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Everything posted by WhiteBoySamurai

  1. Type053H1 01

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Type 052H1 Jianghu-II frigates launching SY-2 missiles
  2. Samurai's Shipyard

    Ah, that's where I got it! I partially updated mine, but don't have aircraft parking spots, so I'd also like to see macelena's edit for it. Sorry I'm behind schedule, but I've been rebuilding the Ticonderoga's superstructure from the inside out. I originally made it using tons of intersecting boxes and such, and thought I was being clever and saving space by overlapping the uvws everywhere, but I couldn't bake the textures like that. I promise the ship will look better than ever, and include a few new surprises too. I took a short break from working on that to put together a couple of PLAN Riga variants that I had on the back burner. First, Type 053K Jiangdong class frigates. These were China's first dedicated air defense ships, but their missile system sucked so they only built two. They can put a hell of a lot of flak in the air, though. Next, Type 053H Jianghu class frigates. Quite a lot of these were built. They have slightly stretched hulls, different gun arrangement, and two rotating 3-canister Silkworm launchers. And, I've got them working as separate gunners. (Thanks to KJakker for the testing that led to this.) I still need to bake and touch up the skin, but the ship is otherwise finished.
  3. Type053K 01

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Type 053K Jiangdong class, early air defense frigate of the PLAN
  4. Type053H WIP01

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Type 053H Jianghu class launching Silkworm missiles
  5. If/when you get it working, would you mind uploading the modified .ini files and holes textures? I think a lot of people would like to have damage textures for these birds.
  6. Jiangwei class frigates

    I've given these ships a small visual makeover and updated the weapon systems to more accurately reflect the real thing. They're slightly more challenging targets now, but still not much of a match for contemporary Western frigates. Many more Chinese ships will be forthcoming, so get ready for some huge naval battles in the Pacific.
  7. Freddie Wong's Skyrim parody

    Freddie Wong is awesome. But, I'd say this is closer to how I play Skyrim:
  8. Do you have access to the original model? In order to make a see-through fence, when you create the model in Max you need to put the tga as a texture into the transparency slot of the material editor. In other words, I don't think it's something you can alter through .ini editing alone. One possible option is to find a fence object close to the same size that already has working transparency, copying it, and then editing the .tga texture to what you need while keeping its file name the same.
  9. The stores management screen is awesome! I fly your Super Hornet all the time, so I'm really looking forward to getting into that new pit.
  10. File Name: Riga class frigate File Submitter: WhiteBoySamurai File Submitted: 14 November 2011 File Category: Frigates This model represents the Riga class frigate, in service with the Soviet Union from 1951 to 1991 They were exported to China and several other countries. At least 68 of this class were built, plus at least 14 more license-built copies (the Jinan class or Chengdu class) in China. All necessary sounds, guns, and weapons are included in this package. Hull number decals are not featured, as these ships are meant to be used as OPFOR units. This is my first ship to feature a destroyed model. I hope you will thoroughly enjoy blowing up this vessel. :3 Note: This model has been updated for full compatibility with SF2:NA. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or constructive criticisms regarding this model, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you! Click here to download this file
  11. Riga class frigate

    I've given the Riga a minor visual update. Enjoy!
  12. File Name: Iowa class battleship update File Submitter: WhiteBoySamurai File Submitted: 20 April 2012 File Category: Battleships This is a full conversion of the ID(io)T Team's Iowa class battleship for SF2:NA/April 2012. Along with the expected effects, weapons, ship names, and collisions modifications, I rearranged the entire system hierarchy which fixed a critical issue causing the ship to sink after only a single missile strike. (It's now almost as tough as the real thing.) Tomahawk launchers are also fully functional and deadlier than ever. In addition, the aft deck now supports up to two helicopters. Keep in mind that there are no catapults or arresting wires, so fly with care. This is a complete package with all the guns, sounds, and effects. Even if you have the model already or are using the version included in DS, I humbly recommend that you try out this fully updated version. All credit for this model goes to the ID(io)T Team. Thanks for giving us such a magnificent battleship. Click here to download this file
  13. I've just updated this ship with more effective Phalanx (thanks to KJakker's testing work on other ships) and Harpoon missiles. Enjoy.
  14. Re-uploaded the same file. Hopefully there will be no issues with it.
  15. PT BOATS: Knights of the sea

    Yeah, that does look closer to what I'm looking for. I'll definitely check it out, thanks!
  16. Samurai's Shipyard

    That's strange, I have a Clemenceau in my folder, but for the life of me I can't find it again in the download section. It's all updated for NA and everything. I ran into two small problems while updating my models. First, there's a strange issue showing up when I render for the ambient occlusion bake. Some parts of the model, typically where two meshes join, have this strange thing going on like someone dumped a bucket of paint in the corners: So basically it doesn't precisely match where the shadows should be. Any idea what's causing it? Fixing it by hand would be a pain on more complex models. Are there some settings in Render setup I can adjust for this? Also, I recently updated my Nvidia driver from 296.10, which was giving me extremely frequent purple-screen-of-death, to 301.24. No more crashes, everything looks even better-- but now I'm seeing a strange graphical glitch in game on some of my models and some other third party ones. It looks like this: See how there's a flickering mess at the ends? The objects marked in the screenshot are ones I had cylinder wrapped, and didn't bother to flatten the uv's for each end. This is only in-game and doesn't show up in max viewports or renders for me. This is what I get for literally "cutting corners" I guess. :P Anyway, it's easy to fix, and I've already done so for some of my models. But I just wanted to find out if anyone else was seeing this graphical glitch, and give other modders a heads up about it.
  17. Model has been updated. Still no mission modules, but the ship is more survivable against cruise missiles and can finally pull its own weight in task forces.
  18. That was interesting.

    Hey, don't knock the Corsair! Call me crazy, but I'd much rather take on MiGs in a SLUF than a gun-less, slat-less Navy Phantom. Nut yeah, the Ai for strike flights is so much better now. I still remember when they'd dump all their ordnance at the slightest threat. Now they'll not only stick to their mission as long as possible, but fight back too. No more feeling like I have to do everything myself during campaigns.
  19. Naval War: Arctic Circle

    I wish I had noticed this thread earlier; the game looks very promising! Would love to give it a try, but I'll need to look through the store options and find one that takes Japanese credit cards.
  20. PT BOATS: Knights of the sea

    Sounds interesting so far. Can the game be modded easily? I can't get Fleet Command to run on my new computer, so I'm looking for a fun naval sim, especially one that has any positive traits in common with Strike Fighters.
  21. Samurai's Shipyard

    Thanks a lot, Julheml! The tutorials I had read never mentioned about attaching objects or how to best arrange the uvws, so it was a real sticking point for me. I tried it out on the LCS-1 first since it has fewer parts and simpler geometry, after adding a few more features: @PureBlue-- I'm using the LCS as a testbed for SRBOC now, and it will probably be ready for release before I finish the Ticonderoga variants. Basically, the system launches a bunch of "chaff and flares" which are actually just slow, short-range missiles. The minimum altitude is set very low, and they're useless against aircraft, so they just try to get in the way of anti-ship missiles. I've been experimenting with the values a lot to balance their performance. Just like real countermeasures, they won't be a "silver bullet," but they do help. I brought the SRBOC-equipped USS Freedom into the "CIWS test" mission (courtesy of KJakker in a different thread), and while the original ship got slaughtered quickly, the new version can reliably live through several salvos of Harpoons. Not bad for a corvette.
  22. LCS 1spec04

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Testing ambient occlusion bake on LCS-1
  23. LCS 1spec03

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Testing ambient occlusion bake on LCS-1
  24. LCS 1spec02

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Testing ambient occlusion bake on LCS-1

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