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Everything posted by WhiteBoySamurai

  1. I've just uploaded a SF2:NA update for this vessel. In addition to some visual enhancements, there's an optional version of the ship data with true Aegis-like multi-target capability, though it's not a "true" vertical launch system. Thanks to colmack for making the discovery. All my other Aegis ships (and probably the Kirov too) will receive similar alternate data.ini for those who wish to use them.
  2. I can confirm that the SH-3D is now showing up parked with both rotor and tail folded. Thanks for the update, Florian!
  3. Thanks, I'll fix that in the next update. I think part of the issue is the Kashtans being set up as both guns and missile launchers like the real thing. The missiles will fly out and usually kill incoming ASMs, but the guns won't fire while the missile is tracking or reloading, leaving a few seconds of vulnerability for saturation attacks to get through. I'll tinker with the gunner settings more and see if I can get better performance. In hindsight, I probably should have done the Kirov and Frunze first since they have simpler weapons, but these two ships of the class happen to be my favorites. I think for the Kirov herself, I'll just include two different data files for anti-air and anti-ship like I did with the Slava and Udaloy updates, and let the end user decide which to use. Sound good?
  4. I've been using the Iowa as a test bed for other surface-to-surface missiles, and as a side effect I've gotten her to launch Harpoons once she's out of Tomahawks. I'll post an update later after more testing.
  5. I got burnt out after releasing so many models in a short period of time, but now after a long hiatus, I'm getting to work in the virtual drydocks again. So, here's an early work-in-progress shot of Russia's Kirov class battlecruiser. Each of the four ships in the class is a bit different, so I'm going to model each one separately. I've started with the third vessel, Admiral Nakhimov (formerly Kalinin). It will feature a fully layered air defense of SA-N-6 and SA-N-9 (which I can do since they're all vertical launch), the twin 130mm main gun, and of course six Kashtan CIWS each with twin 30mm gatlings. I've already gotten all the radars working, plus the main gun, but entering in all the other weapon systems will take approximately forever. The radar mesh tga is just a placeholder, as I've yet to start skinning the ship. It'll be a couple of weeks (hopefully not "two weeks") before it's finished, so please stay tuned until then. I haven't gotten SF2:NA yet as my system probably can't run it, so if anyone can provide any code for new features from that game's data.ini files, I'd really appreciate it.
  6. Brute Force: If it doesn't work, you're just not using enough.
  7. Tu 22M3armada

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Backfires fire back
  8. You must've gotten a lucky shot and hit the engine. In my testing, it took between 10 to 14 AGM-78Ds to sink, in some cases surviving 16 direct hits and not going down. The 78D has a 100kg+ warhead, almost as heavy as some anti-ship missiles, so it's not too surprising. But I'll gladly make the Kirovs even tougher if you prefer.
  9. Do you have SF2: NA? If so, the Iceland terrain is already set up to handle naval units. Hop in a USN aircraft and take off from a carrier there between 1982 and 1992 and you'll have a good chance of seeing an Iowa as part of a carrier battle group, or leading its own battleship battle group ahead of the carrier, or sometimes even both! For other terrains, including stock ones, make sure your game is fully patched to April 2012, and install Kodiak's water maps. Then you'll have to open the terrain's .ini file and add in "NavalMap=TRUE". For example, in the stock Desert.ini, it would look like this: [Terrain] TerrainFullName=Desert DataFile=desert_data.ini TargetFile=desert_targets.ini TargetTypeFile=desert_types.ini MovementFile=desert_movement.ini NationsFile=desert_nations.ini LocationMap=desert_Location.bmp WaterMap=desert_Water.bmp BriefingText=desert_briefing.ini DogfightFile=desert_dogfight.ini DogfightOnly=FALSE GroundObjectTexture=tan NavalMap=TRUE You should be good to go after that.
  10. The Kirov and Frunze are coming, but they were launched in 1977 and 1981, respectively, and commissioned in 1980/1984. Whatever armament they had back then is what I'll give them. However, I'm thinking of making the Kirov/Ushakov a dedicated anti-surface unit, sacrificing SA-N-6 VLS for SS-N-19 Shipwreck and SS-N-14 Silex missiles. CIWS and Geckos should still work even in that case.
  11. The first of two Kirov class packages is uploaded. The next one, containing the Kirov/Ushakov and Frunze/Lazarev, will be done some time later. The Kirov Challenge ™: I'm offering a no-prize to anyone who can sink one of these ships, using a carrier-based aircraft and conventional unguided munitions. (That means no nukes, Dave! ) Bonus no-prize if it's actually in a battlegroup. Please post pics here as proof. (Pot pics of your hilariously dismal failures, too! :3)
  12. Shouldn't be difficult to set up a ballistic missile as an ASM. Just give it a very high loft and a steep dive. I'll put together a proof of concept unit if anyone is interested. I get a smattering of HAWKS here on various maps, and Patriots and their radars are showing up on Taiwan for me as they should, even though I made it a naval map. Which terrains on your end?
  13. Kirov10

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Kirov class battlecruiser Pyotr Veliky
  14. Kirov09

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Kirov class battlecruiser Pyotr Veliky
  15. Kirov08

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Kirov class battlecruiser Admiral Nakhimov
  16. Kirov07

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Kirov class battlecruiser Kalinin
  17. Kirov06

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Kirov class battlecruiser Admiral Nakhimov
  18. Kirov04

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Kirov class battlecruiser Yury Andropov
  19. Kirov03

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Kirov class battlecruiser Yury Andropov
  20. Kirov02

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Kirov class battlecruiser Kalinin
  21. Kirov01

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Kirov class battlecruiser Kalinin
  22. Last I heard, the ID(io)T Team (who made this model) were planning on doing so, but they've been MIA for a while due to real life stuff. Keep your fingers crossed.
  23. Oops! Thanks, Gatling20. Uploading a quick fix now.
  24. Sounds very cool; I was thinking of doing the very same thing. Would you mind sharing the modified campaign ini files when you have things tweaked to satisfaction?
  25. "Fly me to the moon, and let me play among the stars..."

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