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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. Hmmm are you sure about 4xSC50 on the fuselage? Although I'm very familiar on the FW190F-8 and F-9 and not so much on the earlier (F-3)variant I must admit I never saw that, mostly single SC250 or SC500 with 2xSC50 under each wing. Other than that I must admit I did not know there's such a pretty FW-190 model for the SF series
  2. Well I'm glad you like it guys. As for the GermanCE terrain, I can't give the ETA yet, basic stuff is pretty much done, however I still have no clue what to do with the road tiles as they are major PIA and some other stuff that is just a bit time consuming. When it get's closer to completition I'll post a few shots like with the Vietnam tiles, a dozen of eyes see more things than just two
  3. If you need something specific maybe we can help
  4. Thx guys, aaaaand I'm not done yet so here is a small shot of my next project, early-mid WiP
  5. I have the same problem :( It also happens to me with your old Tornado F3 :( I don't know what is it, I tried everything, HOWEVER I was thinking, WOE demands that directX update and as I dislike messing with various instances of DX I did a *.dll "trick" that is also described in knowledge are on this forum. So I wonder if you guys that have it working ok did a complete DX update instead of just *.dll??
  6. Ofcourse I primarly did this for myself but if you guys like it... I'm still messing around with it, as I have some submerged trees on river tiles Also this is the first time I ever messed around with something like that so don't expect miracles The textures are made of satelite imagery and are all taken around(this means quite a lot around) Ho-Shi-Min city area. I do not know how much and if they at all match the general look of Vietnam during the war, but this is how it looks like some 30-40 years later Ok here are the pics so please tell me what do you think, thx.
  7. Well as far as I know YAP uses VietnamSEA terrain and I even painted over (enlarged)default tiles so I don't think there should be any kind of problems with it
  8. I'm glad you like it guys That's what I was aiming for, good to hear it worked
  9. I don't know what's the procedure, do I need to post in File announcement area first, or do something else??? Or maybe just no mods saw it yet
  10. Uploaded about two hours ago, awaiting approval...
  11. Yes it really sucks, it's utterly slow and I've lost the whole account with a lot of images :threaten: Now I use this: http://photobucket.com/ and so far, I like it
  12. Well I fly at WarCloudsWF, but if you want something with easier settings I can highly recommend UKD1 and UKD2 servers...
  13. Well yeah, it all started pretty smooth, I found some nice textures on GoogleEarth, I saved them, started making layers and stuff, and then...MY worst nightmare was to make "Field"(VietnamGx.bmp) tiles seamless. Now I'm quite handy with Photoshop,GIMP and that stuff, and sure making a seamless texture is easy, but making all 4 sides seamless, AND avoiding creation of some major, un-natural pattern, especially on satelite imagery extracted textures was a freakin' nightmare, and then there's the transition texture, the "field" texure appears on like half of the total tiles, so if you mess it up and correct it, you need to apply it over and over and over again... Anyway I atleast learned a lot, and made some tehniques in the process, if I was to go again at Vietnam, I'm sure it would go faster and end up better, but I had enough of VietnamSEA, maybe I'll go for something else In this terrain there's still one of my earliest tehniques, there are patterns, but they are blended in good enough that one who plays the game and is not into finiding a pattern in the terrain will not notice. Then again maybe I see it because I made it Anyways, I finished the basic painting 30mins ago, now the horrors of planting trees AGAIN Carpal tunnel syndrome avoidance: ON
  14. Well I just had a test ride with new changes, this is generally it, some cosmetic changes and messing with trees and it will be done Thud posing over smaller city. Quick glance from the cockpit does no reveal that there's like 10 SAM launch warnings issued per second :black eye: Two shots showing things don't look bad even down low(20-30m) Again our top model, the F-105 posing over new forrest And in the end, a quick look down from MiG-21MF checking how all this looks like form 5000-6000m Some of it is lost due to *.jpg conversion, but the general feel is still present EDIT: OK the damn *.jpg ate half of it lol, but...you can still see I hope
  15. Yes it has some missing textures, I might try to fool around with it and see if I can do anything, it seems to be using StrikeFighters desert terrain textures so that texturelist may fit.
  16. Guys sorry to barge in asking not exactly related questions, but I have a problem with trees on river tiles, they are "submerged" under ground and I don't know why Is that somehow related to "Detail" option, where one has: "Fractal", "Height Map", and "No Detail" options to choose for a certain tile?
  17. What I would really like is a "texturelist.txt" for Kosovo terrain @Wolf65 Nije samo Srbija neg' skoro cijela bivsa Juga a proteze se na sjever skroz do Njemacke i na zapadu imas dio Italije For all others: I found Kosovo terrain on Checksix site
  18. Thx for the kind words guys So I guess I have a go with the new more saturated textures? I mean you like them better right? I need to know before I continue
  19. Ok before I go any further, I want opinion on the change, this image shows what the change is all about nicely I think.
  20. Was a bit busy with RL, but I'm generally free after tommorow morning so it will go faster soon. I saturated the textures a bit, made some nice transitions(forrest-field-grass-etc.), fixed some seams, etc. I also plan to make a whole new forrest tile, found some textures that look better... I'll probably have some new screenies tomorrow or the day after so you guys can tell me if it's better
  21. Yup, even at home in a comfy chair it can get scary...RL I must admit I think I would sh1t my pants before every mission...

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