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Everything posted by Sakai

  1. Now, my problem is missing weapons, but it's not the ususal suspects. I know to delete the existing weapondata.dat file, run the wep editior, and viola. BUT, my puter automatically turns .dat files into nero media player files. When I save, it doesn't read the .dat file and I have no weps. Any suggestions?? b.t.w. i've already tried asking a higher power, and my calls haven't been returned, lol! EDIT: Nevermind the man behind the curtain...................a quick d/l of TK's newest weps editor and the resulting save fixed my issue, turns out how windows saves the file has nothing to do with it, sorry for the waste of bandwidth.
  2. Hello all, I just recently got my old desktop back and found my copy of WOV in the disk drive. Since I bought WOE cause I needed my TK fix, i'm doing a merged install as I speak. What I would like to know is if I use the WOE or WOV oct2008 patch? Or is there a special patch for the merged version? Could use any help ASAP, thx folks!
  3. awesome, thank you very much WDH, am installing now!!!
  4. 10 Silver Stars

    Wow, thats amazing. To fold your foot up into your crotch, tie it off, and "scoot" down a mountain, wow! I remember first aid training at basic at Benning, never quite covered that contingency. Makes me sleep a little easier knowing there are men that like that on our side! <S>
  5. I have noticed that my KAB series russian LGB's don't show up on the racks, any ideas???
  6. Hey ya'll, in response to an earlier post about old british fighters, for those who have registered at the a-team skunkworks, they have released a Supermarine Swift. Just lettin ya know, i remember Srinx saying something about it.
  7. Break up of United States?

    I am watching a certain CNN "opinion" show and learned that a russian economist is saying that the U.S. is going to splinter into six different factions in the near future. This is due to a collapse of the dollar and unrest that is readily visible in the US. I hope this is not the case, but since this group is very worldly, i figured i'd ask the opinion of it. So what do you think???
  8. It's pretty easy to get access tho, i just sent an e-mail, agreed to the usage statement, and poof, flying the tweet!
  9. Break up of United States?

    <br /><br /><br /> LOL, I own this game and that is why I found the number of entities and their locations so familiar. It's like he pulled it from the game manual.
  10. Break up of United States?

    <br /><br /><br /> I got my AK, i'm down with ya. And a multitude of hunting rifles and shot guns. And i've been shooting stuff with them since the age of 7. Mix in some army time, i'm ready to rock..........if need be. :)
  11. Break up of United States?

    <br /><br /><br /> Wow, thanks for the link, I had hear about it but didn't really know the details. Thanks for the education. I lived in Houston for a while (mom lives there), and I was SHOCKED! I am a natural born american citizen and I couldn't find employment because I didn't speak spanish. With the exception of some day-labor type stuff, not speaking spanish killed me. I might be a little backward being from the islands in Maine, but it seems crazy to me that an American citizen can't get a job because he can't speak a language that is NOT the standard language in his country. Maybe i'm crazy, but I don't think so.
  12. <br /><br /><br /> I know there may be a KB post about it but.....how do I post screenies??? got some good ones
  13. Break up of United States?

    <br /><br /><br /> lol, as much as I dont think I want to ask................."Amero conspiracy"?
  14. Break up of United States?

    right, that is an awesome quote. I may have voted for McCain, but Obama is going to be the new pres. I'm going to support him like I would have McCain, not because of a change in my opinion, but because I am an American, and he is my president. I may have served in the Army under the bush administration, but I will fight for my country reguardless of who is at the helm. I really love that quote, thank you for eduacating me :)
  15. Break up of United States?

    doubtful, since this recent economic crisis has leveled the playing field for the most part. Can u belive they put this on CNN???

  17. I think this is a great idea, I will be happy to beta test any product of this group. Im not much of a modder. but the up side to that is I play ALOT! lol
  18. Awesome, great addition! Many thanks!
  19. [quote name='Syrinx' date='Nov 23 2008, 04:10 PM' post='216603' Oh. Never visited that site or attempted to join. My bad, as stated before, its not the swift, but the Scimitar. Great site, lots of different A/C to choose from.
  20. The swift has been done, A-team got 'er done.
  21. Strange clouds yesterday,help me!

    Have to say, strange coincidence (spelling?), who knows?
  22. New joystick

    I have the 3D pro as well, and I love it!
  23. It took me a while (6 months or so) to learn the controls. Fly the included training missions and print out the relevant pages from the manual. It will tell you step by step how to employ weapons, navigate, land, etc. Hope this helps!
  24. Strange clouds yesterday,help me!

    Have to agree with Roopod, looks like low pressure to high pressure. Whenever you see the line with triangles or half circles on your weather report, it is generally going to look like that. I see them all the time here in the great state of Maine, the saying goes, if you dont like the weather, wait ten minutes.

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