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Everything posted by WhiteBoySamurai

  1. Samurai's Shipyard

    Minor texture update for Takanami is up. Overhaul of the Kongo is also up. Just in case you don't feel like bothering to re-download and update: This is not only one of my best-looking models so far (in my humble opinion) but probably the best 3D model of the Kongo available on the internet. It would cost you a few hundred dollars for something like this or this, with 5-6 times the poly count, flat grey featureless textures, guns and other major components that are just entirely incorrect, etc. I'm still not nearly a pro at this, but I think I'm getting pretty good at my modelling niche, especially when it comes to my favorite ships. Along with the model itself, the Kongo's data has also been updated so that it can lead an escort flotilla. Task groups in the JMSDF are centered around either a DDH (coming to SF2 eventually), or a DDG like the Kongo or Atago. I've been spending so much time on super-high-detail ships that I'm thinking of doing another low-poly vehicle pack before I finish anything else. You guys need more targets, right?
  2. The rebuilt Kongo is now up. To quote Hattori Hanzo from Kill Bill, "I can tell you with no ego, this is my finest sword ship." As this is a complete overhaul, I recommend deleting the DDG-173 folder from your ground objects before installing the new versions.
  3. Takanami class destroyer

    This model has been updated with a minor adjustment to gun and weapon textures. An update to the Kongo is also pending.
  4. Samurai's Shipyard

    I'm not sure if the game engine can support more than one flight deck, but it's worth a shot. Kongo is close to being finished. I think it looks much better than my old model, but judge for yourself. You can also notice the ambient occlusion I was talking about when comparing these shots to my previous post. At 44000 polygons on the close-in lod, this is my third most complex model (so far) after the Tico and Sovremenny. The VLS hatches are the same as before, just re-textured individually and much prettier. Too bad you can't hop out of a helicopter and walk around the deck.
  5. Samurai's Shipyard

    So there's no z-axis for parking spots? Hmm... I guess when I release the Essex, I'll just supply the coordinates in case someone wants to do the "this plane is actually a missile that never shoots" method of putting stuff in the hangar. Testing out the Kongo in game while I work on textures:
  6. Samurai's Shipyard

    Thanks for the materials, Eole2. It's a big help. I really wish I had a partner who could help build the European ships and other vessels I'm less familiar with. It's hard running a one-man shipyard... The new Kongo model is done, and I've started re-texturing. Even the parts of the ship that I didn't completely rebuild have been remapped for more detail and less memory usage. I'm pretty sure this will be my best-looking ship yet. So you're probably wondering, "what's taking so long with the Essex?" It's the mapping. Well, the thing is, I started this model before I had a complete grasp of ambient occlusion. That's the thing I do to add natural shadows to the model's texture and make it look more real. The uvw mapping needs to be done in a specific way (i.e. no overlapping areas) in order for the ambient occlusion to come out correctly, and it's taking foreeeeever on this model because of the complexity and my own lack of foresight. I also outsourced on many components (some CA members donated parts from abandoned models, etc), and those parts aren't optimized for it either. For example, the ship has an open hangar. I'm hoping aircraft parking can be added down there, but at very least I can put some lights on the ceiling or whatever. Here's the view from the main elevator: So I have the details on the outside of the hull, the insides and outsides of the hull itself, the insides and outsides of the walkway around the edge of the deck. And they all overlap when unwrapping and I've had to separate them out by hand. I really painted myself into a corner (no pun intended). Were it not for this, I could just box map, slap a basic paintjob on the boat, and call it a day. But I know you guys expect better from me, so I'm not cutting any corners.
  7. Those are quite nice. Does that mean you guys won't need my WIP long-hull Essex? Obligatory screenshot: ^ On the wrong end of a territorial dispute.
  8. Samurai's Shipyard

    I'll consider the Suffren class. But I'll need 3-view diagrams and photos. Working on the Kongo right now. I've completely rebuilt the bridge and most of the superstructure.
  9. File Name: Murasame class destroyer File Submitter: WhiteBoySamurai File Submitted: 21 October 2013 File Category: Destroyers This model represents the Murasame class destroyers (DD-101~DD-109), in service with the JMSDF from 1994 to present. These modern warships are Japan's workhorse, capable of anti-air, anti-surface, and anti-sub combat. Two variants are included, the original as-built vessel, and a recent refit with ESSM replacing Sea Sparrows. The Murasame class features well-rounded armament including a 76mm gun, two Phalanx CIWS, two 4-canister SSM launchers, ASW torpedoes, and two vertical launch systems: a 16-cell Mk41 for VL-ASROC missiles, and a 16-cell Mk48 for Sea Sparrow missiles. The Mk48 is a low-cost light-weight vertical launch system equipped on many NATO and allied ships. A full names list and authentic decals are included. The model features a helicopter deck and a few other surprises. This ship is best used in conjunction with my Kongo class, Asagiri class, and upcoming JMSDF capital ships. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or constructive criticisms regarding this model, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you! Click here to download this file
  10. Murasame class destroyer

    I've updated this ship with some small tweaks to the data file. The Murasame's successor Takanami class is being uploaded tonight. Please enjoy!
  11. Takanami class destroyer

    Version 1.1


    This model represents the Takanami class destroyers (DD-110~DD-114), in service with the JMSDF from 2003 to present. The Takanami is an improved version of Japan's modern workhorse, the Murasame class, with a larger main gun and more flexible vertical launch system. Two variants are included, the original as-built vessel, and a recent refit with ESSM replacing Sea Sparrows. The Takanami class features well-rounded armament including a 127mm gun, two Phalanx CIWS, two 4-canister SSM launchers, ASW torpedoes, and a 32-cell Mk41 for VL-ASROC missiles and SAMs. A full names list and authentic decals are included. The model features a helicopter deck and a few other surprises. This ship is best used in conjunction with my Kongo class, Murasame class, Asagiri class, Hatsuyuki class, and other upcoming JMSDF capital ships.
  12. File Name: Asagiri class destroyer File Submitter: WhiteBoySamurai File Submitted: 21 May 2013 File Category: Destroyers This model represents the Asagiri class destroyers (DD-151~DD-158), in service with the JMSDF from 1989 to present. An enlarged and upgraded version of the earlier Hatsuyuki class, they are among Japan's most numerous and modern general-purpose escorts. The Asagiri class features well-rounded armament including a 76mm gun, two Phalanx CIWS, an 8-cell Sea Sparrow launcher, two 4-canister SSM launchers, ASROC launcher, and ASW torpedoes. Sensor systems include the world's first naval AESA radar, OPS-24, designed and built in Japan. A full names list and authentic decals are included. The model features a helicopter deck and a few other surprises. This ship is best used in conjunction with my Kongo class, Murasame class, and other upcoming JMSDF capital ships. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or constructive criticisms regarding this model, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you! Click here to download this file
  13. File Name: Hatsuyuki class destroyer File Submitter: WhiteBoySamurai File Submitted: 07 May 2014 File Category: Destroyers This model represents the Hatsuyuki class destroyers (DD-122~DD-133), in service with the JMSDF from 1982 to present. They are among Japan's most numerous and modern general-purpose escorts, and the first to use Combined gas or gas (COGOG) propulsion. The Hatsuyuki class features well-rounded armament including a 76mm gun, two Phalanx CIWS, an 8-cell Sea Sparrow launcher, two 4-canister SSM launchers, ASROC launcher, and ASW torpedoes. A full names list and authentic decals are included. The model features a helicopter deck and a few other surprises. This ship is best used in conjunction with my Kongo class, Murasame class, Asagiri class, and other upcoming JMSDF capital ships. Click here to download this file
  14. Samurai's Shipyard

    So far I've done the Yukan and Yuting LSTs, Luda destroyers, Jiangwei destroyers, and Jianghu destroyers. Just for fun, I'm going to throw together the Jianghu-III, the "missing link" between Jianghu and Jiangwei classes: Then I'll move on to making more modern and dangerous ships. As for French escorts, I would like to do my own versions of the La Fayette and FREMM someday, and also a Horizon. The Takanami is nearly finished. Hatsuyuki class and update to Asagiri class are being uploaded tonight.
  15. ohmygodohmygodohmygod As far as a pit goes, the B-1 would make a decent stand-in until the real thing becomes available.
  16. Asagiri class destroyer

    I've updated this ship one last time. The helo deck is rebuilt and I fixed the parts of the texture that I forgot last time. This ship's predecessor class Hatsuyuki is being uploaded tonight as well, so please enjoy.
  17. Hatsuyuki class destroyer

    Version 1.0


    This model represents the Hatsuyuki class destroyers (DD-122~DD-133), in service with the JMSDF from 1982 to present. They are among Japan's most numerous and modern general-purpose escorts, and the first to use Combined gas or gas (COGOG) propulsion. The Hatsuyuki class features well-rounded armament including a 76mm gun, two Phalanx CIWS, an 8-cell Sea Sparrow launcher, two 4-canister SSM launchers, ASROC launcher, and ASW torpedoes. A full names list and authentic decals are included. The model features a helicopter deck and a few other surprises. This ship is best used in conjunction with my Kongo class, Murasame class, Asagiri class, and other upcoming JMSDF capital ships.
  18. Samurai's Shipyard

    Just finished the Hatsuyuki class. I know there's not a lot of demand for Japanese ships (or anything other than aircraft carriers...), but I just want to have a good amount of ships for Pacific scenarios. The Hatsuyuki is the direct predecessor of the Asagiri and shares much of the same design, though is shorter and lighter. All I have left to do is the decals. I'll be uploading an update to the Asagiri along with this ship some time next week. I'll probably be able to finish the Takanami class around the same time, since it's so similar to the Murasame. I'm glad I've been making my recent models so modular. All these escorts are necessary because of another major project I've been working on:
  19. Samurai's Shipyard

    I've started working on the textures for the Essex's main guns. Each is only 256x256 for performance considerations. I have yet to finish the 20mm mounts; will probably leave those for last. I also took some time to rebuild the 127mm Oto Melara gun. It's a really difficult shape to make, and I was never really satisfied with the old one (pictured in back of new one for comparison). This weapon is part of one last overhaul for the Kongo to keep the ship looking as authentic as my newer models as my skills improve. It's also going on the Takanami (work-in-progress). This gun will also come in handy if I do Korea's KDX-1 or any major Italian ships.
  20. Good find. One would think that an important detail about a ship such as missile capacity would be less obscure. I'll upload the adjusted data files. Anyone who wants to make the adjustments themselves, just open the DDG-993_DATA.ini and DDG-1801_DATA.ini, Ctrl+F to get to the "//Standard launchers" section. For Missile01 and 02: ReloadCount=11 For Missile03 and 04: ReloadCount=21 With four missiles on the rails, that brings the total to 68. There's no reason to account for ASROC, since Strike Fighters takes place in an alternate universe with no functional submarines or need for ASW, but feel free to take another 8x2 rounds off the aft magazine if you feel the need.
  21. Most of the sites I've seen list the Kidd class as carrying 80 missiles in the magazines (when they list any number at all), so I would like to see some sort of official citation. The only place I could find that refers to a 24-missile forward mag was from an un-sourced anonymous post on a web forum. I have seen some figures of the ROCN ships only carrying 60-something SM-2. However, when the ships were sold to Taiwan, they did not receive the full load of Standard missiles and had to purchase more later. I assumed this accounted for the discrepancy in published figures.
  22. Kidd class and Kee Lung class destroyers

    Version 1.1


    This model represents the Kidd class destroyers, multi-role warships based on the Spruance class. Originally built for the Imperial Iranian Navy, they were cancelled after the 1979 revolution and completed for the US Navy instead, serving from 1981 until 1999. After decommissioning, all four ships were sold to Taiwan. They were recommissioned for the Republic of China Navy as the Kee Lung class starting in 2005. These ships are included in the package as a separate variant with updated weapons and custom decals, and are capable of leading ROCN task groups in missions. The Kidd class will join existing USN task groups once installed, but for ROCN task groups, you will need an additional ship pack. See the readme for full details. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or constructive criticisms regarding this model, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you!
  23. File Name: Taiwan Navy ship pack File Submitter: WhiteBoySamurai File Submitted: 04 June 2012 File Category: Other This package includes the Cheng Kung class frigate, Chi Yang class frigate, and Chien Yang class destroyer of the Republic of China Navy. I extracted and converted the stock USN versions of the O.H. Perry, Knox, and Gearing to create these Taiwanese variants. They are by no means perfect representations of the actual thing, since many of the ships were refitted with additional and/or indigenous weapons after being acquired by the ROCN. However, these should be "close enough" to facilitate some naval battles over the Taiwan strait. Note: You will require a capital ship to create a proper task group in game, such as the Kee Lung class (Taiwan's most powerful warship), available here. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or constructive criticisms regarding this model, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you! Click here to download this file
  24. Taiwan Navy ship pack

    I have updated this package with some important changes in preparation for my upcoming Kee Lung class: All vessels now all use a common "ROCN_SHIP" network type. Ship speed has been increased slightly so the game will properly assign them to task groups with the faster Kee Lung. Retouched textures to remove USN-specific markings. Created new hull numbers for the Cheng Kung (since the stock ones only go up to 1000 or so) Enjoy!

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