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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. Just a small note for v1.0, MiG-21bisD has nearly completely indentical cockpit to the MF/early bis
  2. This doesen't look like Deuces VietnamSEA mod to me... And the problem seems to be with the Alpha channel here, to fix it you would have to make your own...
  3. Very probably, apply the latest patch and check again. If you mean on those awful seams, well the default terrain has some errors in tile placement, those are not so easily visible with default tilset as the whole terrain stays within one colour tone, I corrected several of those but not all (TE offers quite limited zoom on the terrain). If you can check the coordinates of that city it will be corrected in the upcoming update I prepare for my VietnamSEA tile repaint
  4. I think this should do it... And point to GermanyCE.cat in the map ini You can also look in downloads, I think there's a Polak's sea mod there that will make it even easier and better
  5. IIRC in one of the older versions of the game you couldn't start a Me163 engine on the ground on some airfields/maps, only airstart worked. Which version are you using?
  6. I tried to just move the radar cap/cover/what' it called and that thing right of the gunsight to try to get modern mig-21 cockpit but...I didn't know how
  7. Thx, I'm planning a small update for it very soon
  8. Kukulino I found this Czeh forum but I don't know what they are saying except that it's about MiG-23(and general aviation it seems): http://forum.valka.cz/viewtopic.php/t/22203
  9. Cockpit of that MiG-23 is the same as on the MiG-21MF EDIT: Also something is strange about that, on that page it says MiG-23S Flogger-B MiG-23S acorrding to wikipedia really had same radar and avionics system as MiG-21MF/bis, but MiG23S was "Flogger-A" while "M" and "MF" were Flogger-B MiG-23M which was the first pmass produced version had an updated radar and other avionics, so it must had been different than the "S"
  10. MiG-21BisD will not work at all unless you have "New Nations Pack" which contains(among loads of other contries) Croatia. Here is where you can find nations pack: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=1630 A ak ti kaj nije jasno mozes i mene na PM zacimat
  11. Well I use this: MiG-15 - repainted A4 black cockpit - found here MiG-17 - repainted F-100D green cockpit - found at Marcfighters MiG-19 - I use MiG-21F13 cockpit I whish somebody would made real cockpits for those, they don't look complicated(no radar,fancy HUD and electronics) but I know as much about 3d modelling as I do about Pakistani basketball championship so I guess I don't know what I'm talking about
  12. Doh M.J. obviously stands for Michael Jordan
  13. Actually, maybe if the radar screen and that thing left of the gunsight in the MiG-21MF pit would be moved out of sight I think we would get a proper looking MiG23 cockpit, however then you have a radar problem, in mig23 it was projected onto the hud, I don't know how would that be sloved
  14. You can't once it's in LOD it stays in LOD. Also that line you wrote(you know which one)...pretty lame if you ask me
  15. TE is not hard to use at all, actually when I got it, I was suprised how easy it actually is to create the terrain. HOWEVER the insane part of terrain creation is placing targets, now THAT is pretty comparable to banging your head against the wall until you are unconcious and when you make sure you are unconcious then bang your head against the wall some more. I think Wrench is Shaolin monk, there's no way a "plain mortal" would do all that and stay sane
  16. There already is a "bis" made by *.ini re-work. However it seems bibbolicious is trying to tell us something
  17. Thx guys, I looked for delay in Weapon Editor but it wasn't there, and I did notice "Fuse distance" value in meters, however in most cases the value was 0. However I don't know how to interpret it, does that mean it will explode when at 0m? Then again I probably shoudn't make my release at the moment I see tank commanders eye colour
  18. Since we are talking about bombs, does anybody know where to input bomb delay? Currently they explode instantly as they hit the ground, and I blew myself up a few times now with bigger bombs :black eye:
  19. While I don't mind occasionally supporting TK(it's not like he releases something new THAT often) I have no interest in type of add-on's you can find for Micro$oft Flight $imulator. Sorry but paying for plane after plane or map after map, maybe pay per tile? Especially all this online buying is what is a major PIA for me. If SF series was like that from the begining I doubt I would ever show so much interest. I say long live MirageFactory and other people like them In not so many words, it takes more than one plane type or one map or one cockpit for me to be interested, it's not like that one plane or one map don't deserve it, it's just that I'm used to buying GAMES as a whole, maybe expansions, but buying small pieces of games is simply a line I'm not willing to cross.
  20. That's.....awsome man Do you plan to make a pit for it?
  21. This plane is a LOT of fun, I love it

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