger Time!!! :D
  11. We finally made it!

    Guys the M-95 Degman is 1995 design and what you see in the clips and articles about it is exactly that a 1995 tank design. Just to remind everybody that we were under weapons embargo in those years so with that in mind this tank is a bloddy miracle and I'm not being patriotic here. Ofcourse as such it's not in line with latest of the worlds tanks(wouldn't that be really sad for them? lol), but with the 1995 lineup that statement would not be such a stretch... Anyway I doubt M-95 project will see the light of day anytime soon, even if it does it will first have to pass modernization and satisfy NATO standards, this would require bigger intrests of HV(Croatian Army) and thus a lot of good will(read cash) from the goverment, currently IMO Air Force upgrades should have priority, MiG-21bis is for museums not for active service. As for A-10+AGM65D, that's funny because there's like 1000 way to destroy ANY modern tank on the modern battlefield, the A-10+AGM65D is probably the most expensive one lol
  12. We finally made it!

    ROFL I don't know why they even asked that clown to visit our country, when we searched for gas alternative during the past weeks Russo-Ukranian Gas crisis from Lybians they told us to f*ck off.
  13. We finally made it!

    Can you point me to where is this announced? I can't find anything about it on our sites. Last I've heard is that as it is, this baby is not planned for production at all(which is a shame as it could enhance both our military and industry). As for the "wrong hands" we are like 5mins away from full NATO membership(some formalities left I think, negotiations for acceptance already finished in our favour), now I know some would say that IS "wrong hands" but I disagree lol
  14. Poor FPS

    @Gunrunner actually it was my fault not checking the post you replied to, I am usually too hasty on the keyboard lol I would probably react in a very similar manner you did... Also although my system is very powerfull it's ATI/AMD based and as stated by "Elder Council" WoX always had trouble with that, so one can look at my comments from that corner too and this is probably why I can manage LOMAC and especially IL2 easily while WoX gives me trouble Anyway my system is: AMD X2 @3GHz ATI HD4850 4GB DDR2 Dual boot with clean XP only for games!!! On top of that due to my monitor I play at 1024x768 so I kinda expect smooth performance, I don't think I ask too much considering the hardware and all other games I tried kinda agree lol Side note: Full shadows, volumetric clouds, higher terrain density and variety uncomparable, forrests, trees and numerous completely realistic rivers with moving waves and even water reflections, realistic cities and city/town layouts, every single house and even every field toilet destroyable... all out of the box for IL2 1946!!! I guess the beauty is in the eye of the beholder lol, for me il2 looks better than any flight sim I played and runs smoothest of all...but I always preached about OpenGL lol

    Yeah well SymphonyX is not even similar to Pantera, I mean they are both metal but that's where similarity stops lol Anyway I had DT in my city two years ago and I had to miss it
  16. Poor FPS

    OK here's me always b1chin' about something. However I find the turbo fanboy approach a bit lacking. There are some shortcommings in this game, now they are perfectly justifiable with the fact that TW is like we know pretty much a one man operation, but that does not mean shortcomings dissapear it just means that comparing the resources of TW and larger game studios WoX it's still an amazing job done by TK. Maybe even more than amazing however claiming shortcommings do not exist I do not understand FSX I did not try but il2 1946 patched to v409 at apsolute max settings runs uncomparably better than latest WoX for me, LOMAC (v1.02 though) also runs better. And while indeed it would be sad that one man can do a better or even equal as much larger dedicated game studios this: ...is simply NOT true. Second you talk about AI/physics and stuff being a reason for TW series being CPU bond while recently Fubar 512 explained pretty straitforward which graphics related setting are eating the performance and this is exactly where in my case performance goes out of the window, I toned those down or turned them off and voila I average over 60fps. The only conclusion I can make is that my GFX card is having a vacation while my CPU painfully screams "Kill me pleaseeee!!!" This would make sense for older games as in those times GFX cards were not so powerfull but when my 1Teraflops capable card is on vacation while my poor CPU on top of all has to calculate shadows and reflections... I find comments related to Vista and SF2 users especially encouraging, it seems that TK inspite of lack of resources recognized the issue and worked on it. Also I do not agree less than 24fps is normal for any game that features any kind of motion. Playable? Yes. Enjoyable? No. Or at the very least the issue is subjective...
  17. OK this is my list: Basically done: EquadorPeru terrain but mostly tileset - not in my hands,it's Saguanay82's baby BoB terrain repaint only - sent for testing etc... WiP: Balkans Terrain - WiP - 40% and that's only terrain+tiles, will need to request help when I finish my part Afganistan repaint only - WiP - 80% New Korea terrain - teamwork with CA_Stary & Wrench, my part mostly done, due to major mishap awaiting "new awakening" at some point when time permits and I finish above projects: 1. BlackSea repaint 2. Taiwan straits repaint 3. Germany and Vietnam updates EDIT: added more details as others...
  18. Naaah he just found a spot where I painted it on...
  19. I've been making my own wep pack(MF/krizis/lindr2/bunyap mutant lol) so I'm kinda fooling around with it and I noticed one thing, dumb bombs have C.E.P! I always thought that C.E.P. is related only to weapons guidance system, not the weapon accuracy itself. I mean using dumb bombs you mostly bomb by "feel" anyway... Am I missing something?
  20. OK Don't mind me rambling on my own here lol But here is something interesting about this feature again. I've just read(yeah again lol) that SRAM had 430m C.E.P. right here: http://www.designation-systems.net/dusrm/m-69.html Anyway, this link is super cool with insane amounts of info on US/NATO munitions(all kinds!) Now IRL 430m for a nuclear weapon is really not a problem, but how would that reflect in game? I mean nuc weapons are a bit short on the blast power and radius as it is, with 430m CEP it might be a bit unrealistic or not?
  21. Hmm I've just read that dumb mk82 has 300ft C.E.P What am I missing? lol
  22. You need to place tiles with terrain editor. Toolbar---->TextureList--->Edit Texture Map List------>New Then place it where you want it to be and save Copy TFD, and new DATA.ini(or better yet only the entry of the new tile) saved by editor and the new tile in your terrain folder. Done! ;-)

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