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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. Don't worry guys(and girls ) I'm sure the moderators will solve it ASAP
  2. I follow your WOOHOO and raise you a WOOOOOHOOOOHOOOOOOO
  3. Weeee don't know where to start Well... Yes I actually got interested in all that missile thing thx to that thread, I've read tons of pages about nearly all missiles we have in-game, but primarly concentrated on US and Russian missiles. The thing is, since I have WOI, I used it as a baseline and applied all original values from WOI to jul06, so I basically only "played" around with R-60MK(representing upgraded all-aspect M), R-27's,R-73's and R-77, all of my other values are a simple copy-paste from WOI including western weapons. What I based my changes on was reading info and adjusting as needed, for example to make AIM-9M, I copied L's data and read what it said about M, if it said "upgraded CCM" I upped CM rejection values and so on and so on all the way up to AIM-9X. Also don't think I just boosted Russian stuff up high ridiculously, for example R-27R still has worse characteristics than AIM-7M, but not much, it's about as good as AIM-7F, it's a serious threat you atleast have to do something to deal with it, not just flying strait with ECM on However R-73M2 is quite close to AIM-9x/IRIS-T/ASRAAM and are a really scary threat, R-77 too. Also no missile I've adjusted has 100% CM rejection because that seems really too much, when I see official info saying "Our missile can not be fooled by anything" from Rytheon itself then I may believe it lol @Kukulino if you are interested in data I've changed for modern soviet missiles I can post it tommorow Anyway guys this site is a great source for US weapons: http://www.designation-systems.net/dusrm/index.html Now that I've sorted through the game related stuff... And probably good that you did however AA-10 has many variants and subvariants, and from what I've read about Russian export they do not quite send the best stuff up, not so long ago I've read an article about them sending a series of aircraft(can't remember which, mig or su) that had horrible finish and in one case of some African country they sent really old overhauled airplanes instead of the brand new factory fresh ones. Also one good (future)example is Su-35BM, which will be made for export only, however Russian version is called Su-27M2 and the difference is not small, Su-27M2 will have better radar, better engines, smaller RCS, etc,etc... So I wouldn't count on exported Russian stuff being a true measurement for machines VVS operates, a good indication sure but not an apsolute one. Yugoslavians really didn't have much to handle, they had first batch MiG-29A, I don't even know if they had R-73/R-27 missiles, if they did it was in VERY limited quantities and their primary weapons were probably R-60 maybe also R-23/24/40, I'm not sure. Also dues to sanctions they couldn't obtain spare parts so maintnance was pretty poor. Actually I have to admit it took serios balls to take those crates in the air against NATO forces, with faulty radars and RWR's in a plane that is being maintained with Yugo spare parts(ok that was a joke but you get the point). Anyway through my small study of modern stuff both planes and theor payloads, I've encountered a lot of different opinions, there are people that think a flight of F-15's can take out entire Soviet airforce and there are people that think a single Su-37 can shot down all existing F-22's Both are ridiculously extreme I know but that's just an example ofcourse, the thing I've learned looking through eyes of a "small", hopefully objective enough, non-military involved man like me is that yes, we(NATO and it's close allies) do have an edge in the air, but not a big one, far from it. Hopefully, we will never find out how big the edge is...
  4. Which fact? Because I saw none and I did do many reading on the subject... While earlier Russian missiles were behind in technology this started changing in the 80's and today I really, REALLY hope, our(thinking through NATO sunglasses here) AF's do not underestimate moder Russian military technology which is being exported throughout the world. Also Russians have a different doctrine to missile fights and I do not believe this was exploited by foreign nations that used/use their weapons. Instead of concetrating on one missile=good hit probability, they are into salvos. This is why you have "R" versions and "T" versions, take for example R-27 they will fire R-27R(radar guided) and R-27T(heat seaking) simultianiously at the same target giving it one hell of a time trying to evade BOTH of them. Also R-73 and R-77 are kick-ass top notch tecnology missiles make no mistake about that Anyway about in-game, jul06 wep pack seems to be more oriented towards gameplay, the "phisical"(maxG,launchG,seeker FOV, guidance type etc.) values are set dead accurate to what I could find on SOV missiles, but their noise and even more so CM rejections were set extremely low(for example R-73 had worse CM rejecton than RedTopIR or maybe Firestreak I can't remember now), you could practically fly strait, pop a flare and a chaff and take a flight of AI Su27's like clay pigeons since your missiles had almost an impunity even against CM equipped planes. After WOI came out, when I was converting jul06WP to WOI, I adjusted values for modern Russian missiles (R-73/R-27's/R-77) and now the game is much more interesting, I actually have to evade poping decoys like mad to try to evade attack coming from a flight of Su-27's and sometimes...I just don't make it
  5. Hmmm indeed I must admit I have no idea Well I just browsed through main forum page here and I noticed that A-Teams seem to had moved to their own site completely do try here: http://cpengineringlc_bb.cplengineering...Forum/index.php You will have to sign up...
  6. Great work guys Svaka cast, super izgleda
  7. Google theese terms: Term number 1: Indicated Airspeed Term number 2: True Airspeed Then come back
  8. What airplane are you?

    Well I guess I'm F-22 since two separate quizes confirmed it lol
  9. Pit WIP

  10. I really don't get this part. Many mods are even packed in convinient *.exe so you just have to take the time for doubleclick Other are a simple form of "drag and drop" form rar/zip archive to specified folder. It takes me virtually less than 30 sec to install a plane, a bit more for the terrain since they are generally bigger and need even up to terrible 35sec to unrar/zip If you don't have the time to do that....
  11. MiG-21

    Well IMO the best MiG-21 is MiG-21-93 Not in the wildest dreams
  12. MiG-21

    Pa bar mozemo mastat kak sami trosimo svoju lovu
  13. MiG-21

    Ooops wasn't here till now Anyway here is what we sent questions for: Jas39 Gripen F-16(uknown version Block10 was mentioned ) MiG-29M Eurofighter Tanche1 from Germans under reduced price and last the most insane one: Mirage F1(I would like to meet the retard in our AF that recommended that ) Anyway here's my view: Jas39 Gripen - an excellent plane, Swedes are offering it under great terms and price F-16 - as much as I like the ol' Viper, anything under C Block52+ would be a serious waste of money even that is bad solution IMO, however F-16A Blk10 keeps getting mentioned and I really do not understand that, the background story is that we would get F-35's later under great conditions MiG-29M - again a great plane, price is extremely good, no it's ridiculous in comparision to western types, "problem" is we are getting in NATO this or next year, only formalities are left. I would definitely use it to lower the prices with western negotiatiors Eurofighter - this solution came up suddenly, I have no info Mirage F1 - ROFL, would be awsome if this were the 80's
  14. MiG-21

    What CAF did with it's MiG's was barely an upgrade lol, it just got new GPS, communication devices and stuff like that merely to enable them for joint practice with NATO(USAF/USN) forces, other than that is't just plain ol' bis We are picking new plane this year :yes:
  15. MiG-21

    You are getting out turned by MiG-21 in F-16???
  16. MiG-21

    MiG-21 rocks, especially Mirage Factory MIG-21F-13 in early 60's now in WOI where that early crap Sparrow's are not Godlike MiG-21 "likes" tight close-in dogfights, but as soon as you see F-4's going full burner do the same....but in opposite direction Anyway, one can handle anything from the 60's, even early 70's with this baby, but later on the things get much tougher...as they should...
  17. This is quite interesting, I find WOI to finally be more suitable for modern(ish) missile combat as missiles are not ridiculously effective anymore... I think I should test more, I was trapped in my MirageIII for too long it seems
  18. OK here are some links as I promised: Some general and pretty basic modern missile info: http://www.enemyforces.com/missiles.htm Some pretty nice info from Ghostriders's boys, features: R-60/R-27/R-77/R-23 and also French Matra MagicII and 530D: http://www.bharat-rakshak.com/IAF/Images/Weapons/AAMs/ Again some pretty good info with nice details about modern soviet missiles R-27/77/73 + R-60(version not specified): http://warfare.ru/?lang=&catid=262&amp...itle=Air-to-Air Russian AND Chineese weaponry, air to air, air to surface, anti-ship, guided bombs etc. again, modern stuff only: http://www.sinodefence.com/airforce/weapon/default.asp Hope you guys will find this read interesting
  19. Thog, there was some problems with the file as you noticed, I'm sure they guys will solve it when they can... BTW no you are not halucinating, but don't miss the regular gas leakage check
  20. Other terrains, either stock or 3rd party work normally in WOI, if you have same settings as in WOE ofcourse. The Israel terrain is simply more demanding, more objects, new terain effect, it will impact the frame rates on not so stellar machines. As for the brand new super ass kicking machines as FalconCAF's, well there's obviously some kind of problem with shadows. I have AMD AthlonXP Mobile 2500+ OC'ed @2.2GHz, 1GB DDR and GF6800(vanilla but OC'ed) As you can see it's pre-historic, some younger members here probably think Hitler played Quake2 on such system in 1943, however I can run WoI at 1024x768(17" monitor), 4xAA, 2xAF, all options on high except visibility distance, and ofcourse shadows, mirrors and reflections turned off So OK, on some quite rare occasions fps drop to like 17 but they are mostly around 30-35, I'm happy with it, but yes I will upgrade my computer soon

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