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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. Yeah that's probably it, although with the amount of weapons modding I did after patches arrived, I think something might had went wrong and I didn't notice. Then again maybe you are completely right, things got more realistic actually and it's time for me to mod the distance to objective in singlemission.ini and start to really use BVR capatibilites as they would do IRL. No more VVR dancing with two flights of Archer armed Flankers for my Eagle. I'll always have WoV for some close-in Crusader action
  2. Well my biggest issues is weapon effectiveness, for example my AIM120C AI avoids by a mild jink and some chaff popping, his R-27 hit's me in a high angle 9G manouver with chaffs trail following me through the sky. I even created a separate missile set for my self and separate for AI which was dumbed down to like 60's-70's effectiveness - I still just barely survive :O They can also operate radars better than the player, just today a MiG-23M locked and fired on me from 30Km, and even though I pulled G's that could harm a pilot IRL(~12G's), I didn't manage to avoid a freakin R-40R in my F-18A. All that tried flying Red in-game know that R-40 is usually just a notch more deadly payload than a fuel tank lol Also if my flight is outnumbered, AI nearly exlusively concentrates fire on me,today 23 AIM-7's were fired on me, only 2 on my wingman. All that and my AI is set on normal... I thik a major re-install is in order, something went nuts with this one lol
  3. Anyone having AI pulling some pretty amazing stuff? I'm not talking good things but a bit annoying stuff... I've been playing all modern lately(90's+) and what AI does in modern missile combat is pretty darn ridiculous...
  4. Sounds cool, what do you plan for tiles?
  5. A key to defeat - is to underestimate your enemy.
  6. Not a noob but I still have some wishes :) - better single mission menu a) ability to select opposing aircraft and their loadout b) ability to change skins and loadouts for entire flight at once, not one by one like now which can be quite tedious - in-game features a) as noobish as it may sound but I want icons(or something like that) like in LockOn(I'm quite aware of the red square and use it, but it only marks selected target), isn't this suppose to be a "lite sim"? b) selectable AI FM, via *.ini edits, AI flying at normal can sometimes be a bit...un-immersive - never gonna' happen features a) better terrain building tool and possibilities
  7. Well I'm not sure that's a good idea...the new Korea is not just a re-paint...it's a whole new terrain. Now if I correctly understand how things are done in SF campaign world, you pretty much need to know what is where before oyu start making the campaign right?
  8. Here you go bud all flyable, I especially recommend Mirage Factory MiG-21F and F-13 and Amok's UM: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...amp;showcat=146 You can also use the search if browsing through categories presents a problem(language barrier or something...)
  9. One of the new things in new version is completely renamed tiles , wait just a bit and I'll send you the whole pack again ;-)
  10. Well I flew 2hrs yesterday on hard settings with it, even entered a gunfight(with no gun as I was too impatient to fly the thing so I ditched gun adding lol) against MiG-29S and WON! (manouver kill). Then again I've been flying Oleg's FW190's for years so anything that does not have a natural tendency to violently crash into ground is supermanouverable for me :D The only thing I noticed playing on hard is the plane being somewhat reluctant to go over Mach1 (alt was about 8000ft), but I have no knowledge about projected F-35A performance, so that might be normal?
  11. Where in Moscow? Alone in the hotel? In the street with lot's of Russians around? Or on a Red square in the middle of english speaking ultra nacionalists convention? :D
  12. football field look? LOOL Can you show me a pic?
  13. Ugh, I just realized my post was a proper thread hijack so I edited, srry pfunk Wrench - check PM
  14. That would be tough, if we're talking my tiles, they are ofcourse not all in the same tone(limitation of taking textures from Google Earth). However, even if they were in the same tone one would have to create new transition tiles to blend them in properly, otherwise it would look quite messy. I already made Korea as you can see in Wrench's previews, however again this is way out of tone of my other sets, it's even called Korea Autmn ;) My best advice would be a whole new tileset made from GE, however as I expirienced on my own skin, creating the whole package (terrain and tiles and targets) is simply overwhelming for one person. I started Korea one year ago and it's still not finished, although CA_Stary did the trees, if Wrench didn't came in with the targets I don't know if it would ever be finished lol. This is also why I was thinking about how great would it be to have a dedicated terrain team - you know like "Terrain Factory" LOL. Would simplfy the terrain making a lot and provide more high quality terrains to fly over ;)
  15. Exactly the same over here, I use Cats 8.9beta
  16. Well I don't see much impact except when I fly over populated bases, I landed at 16fps lol
  17. The static planes on airfields are killing me completely will have to remove that somewhow...
  18. Sure go ahead, I already have some ideas how to fix it. Still struggling with water flickering though...
  19. UGH great, that means I have to put those back in as I deleted them all when I was making the terrain *doh*
  20. EDIT: Refering to Wrench's post lol Either way, it's back to Korea with TE for me :D

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