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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. Coastline01.jpg

    From the album Brain32 Album

  2. Alps02.jpg

    From the album Brain32 Album

  3. Alps01.JPG

    From the album Brain32 Album

  4. Well nope, I was working on earlier one, without the rivers...but I can adjust the TFD accordingly
  5. Thx I think I took it from Pusan but not 100% sure Well if that's korea_1k.hfd this is where I started too Yeah, basically polishing up the terrain and making a campaign and off we go
  6. It's vietnamSEA tileset repainted at 512x512 with help of GoogleEarth Ofcourse it's adjusted for korea and the best thing is.....it's finished :D just need to plant trees and build some buildings, however the HFD needs some work(I made a new one but indentical area as 1st korean terrain for SF) and there's the targets... Like I said I have no time to finish it alone anytime soon, but if you assemble a team for KAW I can offer my tiles and do some work but I can't dedicate to it...
  7. testing particles as way to generate dense foliage...

    Wow is that in SF series? I did some experiments myself but never came anywhere close to that... EDIT: Heh just saw response to other image comment, I had elevation problems too...
  8. img00019.JPG

    From the album Brain32 Album

  9. img00018.JPG

    From the album Brain32 Album

  10. img00017.JPG

    From the album Brain32 Album

  11. img00016.JPG

    From the album Brain32 Album

  12. img00015.JPG

    From the album Brain32 Album

  13. img00014.JPG

    From the album Brain32 Album

  14. img00013.JPG

    From the album Brain32 Album

  15. WOE Tiles WiP.jpg

    Thx, it's very close to complete, more pics very soon
  16. Well few months ago I started making whole new Korean terrain. I made the new tiles based on satelite imagery that would be best described as Korea in Autmn, I originally intended to make it for modern Korea scenarious but... Anyway it's not finished the worst thing is missing - targets. I really don't have the time to finish it anytime soon but if somebody would like to go for it...I'm willing to give it away
  17. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...ode=sst&id=5925 File Name: Mirrors Off Mod For Stock WoV/WoE planesFile Submitter: Brain32 File Submitted: 1 Feb 2008 File Category: Add-On Cockpits ===Mirrors Off mod for stock WOE/WOV flyable planes=== This mod removes mirrors from cockpits of all stock WoE/WoV flyable planes. I made this because my system is not powerfull enough to run mirrors on top of everything else, so I'm stuck with empty, gray mirrors which serve no use except the pits looking more correctly so I decided to try and see how would it look without them so if you want to try...here it is. Click here to download this file
  18. Yeah well, I did say the cockpits look more correctly with mirrors. But blank mirrors are not too correct either lol so this is just a matter of preference. Even I personally didn't yet decide on it
  19. I like Mirage F1 very much too, but...we will have to wait a bit for the cockpit and new model
  20. Version


    ===Mirrors Off mod for stock WOE/WOV flyable planes=== This mod removes mirrors from cockpits of all stock WoE/WoV flyable planes. I made this because my system is not powerfull enough to run mirrors on top of everything else, so I'm stuck with empty, gray mirrors which serve no use except the pits looking more correctly so I decided to try and see how would it look without them so if you want to try...here it is.
  21. The best sim in town...

    I've been playing IL-2 series for almost 5 years now, inspite of all it's shortcomings I still consider it the best WW2 air combat sim ever. Unfortunetly this is a wet dream of utter retards from ubi forum who were completely incompetent in fighting against theese German planes online so they whined and whined until the dev got sick of it, now it is what you see :( As for the jets/modern era, I first tried LockOn I loved except for the one part, it's performance was extremely poor, I really don't know what kind of system one has to have to play it, I never found satisfactory eyecandy/performance ratio with it. Now about Falcon4(AF), I wasn't quite pleased with the graphics(not critical), but what really drove me away was the fact that at the time I tried it I really did not have the time to learn all that stuff, however I hear only good things about it always... And in the end WoV and WoE, first my friends got me WoV but I didn't really commit to it immidiately, however about 8 months ago I found WoE at really affordable price and totally got into it. Now I use SF series for Jets and il2 for WW2 and I don't need anything else until further notice, although that JetThunder really caught my eye, I will sure get it when it comes out
  22. Well guys I found the words of the F-16 pilot who talked about F-15 vs F-14 as he trained against both and the F-18 too. He flew Block30 and his words were VERY interesting to me Here's the quote:
  23. OK you didn't really answer my question but... Anyway, I never tried against human opponent online, but I think anybody would loose an WW1 style turning fight against F-14 since F-14 is a better turner at low speed in game. Actually a real F-16 pilot told me that once he and his C.O. went on a mock up fight with one F-14 and that F-14 always denied them of the angle pulling high AoA. So I guess F-14 was pretty amazing machine at low speed IRL too... As for the in-game F-15C I can tell you that it likes to be manouvered at high speeds, 800kmh seems to be a sweet spot while below 500kmh(all IAS) I didn't like the way thing were going. Also it hates to be pulled above maximum AoA(who would tell huh? ) and will loose speed rapidly. Thus if you try to pull an angle on a manouvering TomCat you will most probably go over max AoA and loose a s**tload of speed, TomCat will circle around and shoot you like a clay pigeon..that's what is happening right? Now like I said I never tried against human, BUT I would try to keep my energy/speed high(personally I would try to keep it at 800kmh IAS+) not to go down in "TomCat territory"(below 500kmh IAS) and use 2vs2 tactics, this should provide far more options. Do not let the fight go into two separate 1vs1's, both of you go for one of them, try to separate them and destroy one by one.

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