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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. Blasto are you familiar with atleast basic ACM, or you simply go in a turning tail chase with the F14?
  2. OK,OK, now that we digested that, does anybody know where were the values for missiles in wep editor explained? We can't search for data if we don't know what those values mean I scanned through Knowledge base, and searched GD and MD subforums...my head hurts...
  3. Sparkomatic you are not over reacting, you are super over reacting. Ok I understand you are an "old timer" here and I'm here for about 8 months, but some things that you speak of as if they are a rule, are now an exception. A couple of us found an oddity and are willing to research it in hope to make it even better for all of us and you mention flame wars, unsupported critics and going mad, WTF???? Do you maybe miss the kind of guys you keep talking about? Nobody to fight?
  4. Well I've set my values according to this thread: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...soviet+missiles As for R-77 I simply used values that are very slightly worse than AIM-120C. Beware one thing though, meeting a flight of Flankers or Fulcrums will not be clay pigeon shooting anymore. Like I already said somewhere I'm seriously worried even in F-15/16C So far I do best in F-18/F-14 against Flankers but it's not easy even with F-23
  5. My R-27, R-77 and especially R-73 kick @ss, I adjusted them also. Simply because...well theese are not Atol's we're talking about and original values were extremely low
  6. Not mine R-77's I adjusted some modern Russian missiles because they were about the same as HVAR's in regards to a-a effectiveness However facing a MiG-29 or Su-27 now is really a new expirience and even in the mighty F-15C I'm really worried when facing a flight of Su-27's...
  7. I get the same error but the files extract normally anyway This is not a fatal error like "Invalid CRC" or "Unexpected end of archive"... So just extract the files, it will be fine...
  8. Yes for playing online you have to be updated to the latest version, patches also bring new planes, maps,objects so you basically always want to update anyway, soon you will need v409 but not yet You need to point HyperLobby to the proper *.exe file and that's ofcourse the one of your il2 1946 installation. Reinstall does not work because the little fecker is trying to be usefull and keeps the path to the game in registry. To open "path to exe" dialog you have to keep SHIFT button pressed while pressing "connect" then just type the path and you are ready to go Well...you can't the game is simply not downward compatible, but I don't really see the need for it... Don't try to connect via UBI.com, the online play there "died" long ago if you can find 5 players there then it's crowded Actually you generally really do not need AEP v2.04... Well yes I did since I play the game since 2003 but I know that things can be confusing and one small mistake can lead to complete confusion lol
  9. A/C CTD

    First this: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=12148 You should generally check the whole Knowledge base first, lot's of fixes and tweaks there But if the above doesen't work or you already did it, here is the solution: In "ftornado_DATA.INI" search for the line - [Rudder] and then change it to this: [Rudder] SystemType=CONTROL_SURFACE InputName=YAW_CONTROL ReverseInput=TRUE MaxDeflection=10.0 MinDeflection=-10.0 CDdc=0.0144 Cydc=0.2777 Cldc=-0.0055 Cndc=-0.1367 CldcAlphaTableNumData=15 CldcAlphaTableDeltaX=4.00 CldcAlphaTableStartX=-28.00 CldcAlphaTableData=-12.433,-10.883,-9.281,-7.632,-5.947,-4.233,-2.498,-0.751,1.000,2.746,4.478,6.189,7.870,9.512,11.108 CndcAlphaTableNumData=15 CndcAlphaTableDeltaX=4.00 CndcAlphaTableStartX=-28.00 CndcAlphaTableData=0.869,0.902,0.930,0.953,0.972,0.986,0.996,1.000,1.000,0.995,0.985,0.970,0.950,0.926,0.897 ControlRate=5.0 MaxControlSpeed=180 RotationAxis=Z-Axis ModelNodeName=rudder ReverseModelOrientation=TRUE It solved problems for me and it also applies to TornadoIDS here on CombatAce Download section
  10. First the Crusaders and now upgraded F-15's this week seriously rocks
  11. Try WarClouds, I can guarantee you quality players this where I fly for past 2 or so years, other than WC there is: UKDedicated2(padlock and externals ON) and especially UKD3 - great maps and scenarious, expirienced players, people here are so friendly you feel sorry when you shoot somebody down Winds Of War - great server, might be a bit empty currently but definitely worth of cheking out Spits vs 109's and Zeke vs Wildcat - sister servers with great maps and a lot of work invested into both of them, it's a bit too demanding for my system so I don't play on them often but nevertheless they are very cool There are others but let's say theese are currently my favourites...
  12. I suspect he means Tornado F.Mk.3 that's "Tornado fighter" @Reddevil, you can find F.Mk.3 at www.awsim.com Well atleast that's where I got it
  13. Try this: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=12148 If that's not it I don't know, as it works excellent for me
  14. Thx guys, Crusader is my favorite of Vietnam era
  15. Hey this is quite a cool idea, I might get a Tu-22 too. BTW I have one question, I saw several Tu-22 variants in the DL section, which one should I pick to use for total, brutal destrucition with preference to guided A/G missiles? Is it Tu-22K?
  16. Or...you can wait and see what happens in the nearby future http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...si&img=4715
  17. You can set the water in "conf.ini" file in your il2 install folder. Scroll to the end of the file until you find this line: Water=1 Settings are 0,1,2,3,4. Note: setting "2" is generally for ATI cards Also have you guys checked out new 409beta patch? It has new graphics DLL's, primarily for GF8800 cards but...you never know...
  18. Not so strange, I still catch myself drawing things manually before it hit's me...hmm use the path tool Great job on the MiG-17/19 templates btw.
  19. Well I'm not perfectly sure what you mean, but MiG-25(just flew it btw ) is Soviet plane, so if you fly something western then it's enemy. There is a way to change this but you shouldn't have probelms with this...
  20. Try theese node names for gunsight: gunsightHUDglass gunsightBox gunsightPanelMount gunsightMount gunsightHUDMount01 gunsightHUDbottom gunsightHUDtopside gunsightAdjustknob gunsightPanel
  21. According to everything I've read this is exactly when they go in that extreme position.
  22. Well this is all I have...but I will loook further "...short-field landing performance is achieved by rotating the canard through almost 90 degrees to aid aerodynamic braking. The triplex digital fly-by-wire (FBW) flight control system controls the aircraft through two canards, the leading edge flaps and four elevon control surfaces. Saab claims the Gripen is the first inherently unstable canard fighter to enter production." And here are some pictures on the ground with control surfaces(rudder,elevon,flaps and canards) brought to max , if nothing else one can judge range of operation by eye: http://ipmsstockholm.org/magazine/2000/04/...l_gripen_07.htm

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