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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. Su-37 Terminator will never be produced, it's a demonstration aircraft only. What will be produced are two "Super Flankers". The starting point is/will be what I know as Su-27SM2 with greatly improved avionics, new cockpit, 3D thrust vectoring, new more powerfull engines L-41F, new monster radar. This version will be for Russian Airforce only. Other derivative will be Su-35BM, pretty much everything the same as Su-27SM2 but with reduced radar capatibilities, probably with lesser avionics package and maybe even a bit less powerful engines(2D thrust vectoring only???). Su-27SM2 has no canards, IRST is moved to the left and there are two ECM bulges on leading edge slats on the wing, there are some more stuff probably but I can't remember it now, Su-35 will look the same but I've read that canards will be available to the buyer as an option. In recent accident I lost over 100 of my aviation bookmarks, I had data, cockpits,drawings pictures, all lost now. However if you give me some time I'll try to find and post some detailed drawings/pictures. Thx for doing this
  2. Hi guys :) I'm planning an upgrade for my aged system and strongly think about ATI4850HD GFX card, it's a great video card especially for it's cost, however I would like to know if you guys that are already ATI users have some issues with this game because of it. Thx in advance.
  3. First thx for the input, I'll go for Radeon 4850HD then, I've read some reviews it seems that thing is sweeping the competition... @viperBAT32 - Radeon9550 is very old card in aGP version only, I doubt you can even install it on your computer. It's super cheap theese days and people usually use it for cheap office computers. I had R9550XT several years ago, it was a pretty good card for it's price back then, but today it's totally obsolete...
  5. Well this is what our main ReadME says :D From WoI manual.pdf
  6. No adding this will create another different problem, this looks to me as if you used sea tiles (vietnams1.bmp and vietnams2.bmp) from somebody else thus the colour mismatch... I would recommend that if you plan to use my tiles to simply delete those two files I mentioned above as since this is my first work it still used default sea textures...
  7. Do you actually watch profiles here?

    Easiest way to send message to someone or find his files or check out his recent pics is to click on the profile...it's as simple as that ;-)
  8. Jaw dropping as always, great job man
  9. Ugh to explain all this to a begginer would take A LOT of time, patience and a clear mind, and I'm really too wasted now :D You could try Gepards Terrain making guide in the knowledge base, it really explains it all very well
  10. That's cool, I've been visiting it for a while now but never posted...
  11. I've told you 100 times not to buy low quality overhauled tyers but noooooooooooooo... :D
  12. It's awsome, I've been enjoying it for a long time now :whistling: (it's really not THAT complicated to make it work ;) )
  13. The release can not be counted in days! I know for certain there's only 1 209 600 seconds left to release!!!
  14. Let's see who's on the ball...

    ..then again, you might have fired a large AGM on a target that was right below the poor low flying mig and it took it out...
  15. Hmm, MF preview on Friday usually means... :D
  16. My biggest killer are those damn Shilkas, I shoot down a flight of Su27's(mind you, my modern Soviet A-A missiles are un-lamed and no joke at all) I evade several SA6's and then the darn Shilka cut's my F-15E in halfwith 0.5 sec burst when I get to bomb their runway....
  17. Weeeeeeel what I noticed is that tracers pass by while other bullets drop to ground, mixed belting perhaps?
  18. Israelis 'rehearse Iran attack'

    Interesting views on the subject...
  19. Go to main *.ini file and change this line: AvionicsDLL=Avionics60.dll to this: AvionicsDLL=Avionics70.dll Everything will work fine. BTW I modded F-16C cockpit to use all that nice stuff, not a big deal either and looks waaay more correct :)
  20. Sun glare reflecting form a Mirage? It's really nice and shiny wouldn't say I've seen that before...but then again...
  21. For multiplayer you need v408 version of the game, v409b as the letter "b" inidcates is only a beta... BTW you did something wrong with HyperLobby, there are always people on, there's no "bad time"
  22. EDIT: Ugh let's avoid politics and stick to topic :)
  23. My cr@py system is: Athlon XP Mobile 2500+ @2,2GHz(220x10) 1GB Corsair GF6800 @385/400 It used to be quite hot but as years go by...

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