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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. The biggest question I have is - how is it done? I would really love to have this work on my tiles... :yes:
  2. Actually it's much less than two weeks, I'm planting trees as we speak, 8 more tiles left for tree/building work, then just some polish on the coast and...done. Hopefully I'll upload this evening, if not then tommorow
  3. Thx guys, I'm glad you like it :yes: I basically just need to plant a few hundred trees, build a hundred buildings, remove some small but irritating seams, and it will be up
  4. 1. F-8 2. F-86 3. F-105 I didn't list F-4 or F-14 because I wonder one thing...is it even possible to accurately represent two seater aircraft with all it's systems? EDIT: I didn't list MiG-21(or MiG-15) because we're talking primary aircraft but it would definitely be in for first adversary ofcourse...
  5. img00022.JPG

    From the album Brain32 Album

  6. To tell you the truth I have no idea lol, I just copy-pasted this from my VietnamSEA repaint. I tend to make changes test them and the when I get what I like I completely forget what I did to make it so...
  7. Try using original xxx_data.ini OR simply copy this into your xxx_DATA.ini [WaterTextureMaterial] UseEffectShader=TRUE EffectShaderName=WaterEffect.fx DepthBufferCheck=TRUE DepthBufferWrite=FALSE RenderedInOrder=TRUE AlphaTestEnabled=TRUE CullMode=CLOCKWISE LightEnabled=TRUE SpecularEnabled=TRUE EmissiveEnabled=FALSE FogEnabled=TRUE AmbientColor=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 DiffuseColor=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 SpecularColor=0.500000,0.500000,0.500000,1.000000 SpecularPower=5.000000 Reflectivity=1.00000 ZBufferOffset=4.000000 BlendOp=BLEND_SRC_ALPHA NumTextureStages=2 TextureStage[01].TextureName= TextureStage[01].MipMap=TRUE TextureStage[01].FilterEnabled=TRUE TextureStage[01].StageColorOp=TEXTURE_MODULATE_DIFFUSE TextureStage[01].StageAlphaOp=TEXTURE TextureStage[02].TextureName= TextureStage[02].MipMap=TRUE TextureStage[02].FilterEnabled=TRUE TextureStage[02].ReflectionMapping=TRUE TextureStage[02].StageColorOp=TEXTURE_BLEND_TEXTURE_ALPHA TextureStage[02].StageAlphaOp=DIFFUSE
  8. Well I always say, first time a computer says "I..." to me, I'm pulling out my shotgun
  9. Looks great Soulfreak Love the colours on the Russian trainer skin, looks VERY accurate :yes: Maverick - strpi se malo bum ja Kockicu sredio
  10. Well you can find a detailed list of everything that is in the pipeline in WIP sticky: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=16806 But to answer shortly I saw one by Foxmonter in a thread on SimHQ I would bet on "2 weeks" as ETA
  11. Yeah I actually don't know what goes into Century series, when I heard 50's design my first thought was Crusader, but since it's not on the list I went with the Thud, huge, robust, fast and ugly in the best possible way
  12. Very nice Florian Any chance one can get his hands on templates? I would like to make a nice Croatian UM skin This one: http://news.webshots.com/album/558162470FwlAnR
  13. Well it had 2000HP(take off rating) engine, was shorter, slightly heavier and with smaller wings, allgedly it had MUCH better handling than il-2's, it's deck speed was 505kmh so not nearly as good as 1945 fighters but still some 100kmh faster than last Type 3M version of il2.
  14. Here's one link: http://mission4today.com/index.php?name=Do...ils&id=1908
  15. This seriously rocks man. Great work
  16. Well you get texture lists with terrain editor for all 3 default terrains/tilesets, however if the creator of the terrain expanded the tileset - then you are in trouble and only cure is his original texturelist he used when tiling the terrain... However I don't see how this could help you flatten the terrain, I never did that but if I was to try I would probably declare the area I want flattened as an airfield and use "Level airfields" command from TE. However, since I never tried it I'm not sure if that would work
  17. ViewFromHighAlt.JPG

    From the album Brain32 Album

  18. General02.jpg

    From the album Brain32 Album

  19. General01.JPG

    From the album Brain32 Album

  20. DownLow02.JPG

    From the album Brain32 Album

  21. DownlLow01.JPG

    From the album Brain32 Album

  22. Coastline02.jpg

    From the album Brain32 Album


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