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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. Ummm about my part of this...I'm a bit on hold as I got fired yesterday so I'm kinda into solving some RL stuff now. Maybe I get to upload something for the weekend though ;-)
  2. Well down here "DA" means "YES"... so I can interpret it as AV-8B - da(as will be in there) lol
  3. Sweeet, I just don't know what is megaetendard NVM I've just googled a bit and engaged brain cells lol
  4. That's exactly how I do SEAD lol
  5. OK, I've tried those links, and it gave me 0,077G's for max speed of mach 9 although I entered 4900Km in 3600sec(which should roughly equate to Mach 4). I failed math twice in highschool but this looked simple enough even for me lol I mean shouldn't it be more simple like "(10m/s*12,5)*t" where "t"=time through which object accelerated at 12,5G's? That would give for example 125m/s*8sec=1000m/s which would give about 3,4 Mach Is that how it's done?
  6. Darn that site is down, I'll try again in two weeks LOL BTW Dave is too much to ask if total F-15 nuthead could except a once mentioned new Mudhen cockpit in those 900MB+? :D
  7. I see you've pretty much got the picture on how it's done. I have a small observation if you don't mind. Make the connecting texture thicker so you can blend it in better and avoid obvious patterns on tile connecting areas ;)
  8. No promises but it might be doable from my side, it will also depend on the final terrain. If Gepard includes Kandahar then I might actually do it as Google Earth has great shots of that desert. If not, there's no point for me to do it if there will be no action around it ;)
  9. The Cobra Maneuver

    Why looking at it as a defensive move only?
  10. BTW guys, the tiles are 1024x1024, however, I'm not sure there's real benefit from that there must be some obviously but I'm afraid it's not big. What should I do, size them down to 512x512, or let them out like this so people can size it as they like? @Gepard, I'm glad you like it and I'll need something from you, the min and max altitudes for tile types, currently I've just laid it out randomly, and also the citylist would be nice. Or maybe the best would be if I send you the tileset once it's done sou you can texture the terrain as you see fit :)
  11. OK I can finally show a bit of the stuff I'm doing for Afganistan, it's about half done but showable if I choose the right areas and angles lol
  12. Man this is awsome, and the FM is really detailed, I believe I managed to enter a super stall, barely recovered the thing, superb work.
  13. DBS has it's own airfield.ini's, you can find entries in new germanyCE.ini's for parked planes and simply copy-paste them to DBS_airifled.ini's
  14. Spits? Ugh! Only like to look at them through my Revi
  15. Photos from Afghanistan

    So that's around Kabul, thx. Those pictures were quite informing for me :)
  16. NF3

    As soon as I finish tiles for Gepards Afganistan(shouldn't take long now) I'll go full throtthle on my Balkans terrain. ;)
  17. NF3

    Working on one for a loooooooooong time, however I don't expect to even finish the tiling soon, let alone the targets and other stuff.
  18. Deuces desert tiles are on Checksix site ;-) OH and btw that picture is IMO waaaaaaaaaaaaay too dark for me to comment about the issue...
  19. Photos from Afghanistan

    Well when I wrote I remembered one video I saw of US Convoy stopping by near some kind of field, then you hear: OMG man look at this!!! Camera turns around and WHAM, as long as you can see a field of good ol' weed, about 1-1,5m high LOL EDIT: Thruth be told I'm not sure if that was Afganistan or Iraq...
  20. Photos from Afghanistan

    Hmm, looks like: Rock,Rock,Rock,some Desert,Rock,Rock,Rock,few acres of Marihuana plantations,Rock,Rock,Desert,Rock,Rock,Rock...
  21. I started working on a completely custom tileset, when it starts looking like something, I'll send you a few pics sou you can see if you like it...
  22. What shut me up lol, was the ATI's CAT8.9beta, it brought massive improvement to my system, not only WoI but even other games that did run excellent run even better with it. 8.9beta especially boosted OpenGL games but also D3D enough for me to enjoy the series again, not strange bugs btw ;)
  23. Waiting for first preview then :whistling: :)
  24. It sure exists, but is not available yet. Try here, I did yesterday lol: http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=5662

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